Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #63

1. Contact may cause _____.
2. The parties hereto do mutually agree _____.
3. Disney parks _____.
4. _____ sounds really good right about now!
5. I positively _____.
6. _____ always makes me smile :-)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Anonymous said...

Mine's up really early - not sure I'll have time tomorrow. :)

Julie said...

I'm done, despite the best efforts of Blogger.

Shari Ellen said...

I'm joining in this week.

Anonymous said...

Here is mine:

The Brat's List

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday everyone! Mine is up.

non compos mentis said...

mine's up... tleast im in the 1st happy... great fill ins this week Janet.... have a great week end all...

Anonymous said...

Mine are up a little later than strictly normal, but still it's only just barely Friday!

Pooch said...

Come visit me!


The Land of Rozz said...

Mine are up!!

Barb said...

I'm playing :)

Anonymous said...

It's almost 11pm, so it's almost Friday here... Mine's done!

Ronnie said...

Done. Happy Friday!

stephanie said...

I'm in, and am just realizing that I totally forgot to leave a comment after I posted last week...Silly girl.

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

oh, this is a good set!!! look and see what i did... silly.

Anonymous said...

Mine is posted already! Happy Weekend every;-)

beastmomma said...

Mine is up:

Melli said...

Mine is up. (not sure why I'M up - but my post is up!)

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.
Have a great weekend!

Marie said...

I'm in today!

Write From Karen said...

I have so much fun with the fill-ins.

My answers are a bit off-the-wall, but really, have you come to expect anything less? *grin*

Write From Karen

Christine Duff said...

Mine's ready. Fun stuff again this week!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! Great questions~

Unknown said...

Happy Friday all, I'm done!

Kathy N said...

Mine is up...

MommaBoo said...

Fun fill-ins this week!

Have a great weekend...see you next week!


Florinda said...

Done, and actually remembered to leave a comment this time! :-) Have a great weekend, y'all!

Kimberly said...

i completed mine!

Anonymous said...

Mine are done!

Mary said...

Mine is here

michelle said...

Mine are up Happy Friday everyone.

cmw said...

You all are so much faster than me!


Happy weekend.

Kelly said...

I played!

Anonymous said...

I'm up! Hope everyone has a happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up! :O)
Have a great weekend ya'll!

Wil said...

Permanent damage, dissolving the union of, Fantasy Land, and, deep fried calamari.

Reek of garlic, seafood linguini, laundry, an RV show and a crawfish boil.

There's a Friday Fill-In slice of my life -- how's yours?

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up shortly

Anonymous said...

Mine are up enjoying some of yours:)
Come and see...and then go and have a good weekend!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Mine's up! Mine's up! Mine's up! :)

3rdEyeMuse said...

here, have another :)

Anonymous said...

Mine's done. :)

Anonymous said...

This is my first time participating!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up. Better late than never.

Happy Weekend everyone!

Shelley said...

Mine is up!

Sleepypete said...

First time for me too :-)

Anonymous said... post just disappeared on me so I had to do a re-write!

I'm up now, though :)

sally906 said...

Wow - so many people posting :)

Mine is up

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Well, let's try that again:

Friday Fill-Ins: Edition #3.

Diana_CT said...

My answers are finally

Anonymous said...

Da-dang... Mine is up. It's late, long Friday. Have a great weekend. :)

Ragtop Day said...

Here's mine:

Cat. said...

I'm up finally. Later and later every week... boo! ;-)

Jodi said...

I did Friday Fill-in this week for the first time. I heard about you from Fleur-de-Lisa!


Kitty said...

Here's mine:

Buddhist, RN said...

I'm late, but up! Thanks so much, I love these!

tommie said...

whew hoo....finally done with this! happy Friday, y'all!

CJ said...

Mine's up at:

Kim said...

My first time. Thanks.

Literary Feline said...

Mine is up.

Desert Diva said...

I played this week - although a little late. I hope you had a great vacation!

Unknown said...

Only a day late, I missed playing. :)

alisonwonderland said...

i got mine posted on friday but neglected to leave a comment here. happy weekend everyone!

Moxy Jane said...

Well, I somehow missed Friday, so I posted mine today (which has now officially turned into SUNDAY!).

Hope everyone had a good week-end...I'm off to see what others posted.

Ananya said...

hi...i did put mine up on friday but right after that my sys just conked off, so i couldnt let u know! hope u had a gr8 week end!

Anonymous said...

Friday Fill-Ins finished by Sunday -- not bad for me. Hope you all had a nice wekend!!

Jan said...

I just started doing Friday Fillin... i think its a lot of fun... hope you all don't mind I joined.. I ran across this on another persons blog.. Thanks.
Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

I posted mine on Friday, but never got around to leaving a comment until today.

Kathy N said...

You asked - "Hey, who reads the Dean Koontz book?"

In this house - everybody. Koontz books are purchased as quickly as they come out with serious discussion as to who gets it first. ;-)

Kathy N said...

You wrote: sorry, I meant...who does the audio book?

Oops! Actually that makes sense. lol

Keith Szarabajka. He does an "ok" job as the reader. And it's a terrific way to "read" and knit. ;-)

Diana said...

Just catching up after a long weekend in D.C. Here's my belated posting...


Author said...

Second week for me, and somehow I keep forgetting to comment. Hopefully next week I'll leave my comment on Friday. Anyways, it's up. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I appreciate the comments!