Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #75

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT!

Questions courtesy of One Knutty Knitter; thank you, Knutty!

I'd love to feature your questions, if you'd like to leave some for future use please feel free!

1. Idle hands are ______.
2. I love ______ in the shower.
3. My favorite time of the day is when ____.
4. The last tea I drank was _____.
5. I like to _____ in the Summer.
6. My mother always said _____________.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Anonymous said...

Mine is up.
Have a great weekend everyone!

JCB said...

mine are up. I'm early!

Stepher said...

Mine are also up! =)

I'm a newbie so please be kind.


Meghan said...

I'm up!

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up shortly

YellowRose said...

I'm all Filled In!!

Julie said...

I'm done.

YellowRose said...

Forgot to add my direct link!

My Fill In

Melody said...

Here's mine.

Happy Friday! :)

stephanie said...

Done, and I remembered to leave a comment!

Happy weekend everyone :)

Anonymous said...

Happy weekend :)

Shadow said...

is up....

Moxy Jane said...

Oh, I feel so GOOD! Mine are up. Have a marvelous week-end.

MoxyJane in Austin, TX

Anonymous said...

Mine is up this week! Happy Friday:)

Butchay said...

i've played at

Anonymous said...

happy weekend! mine's up! ;)

sally906 said...

Mine are up here:

Lendal said...

I'm in - enjoy yourselves.

nikKi said...

my first friday fill-in's here.

Anonymous said...


Anna M said...

Mine are up!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

My answers are here :
Have a nice weekend :)

Jodi said...

Mine is here.

Have a great Friday!

Deb R said...

Mine's up here.

Jodi said...

Mine is up!

Happy Friday!


Lori said...

Mine are up!

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. Idle hands are _usually a sign of boredom_.
2. I love _when someone else washes my hair_ in the shower.
3. My favorite time of the day is when _I get to talk to my sweetie_.
4. The last tea I drank was _iced_.
5. I like to _grill_ in the Summer.
6. My mother always said _that she couldn't carry a tune, even in a bucket_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _seeing Kung Fu Panda_, tomorrow my plans include _James' 40th birthday party_ and Sunday, I want to _eat breakfast with the friends who stay overnight_!

Happy weekend, Miss Janet!

Karkuzhali said...

I loved playing this week's Fill-Ins.

Visit me.

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here.

Have a good weekend. :)

Sandy M said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up here:

Billy Rhythm said...

By clicking this link, you do hereby agree to read my answers!

ami said...

All done :)

Lisa said...

Anonymous said...

Done! TGIF :)

LarryG said...

i'm up at

and Happy Birthday Katie
(my oldest is 19 today :)

Anonymous said...

My fill-in.

michelle said...

Mine are up - Happy Friday everyone!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up too!

Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

Mine is up as well!

Leya said...

Mine are up:

Kathy N said...

tanabata said...

Mine's up.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up :)

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

I missed last weeks but got this weeks! Have fun!

Melli said...

Mine are UP! I'll be around in a little while!

Ananya said...

Hi Janet...I was not publishing anything for the last three weeks...i was lazy to publish each post...sorry...i was doing the memes and saving them in my they r through...13,14,15 I have posted all the fill ins i have not published including today's :) Have a great week end! How can i post the fill ins for the next week?Please enlighten me !

Amy said...

My first Friday Fill-Ins! Have a good weekend!

Joe said...

Another week, and still no baby... maybe this week! :P

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up shortly! :)

Kristle said...

Mine are up! :)

Christine Duff said...

Happy Friday!

Here are my fill-ins this week:

Anonymous said...

Mine are up- after missing a few weeks due to the repairs from the tree falling on my house back in February.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up here.

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Mine are up.

Have a great weekend!


TopHat said...

Mine's up in Infiknity.

Kelly said...

Mine's up! It's my first one!

Heather said...

Mine's up too!

Anonymous said...

I'm up! :)

Jack said...

Enjoy your weekend everyone. This is me :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Have a great weekend!

Barb said...

mine is questions this week... have a great weekend

Susan said...

My first post is up, it was fun! Now I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Here we go!
Stay cool & comfortable :-)

Unknown said...

Mine's up!

Anonymous said...

My answers are up here:
Blessings in Life

Desert Diva said...

I played. Have a great and relaxing weekend!

Unknown said...

Fill-Ins are filled in!

Kelly said...

I found time to play this week! Great questions. You can find my Fill Ins here.

April said...

Just posted mine! Have a great weekend everyone!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Fill-innie! :) bundle-o-contradictions

Tasha said...

I'm filled in!

Lynda said...

MIne's up here ;0)

Pooch said...

Hope the weather has settled down for everyone. Happy Weekend!


Deb @ Sugarfused said...

I'm up!
Happy Friday :)

Anonymous said...

I'm up

cre8tivkj said...

I have my answers up here. In case the link doesn't work:

Happy Friday!

ShannonW said...

My responses are up!

Anonymous said...

Posted mine here! These are fun :)

Jennifer said...

Mine's up! Have a great weekend!

Erin38732 said...

it was fun, thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Mine's up:

Literary Feline said...

Mine is up!

Stylish Stitches said...

Mine are done! Enjoy your weekend

Sudeaux Lux said...

I finally got it up well, you know. heh heh

Juli said...

Here is mine.

Happy Friday.

Dawn said...

This was my first time, and mine is up! :-) Have a great weekend!

carinh said...

Mines up

beastmomma said...

Here are mine:

Thanks for another great set up questions.

jlshall said...

This is my first attempt at creating a link in a comment. Wish me luck!
My answers are here.

Kimberly said...

mine it up! Have a nice weekend!

Marie said...

Yaa hoo I got it done on Friday! Mircle of mircles!

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone!

Here are mine

Kwizgiver said...

Great questions, Knutty! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up too :)

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine are finally up!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

CJ said...

Mine's up

Anonymous said...

Up! Have a great weekend.

(oo i'm commentor #101!)

Florinda said...

Late, but here! Have a great weekend, everyone!

Anonymous said...