Thursday, May 22, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #73

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT!

Questions courtesy of Michelle this week, thanks! I'd love to feature your questions, if you'd like to leave some for future use please feel free!

1. On my laziest day I like to _____!
2. _____ makes me feel like I'm being productive.
3. I love little _____ and big _____.
4. This summer I want to _____.
5. _____ made me start my blog.
6. Red _____ and orange _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Anonymous said...

Hi :) Here's my fill-ins:

ShannonW said...

My responses are posted :)

michelle said...

Thanks Janet! It was fun coming up with the questions. My answers are posted here

Shez said...

My responses are posted at Homeschooled Twins
Looking forward to a lazy, lazy long weekend.

Nyssaneala said...

Here's mine:

LA Nickers said...

Whew! Just caught up!

Here's the new one:


Blessings and Happy Friday!


Kristle said...

Mine are up. :)

Melli said...

I LIIIIIKED these questions this week! Mine are scheduled - they'll be up when it's Friday! :)

Have a great weekend all!

YellowRose said...

I'm filled in!!! Have a great Friday!

My Fill-In

Melli said...

Never mind! Mine's UP NOW!!! Sheeeeeesh!

Jack said...

Love the Friday Fill-Ins!
Here is me
Happy weekend :)

Diana_CT said...

My answers are

Since it is a three day weekend, I added: Memorial Day I want to _____.

Anonymous said...

Mine are on autopost also and will be up at midnight.

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend if you are in the USA.

Jodi said...

I did mine:

Have a good weekend!


Cat. said...

I'm up over here. Have a most excellent weekend!!!

(so happy I hit the top 20 this week...)

Pooch said...

Rachael said...

My answers are up - a bit early I know but not sure if I'll get to it tomorrow. Have a great weekend all my US cyber-friends as we already had ours

Anonymous said...

Happy FFI everyone! Mine's up here:

Anonymous said...

My Fill-In is up. I am glad to be back!

Lendal said...

I'm in...

stephanie said...

Please to enjoy mine after midnight PST, courtesy of Blogger's weird new policy of posting at the actual time I list instead of after I complete it.


Thanks for your patience. :)

Melody said...

Hi! This is my first attempt. Here's my answers. :)

Anonymous said...

mine's up here!

Anonymous said...

Posted! Happy weekend :)

Shadow said...

it's up...

BooksPlease said...

Mine is


Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

Just posted mine!


Helena said...

I played today.

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Mine's up! Have a super Friday everyone!

Christine Duff said...

Here are my fill ins.

happy Friday!

Unknown said...

Mine can be found here:

Chrisbookarama said...

I've never done these before. Here are my answers:

Joe said...


Jason Marz said...

I'm in

LarryG said...

I thunk I'm caught up :)

Strlady said...

I got mine up!
Friday Fun

cmw said...

Filled in and up.

OMH said...

I'm posted!

Florinda said...

Here's mine. Have a great weekend, y'all!

Susan Cook said...

Hi first timer here. lol. Mine's up. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Mine's up!

Kelly Keating-Caraway said...

Wow these really made me thing. Thanks Michelle.

non compos mentis said...

i filled this last night when just 17 had filled and forgot to leave a comment here.... Me!!!have fun all... have a great week end...thanks Janet...

chikku :)

Melsy626 said...

Mine are posted, great questions Michelle!!! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here's mine!

Barb said...

Alright...I have mine done... have a great weekend...

Anonymous said...

Here are mine.

Have a great weekend!

Tasha said...

All filled in

Moxy Jane said...

Mine are up and it's not even NOON yet!! A personal record.

Now I just have to crack the word verification code without crying so that this comment can be added and my day will be made.

Anonymous said...

All posted here! The Frazzled Mom

Pam said...

my Friday Fill-Ins

April said...

Mine are up and it's still only morning, lol! Have a great weekend everyone!

caednkat said...

Mine are up here...

Madeleine said...

Hi Janet :)

A little late today but mine is finally uo

JCB said...

mine are up :)

Anonymous said...

