Thursday, September 24, 2009



Graphic courtesy of Tonya! we go!

1. One week ago _____.

2. ___________ when I was young.

3. Mama told me ___________.

4. ___________ you and me.

5. Take your time ___________.

6. ___________ will pass!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


sara said...

mine's up!

~ Mhay ~ said...

My entry is up as well :)

Happy week end!

DEZ said...

TGIF! Happy Weekend Everyone!
mine's up here!

Beth said...

If you want to see my answers they are here .

Life Scraps and Patches said...

My answers are posted and I'm # 6! Happy weekend, everyone.

Marites said...

Mine up here. happy weekend, everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

This is fun!

Andrea said...

Mine's up----

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

My answers are on my blog, Confirm The Work of Our Hands. The link is below, but I don't know if it will show up right or not...

rjs mama said...

check out my friday fill-ins people!

don't forget to put your friday fill-in links on the comments section. happy weekend

Joanne said...

Mine's up! ->


Forgetfulone said...
Mine is posted!

Carielle said...

Mine is up...Happy Friday :)

Phoenix said...

Great Fill-Ins this week, I hope you have an awesome weekend! :)

Mine is here!

Dawn said...

Happy Friday everyone! My answer is here.

Osbasso said...

Count me in!

♥ MomieQueen ♥ said...

mine's up here:

Melissa said...

My answers are posted!

Happy Friday!

MaR said...

My answers are posted here, happy weekend!!

Megan, Life Revamped said...

im up!

find me here

have a great week!

Tammy said...

I have never done this before. It was fun. Mine is here

Liz said...

mine is up. happy Friday!

Friday Fill-ins

Literary Feline said...

My response is posted.

Lulu said...

My Friday Fill-in entry is up now. Happy friday everyone!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

Walk with Me said...

My entry is up!

Vanniedosa said...

mine's up too!
have a wonderful weekend!

Mariposa said...

I'm UP...and sorry to see spam in the comment section!

Mariposa's Friday Fill-Ins!

sally906 said...

I'm late this week - but it is still Friday so mine is up now here:

Jodi said...

My entry is up. Have a great Friday!

Michelle said...

Hi Tonya,
I'm new here. I found your site through `The Daily Meme` and thought it looked fun!! So mine is up.
Enjoy your weekend.

Lisa said...

Anonymous said...

This is my first Friday Fill-In and tit was great fun!

This is my link

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Here is mine:
This week's post

Admin T.H said...


Joyful said...

My comment didn't show up the first time.
I enjoyed doing this meme.
Thanks for doing it.
My post is up.

Anonymous said...

I'll be back to visit you when I get home from work; mine are quickly written here.

Blessings on your weekend!

Billy Rhythm said...

Filled In!

Shelly B said...

Here's mine!

kyooty said...

Kyooty center: Friday Fill-ins Fall, You and Me? I Tried

mine are now up

Anonymous said...

My entry

Have a great weekend everyone.

Aimie said...

Mine is up!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Marie said...

mine is up:

Unknown said...

Mine is up too at:

How does everybody put a link in the comment here? I'd love to be able to do that, too.

Have a great weekend all.

While you're at my site, don't miss my free short story just published this week. The link is there.

threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine are ready too!

Dawn said...

Mine is up
Stop on by and check my blog out. :-) Have a great weekend everyone!!

Redge said...

Mine is up, TGIF!

Life With The Boys! said...

Mines up - come and visit!

Marice said...

mine is up too

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine is up here!

Happy Friday!

BurtonReview said...

Mine are up at The Burton Review!

Sherry Goodloe said...

Happy Friday everyone! My Fill-Ins are posted :)

Absurd Book Nerd said...

Mine are up!

Pepper said...

I tried this for the first time today.


Esther said...

Mine is up!

Chie Wilks said...

mine is here

AKoSiJene :) said...

Mine's up! :)
Happy weekend!

Mommy said...

Answered mine...

Lori L. Clark Art said...

Happy Friday ya'll! Mine are here!

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted:

Angela said...

My answers are here:

Happy Friday!

Kerslyn said...

mine's up! have a great weekend!

annies home said...

here is mine

Lynda said...

Mine is up

YellowRose said...

I'm all Filled In!!

Happy Weekend!

Unknown said...

I am finally doing this meme also.

Susan said...

Mine are up, some good ones!

Anonymous said...

Just found you through Kyooty's site ... and I'm playing!

Becca's Dirt said...

Mine are up.

Miss Janet said...

Thank you!

~Kristina said...

I've missed a few weeks...not this one though!
Janet, thanks for hosting.

Movie Hunger said...

Have an awesome weekend everyone

funkyhan said...

My first friday fill in :)

funkyhan said...

My first friday fill in :)

The Gal Herself said...

It's a little after 4:00 (CST) on Friday and I'm finally up!

Laane said...

Mine are up too.

Have a great weekend!

Ronnie said...


Marie said...

Mine is up Here

Kwizgiver said...

Hope everyone has a really great weekend. Thanks for the fun fill-ins!

Andrea said...

Here is my fill-in

Pblacksaw said...

Mine are done..

Anonymous said...

Here is my participation for this week:

Kasi said...

posted mine...

alisonwonderland said...

I'm posted my fill-ins. Have a great weekend!

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Hi Janet Happy weekend, my answers are here

Anna said...

my fill-ins are late this week again. anyways i just posted it: here

have a fun weekend!

Kathy said...

Mine are up!

Happy weekend all!

Jayne d'Arcy said...

I'm new. With 22 minutes left, I made it. Here tis:

Mardel said...

I posted one of my infrequent Friday Fill-Ins.

Cacai M. said...

hi, mine is up in here:

Happy Fill-ins Friday! thanks!

yulz said...

Mine's up ~ Happy Weekend peep . . ;D

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I've done Friday Fill-Ins. Mine is HERE. Have a great weekend!

Lexi said...

Martha said...

Thanks for stopping by. This looks like fun! I usually post my party post on Friday evenings - this would be a fun party game! :-)