Thursday, December 10, 2009

#154 we go!


1. Good times: _____________.
2. _________ my home.
3. Sleigh bells ring __________.
4. _____________ little.
5. Once more ______________.
6. ________ end?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Unknown said...

Great ones this week!!

I have mine posted

Anonymous said...

I am up

Vanniedosa said...

i've joined!^_^

Dez said...

Happy Friday....

Mine's up here!

Alison said...

It's not actually Friday here yet but I won't have time to post this tomorrow.

Here it is!

The Wifey's Journal said...

Mine's up at :

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo Friday... I will post fill - Ins

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

posted mine here

Anonymous said...

It is Friday here in Oz - so mine is up :)

C o n n i e said...


Phoenix said...

Great questions! I hope you have an awesome weekend! :)

Mine is here!

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

Here is mine!!!

Melissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa said...

Happy Friday!
My answers are here!
Have a great week!

Tammy said...

Merry Christmas!!!
My Fill-ins are up here.

Taylor said...

Mine is scheduled for 12 hours from now. hehe

Andi said...

Mine is up. :-)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday!

Beth said...

Here is mine. And on Friday night even!

Nessa said...

I filled in HERE.

Brandt! said...

I'm up ... have a good weekend!

Yvonne said...

Mine is here

Anonymous said...

Mine is posted here. Happy Friday everyone!

Anonymous said...

Although I have posted for the past few weeks, this is my first "official" posting. Loved the questions!

Anonymous said...

My answers are here

Ryzmomplus2 said...

I got my list up here

Arty said...

I'm done. You're welcome to visit and comment.

KayeDean said...

Mine is UP!

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

Here is mine!

Chie Wilks said...

I am joining today... it's here

Amber said...

I'm up for this week
Have a fabulous friday all

achildoftheking said...

Mine is ready here. Happy Friday!

stephanie said...

I am here! Thanks, Janet. Love the new (? I've been absent...) logo thingy.

Happy weekend, all :D

Rims said...

Mines up

TopHat said...

Mine's here!

Dana said...

Mine are up [HERE]

annies home said...

This one was lots of fun for me here is mine

Meandering Matt said...

Mine's up. Meandering Matt

Billy Rhythm said...

Mine will be up later tonight.

Anonymous said... Happy Friday!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Here's Mine

~Kristina said...

So much fun! Thanks for another week.

Andrea said...

Got mine done!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I LOVED this one Janet! Here's mine:

I created a holiday button for you (it's on my post). Hope you don't mind! Feel free to grab it for your site.

♥ mommy author ♥ said...

Janet said...

thetruebookaddict: I LOVE the design! I'll be using it next week, thank you :-)

Adie said...

heres mine!

Jack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jack said...

It's been a while! I missed you guys. Check out my Fill-Ins :)

Lulu said...

My FTF entry

Anonymous said...

Mine is here

Shana said...

Got mine up. All together now.... T*G*I*F.

La Coccinelle said...

Here's mine.

Stacey said...

How did it get to be almost 4 p.m. already?? So much for getting done early!

Anonymous said...

I love this!

JHS said...

I haven't participated in a while, but since I had time today . . .


Kwizgiver said...

Lots of fun this week! Always a great kick off to the weekend.

Kathy said...

Hi all! Mine are here

Have a great weekend!! Kathy

cheesecakepoi said...

My answers are posted.

Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

I did it!

Gal Friday said...

This was a fun one to fill in(and a little easier than some Friday Fill-in's, for my tired Friday night brain):

Andrea said...

Here is my Fill-In

~Melinda said...

Love Fridays! :)

Nita said...

Better late than never! My entry is here!


Journey in Life said...

Happy FF! Mine's up!

Enjoy the weekend!

Ronnie said...

Happy Friday!

Kasi said...

posted mine!

threesidesofcrazy said...

A little late, but here:

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Friday Fill-Ins on a Saturday morning. Surely I'm not the only one.

Race said...

Mine's up here:

Redge said...

Happy weekend! Mine is up..

Cacai M. said...

Happy Weekend! Here's my My Friday Fill-ins

beastmomma said...

A day late, but still participating!

Christian Homeschooler said...

I know my entry is late. But I hope to still share my post.