Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #62

I'm posting these early as I'm catching a flight at oh dark thirty tomorrow and I'm not sure I'll have internet access where I'm going! So...wait til Friday to do 'em...or do whatever you like! I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll be back to read your fill-ins next Tuesday! Thanks for playing :-)

1. Ahhhh, it's so nice _____.
2. One of my favorite things on my desk or bureau is _____.
3. Japanese Cherry Blossom _____.
4. _____ is my favorite place to sit and read.
5. _____ and _____ is delicious!
6. I love to watch _____ in movies.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


sally906 said...

Mine is up already - working heaps of overtime so may forget like I did last week!!!

It's here:

Jace said...

Hi, I'm a newbie at this. Mine is up at:

Anonymous said...

my first time! ;) check out my entry and i'll check out yours too. :)

Click HERE!

MaR said...!!
Here is mine, happy weekend!

WendyWings said...

How confusing I just put up my Thursday post even though it really IS Friday for me lol.
Glad your computer is all healthy now bella.

michelle said...

I put mine up early but dated them Friday.....

Happy weekend everyone!

Julie said...


Cat. said...

I'm up too. Hope you've had a wonderful weekend by the time you read this!!

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. Ahhhh, it's so nice _that spring is coming even though it brings lots of allergens with it_.
2. One of my favorite things on my desk or bureau is _a photo from a recent party_.
3. Japanese Cherry Blossom _- those grow in DC?_.
4. _A sunny porch in a rocking chair_ is my favorite place to sit and read.
5. _Kahlua_ and _ice cream_ is delicious!
6. I love to watch _Audrey Hepburn_ in movies.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _coming home and going to bed after a sad day_, tomorrow my plans include _not sure yet_ and Sunday, I want to _see James and hold onto him tightly_!

Have a great time in FL!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up early as well. But I set the posting time on my blog at 11:00 am PST.

Have a great weekend everyone! :)

The Land of Rozz said...

Mine are up!

Shelley said...

Here's mine--this is the first time I am attempting to do a link in a comment. I hope I can do it.
Here it is (Hopefully!)

3rdEyeMuse said...


all welcome to stop on by. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm up too- a little early!

non compos mentis said...

mine's late again...u guys r damn quick....

chikku :)

Anonymous said...

Mine is up early this week to make up for last week.

Anonymous said...

Mine is ready

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great weekend trip!

I did mine early so I wouldn't forget - you guys are free to check it out:

Melli said...

I played today! FIRST time!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up here! :)

Moxy Jane said...

happy travels! and a happy week-end to you all!

Rufus said...

Thar she blows!

Tara @ Tales of a Book Addict said...

Mine are up! Have a good flight.

ami said...

Finished! And I swear, one day I'll post something other than this meme on my blog :P

MommaBoo said...

My answers are up.

Hope you have a safe trip!

See you next week.

Anonymous said...

Mine's posted!

Diana_CT said...

I just posted my

Have a good trip.

Barb said...

Have a safe and happy flight!

Mine is up. :)

Lezlie said...

I'm up!

Have a good weekend, Everyone!

Kate said...

I'm about to do mine - thanks for the fill-in!

Suzanne said...

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Check out my Friday Fill-In! ;)

netablogs said...

Done! Fun!

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

my post is up! this is my first time doing stuff.

check out my fill-ins:

Michelle said...

Thank You! Thank you!

beastmomma said...

This is my first time and here is my entry:

Anonymous said...

Mine is up. Happy weekend everyone!

Kathy N said...

Here's mine -

Veronica said...

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous of your trip, Janet. Happy Friday to all and mine is up.

Amanda said...

yhmine is up. hope you have a wonderful safe trip!

Anonymous said...

I haven't done the fill-ins in so long. I miss it so much! Good to be back! Mine is up!

Kelly said...

I'm in - second week!

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday, everyone! :) I'm finally up! :) At least I didn't forget this week! :)

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine is up!!

CJ said...

Mine's up at:


Kwizgiver said...

Hope you have a great weekend! see you Tuesday.

tommie said...

Mine is up, along with some pics of the snow we got in Texas.

April said...

Just put mine up! Hope everyone has a great wkend!

Christine Duff said...

Great Friday Fill-in! Here's mine

Anna M said...

Have a nice flight and an even better weekend!

Leslie: said...

I just found this and thought it'd be fun so did it. You can find me at

Kitty said...

Here's mine:

Ronnie said...


Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

Just posted my Fill Ins, along with a new piece from the 1,000 Faces ...

Miracles to you!

Not quite unbroken...and Friday Fill In

in case the link doesn't work:

Anonymous said...

This is my second time to do this. It's alot of fun.
I'm here:

alisonwonderland said...

i finally got mine posted! happy weekend everyone!

Books, hooks, needles, and my weightloss journey said...

Mine is up, late again, but Friday day was kinda crazy and this is the first time I've been on a computer.

Here we go.

Anonymous said...

It's still Friday here. Have a good weekend all.

Moonstruck Girl said...

Hi Janet,

This is my first time here! :)

I must tell you this is an absolutely wonderful idea :) And I am definitely going to be a regular here.. :)


jenny said...

I was blog hopping and decided to do this today. Looked like fun!

Ananya said...

I am late again!:( was travelling! and u wont believe it this was all i was thinking friday fill in...i wont b able to do it! and as soon as i came home i filled mine up! this is so addictive!take care!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to say *Spending time with JAMIE at Ruban Rouge!* is best thing you were doing this last weekend.

Unknown said...

I was on vacation - so put it on my blog late

Ragtop Day said...

My first one! I'll definitely be back for more.

Diana said...

Janet - I really liked Gone Baby Gone. I enjoy gritty movies that ask hard questions. In this case, the main character had to make a choice that would determine a child's future. Does he pick the illegal option that seems to provide a better outlook for the kid or the legally sound one with a bleak forecast?

And you find yourself asking, "What would I have done?"

Author said...

My first time! I love this idea, it gives me things to talk about when otherwise it'd be boring!

Anonymous said...

Mine's here. Better late than never. It is actually my first time here.

Sandra Dodd said...

There's one.