Friday, January 15, 2010

#159-1/15/10 we go!


1. The lesson I learned yesterday was _____________.
2. _________ where friends and family meet.
3. All these years __________.
4. _____________ when I arrived.
5. The truth is ______________.
6. ________ is what I remember most from that day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Dawn said...

My fill-ins are
right here.
I do hope you will stop by. Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up :-)

Kittens and Dead Bodies? Back Through the Stargate Everybody!

Anonymous said...

I am up too.

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend everyone :)
Here's Mine

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up later today here.

Anonymous said...

Mine is here.

Have a good weekend

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here.

Stay warm :-)

Unknown said...

Here is mine!

Monkey Mommy said...

Here are my fills I hope to stop by the blog happy friday

January Zelene said...

My first time here..

here's my entry..

My First Friday Fill-in

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Mine is up :)

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Mine are here

Danielle said...

Mine are up! Have a wonderful weekend!

anne said...

Hi first time here, thanks

Emerald Yomi said...

My FFI's are up and ready for reading. Enjoy. :)

Cat. said...

I'm up. Have a great weekend, everyone!

~Kristina said...

Mine are up. Thanks for putting these together!

Dymphna said...

My fill-ins are ready to go! =)

Skoots1moM said...


krystal said...

It's up :)

Unknown said...

Fill ins are up! :)

Here it is!!!

so much fun :)

achildoftheking said...

Mine's ready here! Happy Friday!

Olivia.Dee said...

find mine here:

~Bry~ said...

Mine is up

Andrea said...

Got mine up!

Cassie said...

Here is mine for this week:

KayeDean said...

My fill-ins are up.

Dez said...

Mine's up HERE!

Patience Ann said...


Life With The Boys! said...

Mines up!

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

Here is mine.. enjoy. next Friday i am scheduled to have my baby via c-section so i doubt I'll be posting ..

Taylor said...

Up and ready to go!

Liz said...

Mine are posted! Great fill-ins!
Happy Friday!

TopHat said...

Mine's up here!

Happy 3-day weekend for us all!

Cecile said...

mine is up now :-); have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up. HERE

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up. HERE

Have a great weekend.

*My apologies, my previous post link did not work.

Anonymous said...

My fill-ins are up here.

Christen said...

Here's my fill in!

Lulu said...

My FTF entry is here

darly said...

Fill-ins late. Have a great weekend :)

My entry here

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine is up. Happy weekend. :)

Andrea said...

Here is my Fill-in

Kwizgiver said...

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

mine's Filled-In.Happy Weekend!

Mommy Cara {My Blog} said...

Mine's Filled-In. Happy Weekened!

stephanie said...

Me, too! Late but have arrived.

Thanks, Janet :D

~ Mhay ~ said...

My fill-ins are here. Have a great week end everyone!

Marites said...

Mine's up here..have a good weekend, everyone!

Unknown said...

Hello everyone!

Mine is up Here

May all have a fruitful weekend.

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted:

Cacai M. said...

Hi, my friday fill-ins are here:

See yah.. Happy FF all! :-)

Wrighty said...

I was off for a few weeks but I'm happy to be back now! This is always so much fun. Thanks Janet and happy New Year to all! My answers are HERE.

Race said...

happy friday! mine's up at

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. The lesson I learned yesterday was _she who gets home first has to start making dinner__.
2. _In the kitchen, the favored gathering place of many, is_ where friends and family meet.
3. All these years _before I knew him; how could that be_?
4. _There were still open parking spaces at the hotel (for Arisia)_ when I arrived.
5. The truth is _I'm sleepy and should put away my laptop_.
6. _The way we both blushed furiously when we were caught flirting_ is what I remember most from that day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _Arisia!_, tomorrow my plans include _Arisia!_ and Sunday, I want to _Arisia!_! (Monday too and then it's time for fall-down-go-boom.)

happy weekend, Janet!

DART said...

Mine is done now too!

Vanniedosa said...

i've joined

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Better late than never!

jen said...

joining this time :)

Angelalpev said...

My first FF for this year! It's been a while since I've done one.

...this way

Chat Noir said...

Mine's here...

yoon see said...

Happy weekends friends!
#5. The truth is we all came naked to this world and we will also depart empty handed from this world, so don't over indulge in the worldly pursues, belongings and.......!

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine are up!

click here

Kathy said...

Ooops! I'm late, but mine be here

Happy weekend all, Kathy

Life On Our Own said...

My FF entry here.

Krukow Family said...

You can see my answers here.

Grace said...


kyooty said...

Can I reuse last weeks? huh huh can we?:) heheehe

kyooty said...

Kyooty center: Thank Yous and Friday Fill-ins

For this weeks? Happy Friday!!!