My numerous responses are posted.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! Great job this week Michelle :)

Unknown said...

My fill-ins are filled in!

Knittymuggins said...

Hooray! I played along today too :) Thanks for a fun one!


Anonymous said...

This is my first time doing this. My fill-ins are up on my LJ. Have a great weekend, everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

I've played! :)

Anonymous said...

I played too. Purling Sprite Blog

Amarie said...

Great weekend, everyone!

Anonymous said...


tanabata said...

Mine's up.

Anonymous said...

I did my "homework" here :

Kelly said...

Here are mine! Happy Memorial Day Weekend - stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Answers are up!

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!


Balou said...

Oh! I forgot to post my link!

LEA said...

I'm at home today - so YEA! I can play :x)

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Fill-Innie! bundle-o-contradictions

Anonymous said...

I'm new but looking forward to doing this every friday. Thank you!

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. On my laziest day I like to _sleep in and then spend the day reading_!
2. _Seeing signs of progress_ makes me feel like I'm being productive.
3. I love little _kisses_ and big _smiles_.
4. This summer I want to _get to the beach ever!_
5. _Some bloggers who don't blog anymore_ made me start my blog.
6. Red _roses_ and orange _Gerber daises_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _seeing Indiana Jones_, tomorrow my plans include _seeing Speed Racer_ and Sunday, I want to _curl up on the couch with my sweetheart and tell him how much I love him_!

Happy weekend, woman!

Janet said...

mamirosa: But you didn't leave a link!

Lisa: Your weekend sounds awesome, enjoy!

Renee said...

wow, I almost forgot about the fill-in this week!

Mine are up.

cre8tivkj said...

Mine are finally up. I had a really rough day yesterday so it's a little late.

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

Here is mine

Jodi said...

This was my first Friday Fill in!!

Stylish Stitches said...

Mine are up - I posted them this morning but forgot to post back here- It's been one of those days

alisonwonderland said...

i missed a couple of weeks due to "crunch time" at the office - but i've posted today. it's here. happy weekend!

GirlyWithATwist said...

Just got mine up.

Anonymous said...

posting mine now

Anonymous said...

Mine are up :D

ami said...

All done :)

Life Scraps and Patches said...

I'm in. Am I the last? Connie

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Better late than never!!! Mine are up!!

beastmomma said...

Mine are up:

Anna M said...

Hey Janet!

Thanks for stopping by!

"Cropping" basically means getting together with friends to scrap/socialize. I always thought it was the dumbest term!

Renee said...

My 2nd FF

CJ said...

Great questions. My answers are

Julia said...

Done and posted.

Sudeaux Lux said...

Good job, Michelle! Better late than never, I'm up!

SlyGly said...

Mine's up! Thanks Janet!

Anonymous said...

wow, I'm comment 101....

it's not even friday on the pacific coast anymore, but I just got around to doing my fill-in.

it'd be more exciting if I didn't have to work all weekend....

sally906 said...

comment number 102 is here:

Sleepypete said...

mine are up :-)

(it's the one sidetracking into cricket stuff ...)

Billy Rhythm said...

A day late, but they're up!

Kwizgiver said...

Great questions, Michelle!

therealkimaliczi said...

Here's mine!

Anonymous said...

mine are up! two days late but up!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Better late than never. Hope you had a great weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Mine are here -- happy Memorial Day!

Mindful Mimi said...

Here are some questions for a next round:

If I were a painting I would be___

For me ________ is the opposite of creativity.

____ should win the US elections.

If everything could be arranged to perfectly fit me, I'd do my dream job as a ____________.

In nature I like looking at___________

The last time I laughed with all my belly was____________

The last excellent book I read was_____________

I like fill ins because_________

ratmammy said...

I finally posted!

Shadow said...

heeeee heeee heeee, yes! but by now i think either your cat or my dog are insulted...

Jennifer said...

I'm late this week, but mine are now up!

Have a GREAT week!