Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday Fill-in #47

1. I enjoy _____ more than anything else.
2. Blogging satisfies my need for _____
3. When I look at a full moon, I feel _____
4. If I want a snack, I usually reach for a _____
5. The most recent movie I saw, _____ made me _____.
6. If only _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

Sorry they're late, I was out all day!


Serena said...

I was waiting for my Fill-Ins. :D
Finally done then even though it is Saturday here in Malaysia already. :)


Literary Feline said...

Mine's up!

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Lynda said...

Hiya - mine is up... ;0)

eMJay said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Mines up!

tanabata said...

Mine's up even though it's technically already Sunday here (just past midnight on Sat). ;)

Libby said...

I don't know how I would make it through NaBloPoMo without these Friday Fill-Ins, thank you!

My answers are posted here.

Have a happy holiday weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

mks said...

Better late than never....mine are up!

I don't know how to make that an active link sorry!

Anonymous said...

No prob on the late post - totally understandable after all it was a holiday! Hope you had a good one! :) My post is up too.

tommie said...

a day late and a dollar short...but I it's done. Happy weekend.

Kandy said...

Sorry all i am a day late too. I have been really busy.

Anonymous said...

Hope I do this right -- I'm late again but at least I'm consistent!!

Anonymous said...

I did this yesterday but couldn't get my comment up. :P But it's there :)