Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

FFI we go!

1. I see _____.

2. _____ scratch.

3. They begin _____.

4. _____ so many years earlier.

5. This I know: _____.

6. _____ for dinner.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Marice said...

have a great weekend!here's mine

sara said...

It's been a long time since I joined in, but mine will be up at midnight!

Kerri said...

This is a great activity!

Kerri said...

Marice (or anyone), how did you get your site to post as a link vs. just part of the comments?

Madeleine said...

I am back, dear Janet, so I started early, have a wonderful week-end. Here is mine:

Madeleine said...

Or click on the menu under the header "meme"

Anonymous said...

Here's mine. It will be up tomorrow morning.

Vanniedosa said...

...i've joined!:)

cherrylej said...

hi KERI, here's a link on how to do it, sorry i can't post it here because i'm just comming up with just a 'link' and not the how to..
hope it helps :)

btw Here's mine.

Mariuca said...

Happy FFI , enjoy your weekend Janet and friends! :)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

Barbara said...

Happy Friday everyone!  I've missed a couple weeks but am happy to be back.  You can see my fill ins here.


Marie said...

Mine is up now:

eMelectric said...

Janet, you are on fire! Great fill-ins. Have a fab weekend everyone.

My fill-ins are right here.

Carielle said...

Good Morning!!! Mine are HERE

Shahz said...

hello, nice to be here again, my link here.. have a wonderful weekend to all.

ham1299 said...


Chie Wilks said...

cool questions...mine's up

sara said...

Anonymous said...

This one was a bit hard lol

Lady Penguin said...

Mine is up! It was a fun one this week.

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said...

Love these, can't wait to check out the others answers.


Electra said...

Here are mine for the week. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Nofretiri said...

I feel quite romantic today! Hope you enjoy reading my Friday Fill-Ins as much as I did while writing!


Anonymous said...

Whoops. Fail on me I used the wrong link. Here is actually mine now.

bonz said...

happy weekend!
FFI entry here!

DEZ said...

Mine's up here:

Lulu said...

have a great weekend everyone!

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up!

Kwizgiver said...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

FRANCINE said...

mine's here

Work at Home Mom Wannabe said...

here's my entry - happy weekend!

Stephany said...

I'm late but I'm here. Have a great weekend everyone!

Diana_CT said...

My answers are finally posted.

Have a great weekend!

Kari said...

MINE are finally up. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Cat. said...

I'm in. It's still Friday for a few more hours here.

Anonymous said...

Mine's posted here. Happy Friday!

Jodi said...

Mine are posted, here.

Lisa said...

Here is mine.

Inspired by Lisa Friday Fill In

Cacai M. said...

Happy Friday! How's your day folks! I hope it is in the best of everything..

You are all invited to drop-by on My Friday Fill-Ins (FFI) for 05-20-11! Promise I'll pay you back a visit. ~hugs&kisses~

Shey said...

my share

Shey said...

Friday Fill-Ins

Unknown said...