Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Fill-In #42

My friend Megan originally came up with the Friday Fill-Ins; her life has gotten too hectic for her to continue, so I agreed to take over. Now the Friday Fill-Ins has a home of its own, designed by the spectacularly talented Heather over at Goofy Girl Designs. She nicely incorporated one of my photos into the header and even included a button for you to grab and use on your blog...see it? Do you like?

Here we go!

1. October ______________.
2. _________ doesn't/don't scare me!
3. Haunted houses __________.
4. My favorite scary movie is _____________ because _____________.
5. _____________ me.
6. It was a dark and stormy night ________.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

If you play, please link back to me and leave me a comment letting me know you played, so I can come visit!


Julie said...

I played. I'm first. Yay me.

Kandy said...

I played, Love the the blog site.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up- great ones this week!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! Have a great weekend!

Krista said...

1. October is more than half way over, I can't believe how fast life flies by, the older you get.

2. Heights doesn't/don't scare me!

3. Haunted houses scare the bejesus out of me. I lived in one, I used to get so scared I'd pass out!

4. My favorite scary movie is The Ring because its scary as hell and no gore!.

5. If it is wicked scary hold me.

6. It was a dark and stormy night and my dog came out of the closet ripping up her Polo polo!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing Gone Baby Gone and eating shepherds pie! tomorrow my plans include meeting Matts Mum and Step Dad for Linner (late lunch early dinner) and watching the sox and Sunday, I want to finish the spare room

mks said...

Mine are up come on over. Happy Friday.

Unknown said...

Happy Friday! I'm filled in now. :)

tanabata said...

Mine's up. Love the new site! :)

Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

Janet... forgive this question inside your otherwise terrific meme... have you heard any news from Gina? I am curious.

If nothing else, and you have heard from her, may I ask you to drop her a line and tell her I said 'hi'.

Thanks, and please excuse this post; I couldn't find your e-mail addy.

Renee said...

Mine are up. Love the new site.

Renee said...

Hi Janet. It's my fault that you missed my answers last week. I put them up and didn't tell you. I won't do that again! Little Corn Island is in Nicaragua. We stayed at Casa Iguana ( and it's the most beautiful place I've ever been. It's tropical, but not commercial at all. We got a great deal from the owners (they're not the owners anymore) and stayed almost 2 weeks. If you want to go somewhere warm & beautiful & not bustling with tourists I highly recommend it.

a. said...


Literary Feline said...

Mine's up!

I love the new site, Janet!

Sword Mama said...

The hub looks great! I love your design!

Mine is up. :-)

Sword Girl with my blogger account Summer Triangle :-)

Anonymous said...

Cute new site!

My answers are up!

soleil said...
great site!

Lynda said...

mines up ...

Kwizgiver said...

Great new site!! I updated my links. Thank you for the button!

And thank you for fantastic fill-ins!



Anonymous said...

I'm in too, Snapestress!

Anonymous said...

Did mine :) The new site looks great!

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. October is the time for changing leaves, hot apple cider and crisp mornings.
2. Janet doesn't/don't scare me!
3. Haunted houses are a lot of fun.
4. My favorite scary movie is _____________ because _____________. [I don't like scary movies - I like suspenseful, so any Alfred Hitchcock will do!)
5. No nookie for me (until a week from Sunday).
6. It was a dark and stormy night when I curled up on the couch with a good book and a purring kitty.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to not much of anything!, tomorrow my plans include helping Mary rearrange her room and getting my side mirror replaced and Sunday, I want to sleep late but I have an Arisia meeting!

Happy weekend and love the new design!

Irishcoda said...

Love the new site...and I won the book your friend Sue was raffling! :D

Although I still miss the Snape picture I like the new button and grabbed it

Wil said...

Mine's up at The Daily Snooze.

tommie said...

finally got mine up.....Love the new site.

alisonwonderland said...

i finally got mine posted. (i started it eight hours ago!)

Janet said...

Jenn, I can't follow your link...what's your blog URL?

Lendal said...

a day late but....

Anonymous said...

A day late, but still UP :)

CJ said...

I'm in for the first time this week.


Janet said...

Epic Honor (Anonymous): Sorry, I couldn't comment on your blog! Studying can be fun...I guess it depends on what it is you're studying :-) Thanks for playing and have a great weekend!

Cat. said...

My answers are up in my usual place. I'm going for the "last posted" award here! :-)