Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday Fill-In #48

1. When my blog is broken, _____.
2. I saw the most amazing _____ this morning!
3. _____ is the new movie I'm most looking forward to seeing.
4. Work: Necessary and _____.
5. Of all the new tv shows, I enjoy _____ the most.
6. If only _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


tanabata said...

OK, mine's up. Have a good weekend!

Unknown said...

Yay, happy Friday! Mine is up now.

Renee said...

My answers are up too!

Becky68 said...

Mine are up now -slept too late this morning!

Becky68 said...

This is the link to my Friday Fill in since Blogger has changed their options & only blogger accounts can have a direct link:
I have a blogger account for commenting but it only links to my page & because my blog is not a blogger blog I can't put it's link on the blogger page. (whew- that's a lot of blog related words)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

Have a great weekend!

Desert Diva said...

I played for the very first time!

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday! Here's mine. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm up! :)

sister AE said...

I played this week - here's mine:

Friday Fill-In

Kwizgiver said...

I'm up! And I missed last week's so I'll post that in a bit.

Julie said...

Done :)

Cat. said...

I'm up here. Have a great weekend!!!

Amy said...

Mine's Up!

Sword Mama said...

I did it!

tommie said...

Just got this done....happy weekend!

Jen @ JenuineJen said...

Mine is up! Have a great weekend!

Elisabeth said...

My first Friday Fill-In is up!

Literary Feline said...

Mine is up! Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.


Lynda said...

Mine is up too. I love these Friday Fill-ins. Thanks so much. Have a good weekend :o)

Serena said...

Sorry late for this week. But I did it. :D


Jasra/Lisa said...

Mine are up... I watched Constantine last night and totally spaced that I should read this before bed. ;)

eMJay said...

Mine are up, a little late, but up.


Unknown said...

First time for me. I backdated it, so you have to go back in my blog to see it. I think I'm addicted already... lol!