Thursday, April 30, 2009


ffi we go!

1. The first rule of working in an office and getting along is _____.

2. _____ clams.

3. When I think of carnivals I think of _____.

4. _____ my favorite spring flower.

5. Things on my desk include _____.

6. _____ makes me wanna _____.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Julie said...

Mine's up. First :)

i'm babie said...

mine is done herehappy friday!

Sarah said...

Done -> tadaaaa.

The Wifey's Journal said...

Done with today's fill-ins at

Anonymous said...

haha! Posted early for once! LOL

Anonymous said...

Here they are....

Dena said...

Mine are here:

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Happy Friday, everyone. My answers are posted.

Anonymous said...

Find my answers, along with my new blog site, here. Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

OOPS! DISREGARD that link! Instead look here. Thanks!

Julie said...

Happy Friday!!!

Dez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dez said...

DoneHERE! TGIF! Happy Weekend to all!

Buddhist, RN said...


YellowRose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YellowRose said...

Try again...

I'm all filled in!! Happy Friday!

Mines Here!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm back :-D Dunno what was up with me last week, but I seem to have found my sense of humor today. I had a ton of fun with this one ;-)

Anarchists, Carnies and Skanks, Oh My!

Diana_CT said...

My answers are

Have a great weekend :-:)

Madeleine said...

Ok, I am not frstut very early for me :D

Have a terrific week-end Janet

Unknown said...

will be up some time after 12am...night, night...

Anonymous said...

Mine are up, earlier than usual.

Sami said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sami said...

Woo Hoo, I'm a little early this week :) You can find mine here!Happy Friday ;)

Jennifer said...

TGIF, mine are up:

stephanie said...

Thanks, Janet - I'm on :D

Happy weekend, all.

Osbasso said...

Count me in!

Tere | Thoughts & Beyond said...

Mine's up!

Have a great Friday and enjoy the long weekend!

Megan, Life Revamped said...

i'm up!

check mine <"here>

MommyBa said...

Mine's up :)

Phoenix said...

Happy Friday all! :)

Here is mine

Terri said...

Happy May Day everyone! My post is here.

Caspette said...

Mine is up here

Andi said...

Mine is up. Now I get to share it with my Husband. I enjoy having him learn more about me through memes....and should start having him answer the questions sometimes (at least to me). :-)

I hope everyone is having a good week.

cheatymoon said...

Thanks Janet - mine are up. Have a fabulous weekend!

Isolated Existence. said...

Happy Friday!! Here is mine..

Yvonne said...

Mine is up

Anonymous said...

Here's mine.....

Aisling said...

Mine's up. Now for lunch . .. .

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Here's mine

Anonymous said...

mine is up!

M said...

I'm up. I'm really happy I found this!!

kyooty said...

Mine is up, I hope I'm doing this correctly,

eMelectric said...

Happy Friday kiddos! My little ol' fill-ins are a click away.

Melanie said...

I am up!!! :) Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Florinda said...

Filling in on Friday - I liked the prompts this week. Have a great weekend!

cmw said...

I'm up here.Have a good weekend.


I started a meme for Wednesdays

planettreasures said...

here are mine

Anonymous said...

My computer didn't allow the image! Sorry!

BurtonReview said...

Running behind again :)
My post is up at The Burton ReviewHave a great weekend everyone!

Wife of a Sailor said...

My #3 is up! Come check mine out and I'll try my best to return the favor!

Barb said...

I'm here and have mine up.... happy friday and hope you have a great weekend

Theresa said...

Im UP!

Maddie MoZelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MommyWizdom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maddie MoZelle said...

Mine is at: Varicose Vain

MommyWizdom said...

Happy May! Mine's up here!MommyWizdom

Amber said...

Great Fill-Ins this week. Happy Friday! I'm up

Tara said...

This is my first time to participate in Friday Fill-Ins. FUN!

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine's up here! Happy Friday!

Marites said...

Mine's up here

Daisy @ Our Growing Family said...

Mine are up! Happy weekend everyone!

SueFitz said...

I've posted on my blogs:

Minding Spot said...


Dyane said...

Mine are up:

Becky said...

A little late but mine are all done. Enjoy!

They can be found here!

Have a great weekend!

Jennifer said...

My first one!

Go here:

Melsy626 said...

Yay, I remembered this week!!! :)

Amy said...

yey mine are finally up !!

Wrighty said...

Thanks for another fun one Janet! Mine is HERE. Have a great weekend everyone!

Lisa said...

A said...

I have finally posted mine, check it out! :) it's over here

~Andie~ said...

Mine are up :)

Elena said...

Have a great weekend!

Shemah said...

Hi there! i've completed my Friday Fill-Ins @ Never Enough Stuff!

Gloria P. said...

Done....better late than never!

binks said...

Trying to get bag into the swing of bloggin' again.

sandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So excited about my weekend!!!

sandra said...

happy friday!
here's mine:


Nita said...

Mine is up as well. Have a great week ahead!


Unknown said...

It's done...

Barbara said...

Have a great weekend!

Annie said...

Mine are up.

Cat. said...

I'm up. On Friday. And I'm still in the 120s... :-(


Billy Rhythm said...

Late night last night, so I slept in. They're up now.

Skoots1moM said...

mines up...

Kwizgiver said...

Happy weekend!!

Kimberly Wright said...

I participated today!!! Have enjoyed reading everyone elses too!

This was my first time. ;)

Terri said...

Janet, would you email me at teelgee7 AT gmail DOT com please? I want to email you something but can't find a contact. Thanks!

Kasi said...

Dine mine...

Maria's Space said...


NorahS said...

I played for the first time in quite a while. See it here!

Bela said...

mine is posted here:

Old Mason Jar said...

I posted mine here :)

beastmomma said...

Mine have been posted:

Jana said...

Mine's up.

Brandt! said...

Thank you for another fun one!

JCB said...

mine are posted :)

Stacy said...

One day maybe I'll be posted in one of the 1st 50 but until then...

Lexi said...

Better late than never?

domestic.blizz said...

Here is my post.