Thursday, March 18, 2010


0311001304.jpg we go!

1. Today I will be _____________.
2. _________ and I say why not?
3. What do you think of __________.
4. At _____________ it's free Pastry Day til 1030 Friday!
5. People say that what we're all seeking is ______________.
6. The image I cherish most is ________.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Katrina said...

I've got mine up & ready to go!

Anonymous said...

I am up now too.

Dawn said...

You can view mine by clicking
right here.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Cara {My Blog} said...

Mine's Up!

Miss. Clippy said...

Happy Friday everyone! Mine's here! I hope you have a great weekend :o)


Unknown said...

Mine is up and ready.

Cacai M. said...

Hello.. how everyone doing? Have you had fun with St. Patty Day? I bet you did.. For now, we will focus on our FFI and then Holy Week to Easter, isn't it? By the way, here's My Friday Fill-Ins

Have an awesome Friday at FFI! Enjoy.. :-) ~hugs~

anne said...

thank god I am a bit early today here it is

Megan, Life Revamped said...

happy weekends

check out my my FFI


Dez's Online World said...

have a happy weekend everyone! Mine's up here!

Thoughts and Beyond said...

Happy FF everyone. Mine's up!

Enjoy the weekend ahead!

Unknown said...

Happy Friday everyone!

My entry is up right here

Kari said...

I am totally new to this Friday fun, but mine is up! :) Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Taylor said...

I've got mine up early. Thanks and enjoy your weekend and Spring!

Ananya said...

Hi fill ins are up!It been a while!

Marice said...

happy friday!

u may view mine here

Lulu said...

My Friday Fill-ins are up ! TGIF!

Stacey said...

Wish I were sleeping... but at least I accomplished this! :) See my answers here.

Serena said...

This is my post fro this week.

Friday Fill Ins #168

Ozzy's Mom said...

mine is posted here

enjoy the weekend guys!

Annie said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday!

Race said...

mine's up now at

Race said...

mine's up now at

Hannah said...

Here's mine.

~ Mhay ~ said...

Mine is up here. Happy Weekend!

CMash said...

My fill-in is posted here

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Mine are posted. Happy Friday, everyone.

Beth said...

Here is mine for this week.

Anonymous said...

I'm up!! It's my first FFI. Very fun meme.

Lucinda said...

I've got mine up and ready at

Jasra/Lisa said...

I used my own blog this time!

Happy weekend, Janet!

ShannonW said...

Good morning all! I played this week and my post can be found HERE

Life With The Boys! said...

Mines up!

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here

Enjoy the weekend!

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted; the questions were tough:

Lynda said...

Mine's up

Emily said...

Happy Friday everyone!

Here are my answers:

Manders said...

Tracy said...

Just posted mine:

burn said...

Mine is also up..

Click it here.

Bekah said...

Here's mine. Or I linked to the site at the bottom.


Marites said...

Please visit my fill-ins here.

Kwizgiver said...

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend.

achildoftheking said...

Mine's up here.

_el@i_ said...

mine's up here


KayeDean said...

My is up finally, overslept today!

Proud Mommy said...

Happy weekend everyone!


Bing Yap said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bing Yap said...

it's TGIF! i have mine here.

happy weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Mine is over here

Have a good weekend

Tori said...

I have mine done today:

Jack said...

Here are mine. Have a great weekend!

**** April **** said...

I'm HERE!!!! Better late than never, huh?!

Happy Friday everyone!!

ilovepink1078 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ilovepink1078 said...

Count me in.
Mine is here

Have an amazing weekend!

Lapdog Creations said...

Happy Spring!

Mine is up here!

Kim, USA said...

Mine is up too!!

Friday Fill-ins

Billy Rhythm said...

I'm up, complete with a photo of me playing my first drum set!

Jane said...

Mine are here:

Thanks so much!!!

PamJ said...

Mine is up now too!! Right here.

Jen said...

joining again this week. here's my entry

Andrea said...

Here is my Fill-In

Chapter Two said...

I've been up since last night - d'oh! Forget to come and call you all in!

~Bry~ said...

Up today....a little late.

Anonymous said...

Licking Envelopes? Mine is HERE.

Have a good weekend.

Rims said...

On here!!!

Anonymous said...

Late, oh so late, but done!

cheesecakepoi said...

Happy weekend. My answers are posted.

Ers said...

thanks for hosting. mine's up:

Admin T.H said...

I did it