1. Good times: _____________.
2. _________ my home.
3. Sleigh bells ring __________.
4. _____________ little.
5. Once more ______________.
6. ________ end?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!
Great ones this week!!
I have mine posted http://lovemy2dogs.blogspot.com/2009/12/friday-fill-ins-good-times.html
I am up http://www.jdaniel4smom.com/2009/12/friday-fill-in-154.html
i've joined!^_^
Happy Friday....
Mine's up here!
It's not actually Friday here yet but I won't have time to post this tomorrow.
Here it is!
Mine's up at :
Woo hoo Friday... I will post fill - Ins
posted mine here
It is Friday here in Oz - so mine is up :)
Great questions! I hope you have an awesome weekend! :)
Mine is here!
Here is mine!!!
Happy Friday!
My answers are here!
Have a great week!
Merry Christmas!!!
My Fill-ins are up here.
Mine is scheduled for 12 hours from now. hehe
Mine is up. :-)
Mine are up! Happy Friday!
Here is mine. And on Friday night even!
I filled in HERE.
I'm up ... have a good weekend!
Mine is here
Mine is posted here. Happy Friday everyone!
Although I have posted for the past few weeks, this is my first "official" posting. Loved the questions!
My answers are here
I got my list up here
I'm done. You're welcome to visit and comment.
Mine is UP!
Here is mine!
I am joining today... it's here
I'm up for this week
Have a fabulous friday all
Mine is ready here. Happy Friday!
I am here! Thanks, Janet. Love the new (? I've been absent...) logo thingy.
Happy weekend, all :D
Mines up http://rimsquest.blogspot.com/2009/12/ff-15.html
Mine's here!
Mine are up [HERE]
This one was lots of fun for me here is mine http://shopannies.blogspot.com/2009/12/friday-fill-in.html
Mine's up. Meandering Matt
Mine will be up later tonight.
http://riggsfamilydiary.blogspot.com/2009/12/1.html Happy Friday!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Here's Mine
So much fun! Thanks for another week.
Got mine done!
I LOVED this one Janet! Here's mine: http://thetruebookaddict.blogspot.com/2009/12/friday-fill-in_11.html
I created a holiday button for you (it's on my post). Hope you don't mind! Feel free to grab it for your site.
thetruebookaddict: I LOVE the design! I'll be using it next week, thank you :-)
heres mine!
It's been a while! I missed you guys. Check out my Fill-Ins :)
My FTF entry
Mine is here
Got mine up. All together now.... T*G*I*F.
Here's mine.
How did it get to be almost 4 p.m. already?? So much for getting done early!
I love this!
I haven't participated in a while, but since I had time today . . .
Lots of fun this week! Always a great kick off to the weekend.
Hi all! Mine are here
Have a great weekend!! Kathy
My answers are posted.
Happy weekend.
I did it!
This was a fun one to fill in(and a little easier than some Friday Fill-in's, for my tired Friday night brain):
Here is my Fill-In
Love Fridays! :)
Better late than never! My entry is here!
Happy FF! Mine's up!
Enjoy the weekend!
Happy Friday!
posted mine!
A little late, but here: http://www.3sidesofcrazy.com/2009/12/friday-fill-ins.html
Friday Fill-Ins on a Saturday morning. Surely I'm not the only one.
Mine's up here:
Happy weekend! Mine is up..
Happy Weekend! Here's my My Friday Fill-ins
A day late, but still participating!
I know my entry is late. But I hope to still share my post. http://www.christianhomeschooler.info/memes/friday-fill-ins1/
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