Thursday, April 9, 2009



Last week, Anonymous left this comment: "*sighs* The last two of these have sucked royally...I love this thing, but now I'm having to go back in the archives and find ones that aren't totally ridiculous and moronic...". This week, I'm dedicating #1 to Anonymous :-) we go!

1. Anonymous..._____.

2. _____ is a _____.

3. Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, _____.

4. _____ what I look forward to most about Spring.

5. Who needs therapy when _____.

6. _____ MUST go into the Easter Basket!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

Happy Easter to those that celebrate it!


Bellezza said...

Happy Easter, everyone!

Visit my fill ins here.

JM said...

Hehe. Fun. Mine will be going up in about three and a half hours.

Anonymous said...

Mine is here

Sorry, I blogged one small paragraph about other things, too, but without it you might not understand one of my fill ins.

Toni Lee said...

I put in my 2 cents worth

YellowRose said...

Great Fill-In as always!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Weekend!

Mines Here!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

I haven't done one, but I just wanted to say Anonymous sucks the big one. There, I feel much better now.

sara said...

I'm up!

Happy Easter!

lupusurvivor said...

posted mine here!

Autumn said...

The higher ground, hostess? :)

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here.

Have a great weekend :-)

Life Scraps and Patches said...

My answers are posted. Happy Friday and Happy Easter, everyone.

Janet said...

Mary@Holy Mackerel: Oh, my my!

Autumn: I like to think so :-)

Anonymous said...

When she said the last two of these...they meant the last two friday fill in's...not the last two fill-in's of the last fill-in and I have to agree. They have been really hard to do!

Anonymous said...

I have a few things to say! LoL

Happy Friday everyone (even anon)

262mom said...

Happy Friday!!!

Shelly B said...

Went ahead and posted mine here.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter!

Sami said...

Here's mine..

Happy Friday :)

i'm babie said...

Have a great easter! You can check out my answers here.

Keely said...

I like the ones that are "hard to do". The book one was awesome.

Mine will be up sometime tomorrow at the Un Mom.

Happy Friday!

Paula said...

Mine are posted....Happy Easter to all

MommyWizdom said...

Happy Easter to you!!


MediMonsters said...

Joining in this week.

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! HERE.

Have a great weekend.

Phoenix said...

TGIF!! :)

Mine is up:

Anonymous said...

I've watched too much Happy Tree Friends tonight, so my answers are a little wierder than usual... and that's a scary thing. 8-o

Freud Easter Bunny for the Jung!

stephanie said...

I'm in; good times, Janet.

And for the record, when you start charging for your service I might lodge complaints about difficulty. Or I might just choose to do something else. I guess life is harder for some people...


CJ said...

Janet -

I'm sorry that the anonymous twit did that to you. I think you do an amazing job and people who don't have the courage to sign their names to their comments should just be quiet.


Mine are up at:

Sorry for not creating a link but my computer is acting funny so I want to get this done.


Julie said...

Happy Friday to all!!!

Melissa said...

I'm up!

Happy Friday! Happy Easter!

Marites said...

Mine's up! happy easter, everybody!

Mary said...

Here is mine.

Julie said...

Mine's up.

ADMIN said...


Advance Happy Easter to everyone!

Betty said...

Here's mine:

My 2nd time playing. =)

Caspette said...

Anonymous needs to build a bridge and get over it.

Happy Easter!

mine is here

Terri said...

My fillin is here.

Annie said...

Mine are up!

sally906 said...

Mine are up now:

Happy Easter everyone

Arlene said...

Mine is now up! Anonymous is a coward. :D

Peace Ano!

Happy Easter everyone!

MellissaD said...

Happy Easter everybody!

Wrighty said...

Happy, happy Easter everyone! Thank you Janet! So sorry you have to put up with stuff like that.

Here's MINE.

Greenenvelope said...

Mine is up HERE!

cheatymoon said...

Thanks Janet - mine are up! Have a fabulous weekend.

Jodi said...

Mine is here. Hope you have a great Easter!!

Yvonne said...

Mine is up

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Mine are up :)

Coffee Slut said...

Happy Friday!

Heather said...

Here are mine

Cat. said...

I'm up. I'm actually going to go read what everyone else said for #1.

Anonymity is not for morons.

Dawn said...

Mine is up right here. I hope you will stop on by and visit. Happy Easter!!

Lexi said...

Mine are actually up early on this Good Friday!

Theresa said...

I know who Anonymous is and well.. yeah ..

Mine will be up shortly.

m said...

Good one! Mine's here:

TopHat said...

Happy Friday!
Mine are here!


Sherrie said...

Mine are posted here: Have a great holiday week end!


Minding Spot said...


Here is Mine:

Amber said...

Have a Fabulous Easter weekend all. I'm up.

Unwritten said...

First timer!!! It's here

Unknown said...

61 again? gonna have to come here early and steal the first spot!

I actually cracked myself up again filling this in :) thanks for the meme!

Mine is HERE <- Click

Jack said...

Here are mine
Thanks for the FFI's Janet!

Taylor said...

Up! These are a challenge. Thank you!

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up: Friday Fill-Ins 25.

Have a good weekend!

PeachyTO said...

It's important for some to realize that fill-ins are only as good as the imagination and creativity of the person doing them!

Mine can be found here .

Have a great long weekend everybody!

Daisy @ Our Growing Family said...

Mine are up! :) Happy Easter!!!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up, hope everyone has a lovely Easter.

Bookworm said...

Mine's up! :)

Happy Easter!

Janet said...

Um...yeah, Anonymous, I got that :-)

Stacey said...

Finally done!

BurtonReview said...

The Burton Review has hers up.


eMelectric said...

I appreciate your weekly efforts, Janet. Wishing you all a happy Easter weekend. I filled-in here.

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine is up!

Madeleine said...

Late but I am done

I wish you a Happy Easter Janet :)

My Friday Fill~ins are here:

Lisa said...

Mine are up. And I have to say I did skip the last two because they weren't my "thing" but since it's not my challenge, I figured I could just be quiet about it.

Billy Rhythm said...

I slept late this AM, so I had to wait until after work. I'm up now.

Jolene said...

Posted here.

Have a great weekend, all!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter :)

Mine are up

Kwizgiver said...

Happy Easter weekend!

~Kristina said...

Thanks for this, Janet!
Here's my take:

Anonymous said...

I posted a picture of one of my quilts

Gal Friday said...

A little late, but I did it! verification word is.."caring".

Anonymous said...

Mine are up at

Monica said...

L~ said...

Hey, why are some people so darn negative, and chicken to leave their name at the same time?? Well, my fill ins are complete! *smiles*

tommie said...

Happy Easter weekend...finally posted.

Janet said...

Gal Friday: That's so cool!

Kasi said...

God Bless and Happy Easter!!

And Anonymous is just crazy...These are wonderful and don't stop...

Liz said...

Really late this week!

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted; thanks for another good set of questions:

Kerslyn said...

my entry's up! happy easter to those who celebrate it. :-)

Maddie MoZelle said...

Happy Easter, and thanks so much for continuing this fun game. My responses are posted:

Jana said...

Late, but done.

One day I will figure out the code to put the link in nice and pretty.

Shelley K. said...

Mine is here--I too am always late...