Thursday, May 15, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #72

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT!

Questions courtesy of Jennifer this week, thanks!!! I'd love to feature your questions, if you'd like to leave some for future use!

1. There is absolutely NO way you can get me to _____!
2. _____ reminds me that summer is almost here!
3. I cannot live without my _____.
4. _____ and _____ are two things I'd like to try.
5. When life hands you lemons _____.
6. _____ is my favorite childhood memory.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Butchay said...

Yay!!! I'm first~! mine is already up here Happy Friday!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Fill-innie! :-s

ShannonW said...

My responses are posted!


Anonymous said...

Mine is up already! Happy Friday!

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. There is absolutely NO way you can get me to _bungee jump_!
2. _Seeing the ice cream truck_ reminds me that summer is almost here!
3. I cannot live without my _sweeties, music, Internets_.
4. _Learning massage_ and _swing dancing_ are two things I'd like to try.
5. When life hands you lemons _stick a straw in one and a drink_.
6. _Walking on the frozen sand in the winter_ is my favorite childhood memory.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _dinner with Dad and Cathy_, tomorrow my plans include _my niece's 5th birthday party_ and Sunday, I want to _have a fun brunch with everyone_!

Happy weekend, woman!

Anonymous said...

Mine is on autopost and will be up at midnight.

Hope you can stop by.
Have a great weekend!

Julia said...

They're up. Thanks Janet!

1stopmom said...

Mine is up too, have a Happy Friday everyone!!

Anna M said...

Hi Janet!

Here are mine:

WARNING: Strong adult language is used frequently in my blog.

YellowRose said...

I'm filled in!! Have a great Friday!

YellowRose's Garden Friday Fill-In

Julie said...

I played. Late.

Anonymous said...

I'm up early because I won't be around much tomorrow. My answers tell the tale.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.
nothing too exciting...

Shadow said...


Anonymous said...

First time here but I really like these little games :) My answers are here (but in French !) :

Lynda said...

Mine are up :0)

Deb R said...

Mine is here.

Christine Duff said...

Happy Friday!

CJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CJ said...

Happy Friday all!

Mine's up at:

Friday Fill In

Sally Swappa said...


Happy Friday everyone!

Renee said...

Mine are up.
Thanks Janet.

Shez said...

What fun, post is over at Homeschooled Twins

Jodi said...

I'm up:

Have a great Friday!


sally906 said...

Mine are up here:

Thanks for the fun Janet :)

Melli said...

WOW! 28 folks this morning! I kept trying to comment last night - but Blogger was NOT playing well with others... Mine are UP though!!! :) I'm comin' around!

ami said...

All done :)

Billy Rhythm said...


Stylish Stitches said...

all filled in - hope you can stop by my blog

Anonymous said...

That wasn't easy but they are finally done!

Heather said...

1. There is absolutely NO way you can get me to __like pickles___!
2. __Light at 7p___ reminds me that summer is almost here!
3. I cannot live without my __sense of humor___.
4. __Eating more tofu___ and __being a better leader___ are two things I'd like to try.
5. When life hands you lemons __don't eat them___.
6. __Getting into a gifted program___ is my favorite childhood memory.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __a bbq with old friends___, tomorrow my plans include __clinic time___ and Sunday, I want to __perhaps do a shift in labor and delivery if the resident is a good one___!

Rachael said...

let me try that again, the previous one doesn't seem to want to link to my blog...

April said...

Mine are up! I missed last week's but am thrilled to have gotten in on this week's! Great questions!! Hope everyone has a great weekend :)

~Swankymama said...

Mine's goin up!

Happy Friday!

michelle said...

Happy Friday! Mine are up - come on by... I need your advice on what I could learn next!

Trisha said...

Mine is up :)

Jason Marz said...

I'm in and have a great weekend.

cre8tivkj said...

My anwswers are posted! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

cre8tivkj said...

I'll try again, my link didn't work. Here are my answers:

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Kelly Keating-Caraway said...

