Thursday, October 8, 2009


Serendipity we go!

1. Sweet dreams _____.

2. ___________ especially for me.

3. Silliness ___________.

4. ___________ this Halloween.

5. Outstanding or not ___________.

6. ___________ is what I want right now!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Unknown said...

My Friday fill-ins are up at: Ashley Ladd

Anonymous said...

My answers are posted here

Life Scraps and Patches said...

My answers are up. Happy Friday, everybody.

Phoenix said...

TGIF! :)

Mine is here!</a

Cala Gray said...

Mine are up!!:)

Vanniedosa said...

i've joined too!

enjoy the weekend!

Gloria P. said...

you guys are quick!


Yvonne said...

It's been awhile, but I'm back. Mine is here

Taylor said...

Check mine at midnight Eastern time.

Carielle said...

Will be up at midnight...Happy Friday everyone!

Dena said...

mine are posted at Green Acres:

sally906 said...

It is early Friday afternoon here - so have put mine up:

Anonymous said...

My fill-ins are here

Have a great weekend everyone :)

Beth said...

Beth's Thoughts is the place to find mine fill-ins this week (and every week).

Marites said...

my fill-ins are up here.

Have a good weekend, everybody!

YuL hm said...

Mine is up =)

Celticlady's Reviews said...

Mine is at

~ Mhay ~ said...

Here's my entry. Have a great week end!

rjs mama said...

Happy weekend everyone. Don't forget to comment on my entry!

Megan, Life Revamped said...

i'm up!

happy weekend! come and visit my fill-ins if you have the time!


Joanne said...

Mine's Up ->

Happy weekend! Ü

Sheren-May said...

my 3rd friday fill in... peep here

Dog-Eared Books said...

Mine's here:

Chie Wilks said...

im playing today...mine is here:

Tammy said...

Here's mine. Have a great weekend everyone.

Literary Feline said...

My response is up. Have a good weekend!

Wrighty said...

I've missed out the last few weeks. It's good to be back! My answers are HERE. Have a great weekend!

~Andie~ said...

Happy Friday everyone!

Mine are up:

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday everyone

Here's mine

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Mine are here

Ryzmomplus2 said...

My friday fill ins are up

Sassy Brit @ said...

Here's mine! I had a lot of fun again with this: HERE.

Have a great Friday!

Lisa said...

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

Tracie said...

Mine are here:

Billy Rhythm said...

I'm up, come read and comment, oh yeah!

Marice said...

mine is up too

Shelly B said...

I love these this week! Here's mine...

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here

Have a great holiday weekend. :-)

Dawn said...

My Friday Fill-Ins is up
right here
. Have a great weekend everyone!! :-)

Becca said...

Hi everyone! I am back from my trip! Here are my answers this week: Lost in Books

Aimie said...

mine are up!! :)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

BurtonReview said...

Mine is up at The Burton Review. TGIF!

Christina said...

Happy Friday!

Mine are up.

Donna said...

Posted mine....been participating a few weeks, but never posted here! Silly me!

Anonymous said...

My answers are up at Urban Excursions. Happy Friday!

Liz said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday everyone...can't wait to go see what the weekend holds!

Arlene said...

Mine is now up!

Happy weekend, everyon!

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday everyone!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up at

Wonderfully Chaotic said...

Mine is up at Wonderfully Chaotic!


beastmomma said...

My responses are posted:

Unknown said...

Here's mine:

Becca's Dirt said...

Mine are up -

Lori L. Clark Art said...

Finally Friday and mine are here!

Kwizgiver said...

Happy Friday! Thanks for the great fill-ins!

Unknown said...

My Friday Fill-Ins are up now.

Shannansbooks said...

Mine is up now :

Angela said...

You can find my post here!

MinorityReport said...

Mine are up. I'm glad I found this page. lol.

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine is up here!

If you're on Facebook, would you vote for Zeus in the doggy Halloween contest?

Lulu said...

Happy weekend

My FTF entry is up now

Stacey said...

Did these before I went to bed last night but forgot to post it...must have been to eager for my head to hit my pillow! :)

Carrie B said...

My Fill-ins are filled in here;

Lizze said...

Here are my answers:

Life With The Boys! said...

Mines up - stop on by!!

MJ said...

My post is up! You can check them out HERE or go to

Mommy said...

I just posted mine

A Mom's Choice said...

My answers Chronic Chick Talk

threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine are finally ready.

laane said...

Mine are up ::here::

Have a wonderful weekend.

~Kristina said...

Whoa! High Fives, Janet! Look at all the people playing.

Happy Friday :)

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up!!!

Dez said...

been busy yesterday. mine's up now here:

Katrina said...

I've got mine up! Have a great weekend!

Mrs.Who said...

My fill-ins are up and ready.

Jodi said...

I'm all filled in! Stop on by!

Kasi said...

Put mine up! :)

Isolated Existence. said...

My are up. Happy Friday and weekend to everyone!

Brenda Susan said...

Mine is up & ready to be read at

Maria's Space said...

My answers are LAMO

Kerslyn said...

mine's up! have a great weekend!

Jenn Erickson said...

Week 2 for me. Fun, fun, fun. Thank you!

Jenn @

annies home said...

heres mine

Brenda Wilkey said...

My Fill-Ins are at

Andrea said...

Here is my fill-in

Cacai M. said...

Mine is up in here.

Race said...

My friday fill-ins is up now at

happy weekends to all!

Redge said...

Oh! late posting again..
Here's mine BTW..

Cat. said...

Mine will be up shortl.

♥ mommy author ♥ said...

mine is up!

♥ mommy author ♥ said...

mine is up!

Kathy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy said...

OK, lets see if the link works this time ;) Mine are finally up - late but that is better than never,right? LOL!


Have a great weekend all! Kathy

Sue said...

A newbie here, but I've done several on my blog, but the first time I've linked. You can find mine at
Hope that works!

Kimberly Bower (gladeslibrarian) said...

For some reason my comment didn't show up. Here's my Friday Fill-ins: