Thursday, September 30, 2010



Sorry I've been away...I had surgery on my spine and haven't been able to sit for long. I'm healing quickly and I hope to make a full recovery soon!. we go!

1. My back _____.

2. _____ wild.

3. Leaves are falling all around, _____.

4. _____ forgetfulness.

5. Healing is _____

6. _____ is what I've been up to lately!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


JoAnna said...

Hope your back gets to feeling better soon...Glad to see ya back in action:)
I am going to do a friday fill in as well.....will post tomorrow!

Cacai M. said...

Thanks for being back! I am so hoping of your full recovery! And you what, I missed you! Thanks again for this meme.

Anyway, here's my My Friday Fill-Ins for 09/30/2010

Have a great FFI all!

Lulu said...

I surely missed you and your meme... I even blogged hoping nothing is wrong with you and I hope you are okay..

Welcome back.. and hoping for a speedy recovery....

Marites said...

I really hope you'll recover so soon. Am sure glad you're back fill-ins will be up in the a few mins..

marites1034 said...

Mine's up here now..

Marice said...

aww glad to hear youre back!!!!! hoping for a fast recovery!

u may view mine here

Dex-My life in this Wonderful World said...

glad you're back and get well soon!

My FF's up here

Jhari said...

Have a fast recovery and good to hear you're back as well.

Mine's up too here.

Admin T.H said...

get well son

Cecile said...

am glad you are back; hope for your speed recovery.

mine is up here:

Megan, Life Revamped said...

i hope you're ok and on the road to recovery!

Here's my FFI:

Happy Friday!

Beth said...

Glad you're back! Hope your recovery goes smoothly.

My fill-in is in this location.

Dee said...

So glad that you're back. Will be praying for your fast recovery.

Here's my fill-ins. Have a great weekend!

Rocks said...

Welcome back!!

Mine is up now:)

Chat Noir said...

Hope you're getting back to your best. You've been missed! Here are mine this week:

Anonymous said...

And yes you're BACK! I'm Glad you're okay. Get well soon Janet! God Bless!
Mine's Up! Check itHERE.

gracia said...

I waiting for almost a month for you dear. GET WELL SOON! and make most of your situation now. We missed you!

kidsturf said...

My first entry is here... I hope I did it right! Visit me please.

anin said...

thanks for coming back, hope u are alright now.

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here

Welcome back Janet :-)

Junneth said...

Praying for your full recovery. I am new here. And I like this much. I enjoy filling up the blanks!

bambie said...

i'm hoping for your fast recovery.☺

anyway, my FFI entry is right here.

kat said...

Get well soon...

mine is up now.

Kristina said...

First time joining in! :)

Billy Rhythm said...

Glad you're back, and glad you're healing. Come to my site for a grammar lesson and lies about The Rolling Stones--all featured in this week's answers!

Chris said...

hope you get better soon!

Kitty said...

Hoping for your fast recovery! Get well soon! My entry is here.

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. My back _would love someone to give it a massage_.

2. _My hair is_ wild (from the wind this morning).

3. Leaves are falling all around, _acorns are too, so be careful walking under trees_.

4. _Some people are filled with_ forgetfulness. I'm not one of them. (I have no idea!)

5. Healing is _a slow process_.

6. _Taking Wolf for walks in the morning_ is what I've been up to lately!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _helping Omly make wedding favors_, tomorrow my plans include _trip to storage, hanging out with a friend and birthday dinner for a different friend_ and Sunday, I want to _laze about but that's not very likely_!

It's nice to see you up and about again! :D Keep up the good work healing.

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you.. God loves you! :)

CMash said...

Hope you are on the road to recovery. Don't overdo...I know...I had back surgery in April.
My Friday Fill-ins are here

jlshall said...

So happy that you're doing OK - hope that continues! Welcome back and thanks for taking the time to post a new Fill-Ins for us!

Here are my FFs.

funkyhan said...

Glad you're back and feeling better :D

~ Mhay ~ said...

Mine is here. happy Friday :)

Lisa said...

Wishing you the swiftest recovery ever and thankful that you felt up to posting this week!

Kwizgiver said...

Sending you lots of healing vibes for a full, speedy recovery!

niko said...

i pray for your fast recovery!!

here's my share!

happy weekend!

Manders said...

Here's mine!!

Billy Rhythm said...

He everyone, can I post a suggestion? Check your blog's commenting feature. Seems like quite a few here have blogs whose commenting is broken. There's an html "anchor" tag that jumps you to where the comment box should be, but there's nothing there. And, I can't tell you it's broken 'cause I can't comment!

Anonymous said...

yay! So glad to see this again :) Hope your resting up. :)

Race said...

Hope you'll feel better soon! I was really wondering for the past weeks what happened to you!

Here's my entry for the week:

Liz said...

I hope your back is better soon! Mine are up!

~ Lori ~ said...

I hope you are feelig better soon! Prayers for a quick recover.

I've linked up to your meme at

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Teacher/Learner said...

Thanks for hosting this cute meme :o) Here's my response.

Laane said...

I wish you a quick recovery. :)

My answers are ::here::

Have a great weekend!

Lulu said...

Here's mine:

Tina Kubala said...

Here's my answers:

Cat. said...

So happy you're on the mend. My answers are posted.

Life With The Boys! said...

Mines up! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see you back Janet. I hope that you continue to heal well. Here are m responses:

Pblacksaw said...

MIne are

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up

Vanniedosa said...

i joined!!:)
hope you get well soon. xoxo

redamethyst said...

I hope you will feel better soon. take care

Joined this week, you can view it here

Anonymous said...

Here's my list

Unknown said...

a couple days late....but my answers are up!

Annie said...

Hope your back gets better soon. My answers are finally up - better late than never!