Thursday, August 28, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #87

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add a link to your blog when you comment, that would be GREAT!

This week my friend Michelle provided most of the questions; thank you, Michelle! we go!

1. When I'm sick I'm __________.

2. When I take a walk, I think about __________.

3. Money can't buy happiness but it can __________.

4. Cotton makes me __________ and leather makes me __________.

5. The strangest person/character I've had lewd thoughts about was __________.

6. My favorite color these days is __________ because __________.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Jodi said...

Woo-hoo~ I'm first!!!

I'll be up in a few!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mine is posted.

cheatymoon said...

Up at midnight. :-)
Thanks, Janet! Have a great weekend!

Maria's Space said...


Happy Friday to everyone

michelle said...

Welcome to Janet's Friday Fill-Ins .

1. When I am sick, I am usually a trooper about it but this time around I am quite miserable about it. I can’t breathe!

2. When I take a walk I often think about summers growing up because I often cross over a bridge and can see lots of mallard ducks in the river below and we used to feed the duck son the pond where my grandmother lived.

3. Money can't buy happiness but it can make being miserable a lot more fun!

4. Cotton makes me comfy, and leather makes me sweat!

5. The strangest person/character I've had lewd thoughts about was I am not sure to be honest. I had a dreamnightmare once that spiderman tied me to my porch...does that count?

6. My favorite color these days is a toss-up between pashmina or golden gate because those are two colors we are thinking of using in our new home.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to feeling better, tomorrow my plans include a wedding in VT and Sunday, I want to come home and relax and start reading a new book - TBD!

And a bonus question for Miss. Friday Fill-In (Janet):

If Janet finds my sunglasses I will take her out to dinner!

YellowRose said...

I'm filled in! Thanks Michelle for good questions!

Wordy said...

mine's up:

Melody said...

Here's mine.

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I am up early! *G*

Dawn said...

Mine is up here. Drop on by! :-)

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted

Have a great Labor Day weekend :)

The Land of Rozz said...

Mine are up! Everyone have a great holiday weekend!

~ Mhay ~ said...

Mine is posted as well here

Happy Friday!

Cat. said...

In the interest of trying to get in the top 20... :-) ... my answers are done and will go up early tomorrow morning.

Have a good weekend, y'all.

Anonymous said...

Mine's up... happy friday!tykadomj

Lucy said...

Hope you can visit.

Anonymous said...

I Want My Mommy! But I'd Settle for Murtagh :-D

Yvonne said...

Mine's Up! Have a great weekend!

Jack said...

My FFI's are here!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend :)

Amy said...

I've been gone for a couple weeks but I'm back!

Mine will be up early sometime in the morning. We can find them here

Have a great holiday weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up. Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! :)

threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine are ready! :)

Julie said...

Happy Firday, everyone!

Forgetfulone said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up. :)

Julia said...

Posted. Thanks.

stephanie said...

I will be available at midnight PST; thank you for your patience :D

(And thanks, Janet & Michelle! Very funky fun fill-ins this week!)

Stacy said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Here's mine.


Anonymous said...

Posted mine! :D

Skoots1moM said...

this was fun...

Four-eyed-missy said...

Mine's just up. See u there!

Kristine Kate said...

I'm done! Happy Weekend again!

Anonymous said...

all my fill-ins are here

have a great weekend everyone!!

Jodi said...

Mine's up! You can find it here.

Anonymous said...

Mine's posted

Anonymous said...

Stand Naked in the Light

Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!

Christine Duff said...

Here are my answers this Friday:

Life Scraps and Patches said...

I'm there. Hope everyone has a good pre-holiday weekend kind of day. Connie

Unknown said...

Mine is posted

Billy Rhythm said...

Yo! I'm up!

Anonymous said...


Marimoy said...

1) ...I pretend that I am not.


3) ...give you germs.

4) ...clothes, shoes.

5) ...well, I'm not sure. I have a few strange ones.

6), it makes me happy.

7) ...sleep, homework, go to the beach but I have to work.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up. A couple of tricky ones there I thought.

Anonymous said...

Here's mine this week:

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Posted here: http;//! Have a great Friday!

ADMIN said...

mine is up!
Have a happy weekend y'all!

LarryG said...

how did the dentist know it was Friday? by all the Fillins

ADMIN said...

ooops here's the right link


Sheeshintx said...

I played! Happy Friday everyone.

Florinda said...

Happy Fill-in Friday! Have a great weekend, y'all.

Unknown said...

Woohoo! It's Friday with a 3-day weekend ahead of me, gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up - couldn't do them last night because my internet was down- darn rain!

