Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday Fill-In #43

1. The last good thing that came in the mail was _______ .

2. This week I'm grateful for _______.

3. _____ is the most delicious thing ever.

4. _____ inspires me.

5. I'm most happy when I _____ .

6. And all the roads we have to walk along are _____ .

7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____ , tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____ !


Julie said...

Done and dusted.

mks said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up & Janet- you're going to love the picture I have this week from my co-worker!

MaR said...

Playing :)

MaR said...
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Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm on time this week.

Libby said...

First time player here, mine answers are posted at

Have a great weekend!

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. The last good thing that came in the mail was a sweet card from Jenn.

2. This week I'm grateful for James getting back from his week long trip to Seattle.

3. Pumpkin apple pie is the most delicious thing ever.

4. Seeing people caring about other people inspires me.

5. I'm most happy when I have gotten enough sleep and enough kisses from my sweetheart.

6. And all the roads we have to walk along are filled with many decisions.

7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to knowing that James is back in town (I won't see him until Sunday), tomorrow my plans include finishing my Movable Type upgrade and Sunday, I want to curl up with my boy and hold him close!

Some day I should post these to my own blog, except today my blog is still broken. ;)

Happy weekend, woman!

Faith said...

Happy Friday!

sister AE said...

I'm in this week:

Anonymous said...

I have filled in! Thanks!

Maribeth said...

1. The last good thing that came in the mail was ___a book I ordered.____ .

2. This week I'm grateful for _several good meals I managed to cook salt free______.

3. __Dark Chocolate___ is the most delicious thing ever.

4. _My dogs____ inspires me.

5. I'm most happy when I __can kick back and relax___ .

6. And all the roads we have to walk along are __part of what makes us who we are___ .

7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __nothing much___ , tomorrow my plans include _watching the GAME____ and Sunday, I want to ___watch the other GAME!!!__ !

Anonymous said...

I love these fill-ins. Then I don't have to think overly hard about what to post on Friday. Who needs to fry their brain before a weekend? lol

Have a good one, everyone!

Cat. said...

I'm up here. I love the question about what inspires me. Thanks for the perk-up!

Anonymous said...

I love these fill ins. Mine is up.

Jane said...

Mine is up! Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Janet said...

Eppy: I had to blingo Döner Kebap ... yummy!!! I had the best gyro once in good :-)

Thanks for playing!

MaR said...
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Unknown said...

I'm on west-coast time this week so I'm a bit behind but my answers are up now.

a. said...

i played!!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Have a great weekend!

cmw said...

I'm in.

Janet said...

Jenn...your profile doesn't allow me to see your entry! Anyone know Jenn's blog URL?

OldLady Of The Hills said...

This looks like fun---!
I may try this one Friday...

Thanks so much for your visit and your comment.

Renee said...

Hi everyone. My answers are up up up!

Anonymous said...

Filled mine :) Have a great weekend!!

Irishcoda said...

Mine are up, have a great weekend!

Lendal said...

Friday Fill-In #43

1. The last good thing that came in the mail was our new door bell - saves people scaring the shit out of me by tapping on the window!
2. This week I'm grateful for school vacations.
3. New Zealand pinot noir is the most delicious thing ever.
4.Art inspires me.
5. I'm most happy when I am still enough to listen to Grieg.
6. And all the roads we have to walk along are leading to our eventual destiny - it's up to us how fast/slow we take it.
7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a feast, tomorrow my plans include bet you can't! (At Hertford Town this week) and a lovely fish n chip supper dance at Enfield and Sunday, I want to enjoy the last day of our fall holiday !

Sara said...

Hi Janet, My answers are up!!!!

Anonymous said...

mine's up. :-)

Literary Feline said...

Mine is up! This was a great one for this week, Janet.

Kwizgiver said...

Better late than never, eh?


alisonwonderland said...

i've got mine posted!

happy friday!

Amy said...

This is my first time playing. My answers are here.

Anonymous said...

It's a little late but I played along this time!!

Annie said...

I played along this week!

Zenmomma said...

I did my first Friday Fill-In this week!

Wil said...

Mine's up. Late. But up.

Kim said...

Just saw this today and played along even though I am late!

CJ said...

Mine's up a day late, but I made it.

And btw, I think this is a great idea and a lot of fun!


tommie said...

Mine is up....late but still up!