Friday, February 8, 2008


1. I'm looking forward to _____.
2. _____ is a place I always wanted to visit and haven't made it there yet.
3. I've fallen in love with _____.
4. Six of one, _____.
5. Addiction _____.
6. The _____ crack me up!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Barb said...

Good questions!

I invite you to play my weekly meme Heads Or Tails on Tuesday. :)

stephanie said...

This one was rather difficult! Or maybe I'm just being a big baby. Thanks, regardless :)

Lynda said...

Mine's Up.
Have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! Have a GREAT weekend!

MommaBoo said...

I'm up.

Thanks for today's questions.

Happy weekend, all!

Jason Marz said...

I'm in and have a good weekend.

The Land of Rozz said...

Mine are up now!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up. I hope your weekend is relaxing and fun. Blessings...

late nite reader said...

Mine is up. This is my first time (successfully posting) but I'm glad I got to try. Have a great weekend.

Mia said...

I'm up with my very first one!

Prairierose said...

My first time as well.

non compos mentis said...

im done!!! i really liked those this time....have a great week end.

Anonymous said...

This one was fun.. as always!


Lezlie said...

Another newbie!

Have a good weekend, everyone!

netablogs said...

First timer, too. Done! That was fun! Thanks for the ideas!

michelle said...

I played! Especially good ones this week I thought.

Remember I come up as ladybug12 now not smoochdog

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure what to do with #4, but I'm up for the week!

Anonymous said...

I'm up, though later than normal

J.C. Montgomery said...

Wow. I had fun with this one.

Here is mine.

Literary Feline said...

Mine's up!

Unknown said...

I'm slow today, but finally up. :)

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. I'm looking forward to _spring, and James' spring party_.
2. _Washington state_ is a place I always wanted to visit and haven't made it there yet.
3. I've fallen in love with _James (though to be honest this isn't new)_.
4. Six of one, _half a dozen of the other_.
5. Addiction _is the Internet_.
6. The _political posturing_ crack me up!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _dinner with the family_, tomorrow my plans include _more family time_ and Sunday, I want to _curl up and watch a good movie with James_!

Hope you have a good weekend, woman!

abrowncow said...

1. I'm looking forward to the Avon Walk in May. (see my site for info)
2. Scotland is a place I always wanted to visit and haven't made it there yet.
3. I've fallen in love with clicker training.
4. Six of one, dozen and a half of another. (i worked with someone who would say that!)
5. Addiction to cheese.
6. The cartoons my son watches crack me up!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to Waterville, tomorrow my plans include snowshoeing with Ken, Cam and the dogs and Sunday, I want to cheat on my diet and sneak some grains!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Fun! tee hee

sally906 said...

Mine is up here:

Heather said...

I played!!

Kwizgiver said...

Heyyyy, it's Friday!!!


Anonymous said...

I posted mine, It's my first one!^_^

Retro Girl said...

Hi again! :-)
Hope y'all had a great week!!!
Mine are up....better late than never. Come visit me. (Send me heat and sunshine from the South!)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a 1st timer- I'm up at

Looking forward to reading your too!

Buddhist, RN said...


alisonwonderland said...

i played this week! it's here. happy friday!

Julie said...

Friday fill-in on Saturday. Tsk.

Anonymous said...

I am late but still done it.


Anonymous said...

My debut Friday fill-ins is up. :)

This is real fun.

Anonymous said...

It was tougher this week but I'm tired and cranky!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up after a technical delay.

Cat. said...

Holy cow: I'm number 44!!! Dang. Anyway, I'm up.

soleil said...

sorry, i copped out on the crack up one.

tommie said...

just got mine up....great questions!

Happy weekend, y'all!

Diana said...

Up... finally

Anonymous said...

Mine's up too!
Everybody have a nice week end!

CJ said...

Mine's been up but I forgot to post here...

Deanne said...

Ooops! I'm late AGAIN!

But I enjoy doing these so much I don't want to skip, even if I am late. So, mine's up. ;)

Ronnie said...

Well, it's belated, but I finally had a minute to do mine. Happy Saturday! :-)

Anonymous said...

This was my first time. I totally forgot to say I was joining in. Oops. Good questions.