Anonymous said...

My post is up :>)

Deb R said...

I'm really late posting today, but I played. My answers are here.

Stylish Stitches said...

mine are up

Unknown said...

I'm a bit behind, but mine are up now. Happy Friday!

Linda said...

I'm all filled in!

Anonymous said...
my first time doing this

Heidi said...

My answers are up.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time participating--looks like FUN!!


Andi said...

Today's my first time. What fun!

Anonymous said...

Visit and I'll eat cake :)

Anonymous said...

Mine is up - thanks for visiting! Stay uppity. :)

Chrissea said...

Mine's up too.

Leya said...

Mine's up!

Happy Friday!

Barb said...

Alrighty....once again I have mine up and hoping everyone has a terrific long weekend...

Anonymous said...

Mine are here!

Happy Friday!! :D

Sonya said...

Posting mine right now....Thanks for the fun! :)

And Thanks for coming by to check my answers!!! I love doing these!

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.

alishka babushka said...


Sara said...

mine are being posted as we speak...

Desert Diva said...

I played this week at:

Everyone have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Lori's Reading Corner said...

I posted ;)

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend!

Regina Bertrand said...

Ya, I posted mine!!

Gayle said...

Finished mine...Happy Friday! Do something fun this weekend...

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. When I'm sick I'm _easily found sleeping in bed or on the couch_.

2. When I take a walk, I think about _whatever comes to mind_.

3. Money can't buy happiness but it can _help make things more comfortable_.

4. Cotton makes me _happy - such a nice texture_ and leather makes me _want to breathe in deeply_.

5. The strangest person/character I've had lewd thoughts about was _... no idea!_.

6. My favorite color these days is _purple_ because _it's a good color with my skin tone and my hair, and is fun_.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _hanging out with the cat_, tomorrow my plans include _going to the beach_ and Sunday, I want to _go to a friend's BBQ_!

Happy weekend, Miss Janet!

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Got mine up

Barbara said...

Happy to be participating today... I always find myself forgetting on Fridays, lol.

Anonymous said...

Mine are done. Thanks

Friday Fill Ins

Anonymous said...

I had a lot of fun with these this week! Thx, Janet!

Anonymous said...

I thought I posted about mine earlier... but I'm up!
Have a great weekend folks!

Amy said...

Some after-work fill-ins:

Anonymous said...

I did mine!

Kwizgiver said...

Great questions, Michelle!


non compos mentis said...

after a long time... mine's up!!!

Anonymous said...

here is mine

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

Just join in!!! here's mine

Rach said...

just managed to sneak it in on friday, but my post is finally up!

alisonwonderland said...

i got mine up earlier today but forgot to link it here! have a great weekend!

Kerri said...

mine is up

can anyone tell me how to get blogger to direct link to a post???

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Everyone have a great holiday weekend! Happy Labor Day!

Jodi said...

FINALLY got mine


kris said...

Mine are up!

tommie said...

Finally got these up. Happy weekend y'all!

Buddhist, RN said...


beastmomma said...

Mine are up:

Susan said...

Better late than never! Mine are up.

Heather said...

Oh my gosh, so many comments!!

1. When I'm sick I'm ___wanting to be babied!_______.

2. When I take a walk, I think about ____what's most pressing on my mind______.

3. Money can't buy happiness but it can ___make things easier.. some things_______.

4. Cotton makes me ___comfy_______ and leather makes me ___sexy_______.

5. The strangest person/character I've had lewd thoughts about was ____I don't think I've had those kinds of thoughts about anyone I thought was strange. Maybe someone else might think it was strange tho ? ;)______.

6. My favorite color these days is __turquoise________ because ___it seems cheerful_______.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to __chillin with my mom and aunt___, tomorrow my plans include __my grandfathers bday celebration___ and Sunday, I want to __have fun at a pool party ;)__!

Anonymous said...

oh mine is just up now:

happy Week-end!

Missy said...

Mine is up...

Madeleine said...

Hi, mine is a day late, it is up now

Butchay said...

kinda late but I played :)

Claudia said...

mine is finally up!

Joe said...

Better late than never! :)

Jana said...

I am tardy but got it done!!

Joe said...

Sebastian or Max..? Who are they?
No, the name of the character was Cian, it's a Nora Roberts novel - she writes romance novels, my mom loves her and suggested I read one of her trilogy that had some epic/saga twist to it :) It was indeed pretty good!

Joe said...

Ah ok I see! Never heard of it :)

smariek said...

A little late here (as usual), but mine is up:

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

ShannonW said...

I am way late but finally posted. Here

Have a great day!