Great questions Jennifer, as always had a great time answering these questions!!!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! Thanks for using my suggestion this week :)

Pooch said...

Have a great weekend!

cmw said...

I'm up here

Tasha said...

I'm up!

OMH said...


OMH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miz K said...

Mine are here!

Thanks again!

(Wow I hope I did that correctly...)

Joe said...

This Friday is filled-in. :)

tanabata said...

I'm filled in.

Anonymous said...

I'm up! Thanks Janet! Have a great weekend!

Florinda said...

Here's mine. Have agreat weekend, y'all!

stephanie said...

I don't know why I keep forgetting to say I've done it. Because it's Friday? And I am giddy beyond words?



JCB said...

i'm posted :)

BooksPlease said...

This is my first Friday Fill-In. I've been reading them for a while now and thought I'd join in!

My post is here

Anonymous said...

Answers are finally up. Just need to click on the link next to the blogger icon or copy and paste the code below.

Have a great weekend, everyone! I'm off to read your responses now.


Unknown said...

Filled in!

Deanne said...

Mine is up here:

TopHat said...


non compos mentis said...


chikku :)

Anonymous said...

I'm done :)

Anonymous said...

I'm up! Whee!!!!

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

I'm up come check it out!!!

Mary said...

Here it is (I'm having trouble posting this)

Nyssaneala said...

MIne's up!

Juli said...

Happy Friday. Here is my list.

Barb said...

ok I have mine up for this week.... hope everyone has a great long weekend...if you are in Canada...

Kathy N said...

Mine is posted. Have a terrific weekend!

Sara said...

mine are up...

Pam said...

First time trying the Friday Fill-Ins:


Sandy M said...

Mine are up. Finally!

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Finally got mine up!

mandaroo63 said...

Wow! 75 links! I'll try to get through some of them!!! Here's mine:
friday fill-in

Heather said...

Mine is up as well...

Amarie said...

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Anonymous said...

better late than never! :)

Anonymous said...

It's been a while but I'm up! :)

TaraTot said...

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

I am new and I posted on my reading blog today...

Hope to get some visitors!

caednkat said...

My first Friday being involved in this!

Mine are up on

Anonymous said...

I'm ready too.....


Jack said...

Yikes! I'm so behind today.

here is me.

Life Scraps and Patches said...

I'm there. Connie

Anonymous said...

Cat. said...

I'm up here.

The captcha is "szlut"--a little too close to a commentary for comfort. ;-)

Have a great weekend.

Tiffany Aller said...

I'm up!

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine are finally up!!! Have a great weekend everyone.

Kwizgiver said...

Great questions, Jennifer!

nap girl said...

mine are up ~ happy weekend everyone :) kelley

tommie said...

finally up......Long day here!

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

got mine posted along with a few new pen & ink birds!


Anonymous said...

These were fun! Mine are up.

Strlady said...

Got mine done in the nick of time!!!
Here it is:
Friday Fun Take 3

Jennifer said...

Mine have been up . . . I just failed to comment here earlier.

Happy Weekend everyone!

Jennifer :-)

Anonymous said...

Number 100??? Coooool

Here is mine

Literary Feline said...

Mine is up!

Andi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andi said...

Mine is up. This was fun. :-)

beastmomma said...

Mine are up:

Anonymous said...

This is my first time!
My responses are here

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I haven't been around here for quite a while, sorry I've been quite busy recently. Well I'm back and my answer is here
Have all a nice week end;o)

Ananya said...

Actually filled it in yesterday but forgot to publish it! Silly me...
Whoa 108 comments excluding mine! guess u made up for missing 100 last week!Great work!:)

Medbie said...

I'm a day late!

Renee said...

Friday Fill-Ins

Here's my first contribution!

Ronnie said...

Belated but fun! Thanks, Janet and Jennifer!

ratmammy said...

very late, but i'm up!

LarryG said...

mine went up today (Thursday May 22)

LA Nickers said...

Here's mine . . . the 115th response . . . and it's still Thursday! Wow.


Blessings all,
Practically at Home