Thursday, October 7, 2010


FFI we go!

1. My favorite month is _____ because _____.

2. _____ a fresh breeze.

3. I love to sniff _____.

4. _____ is what I like to have as a treat for breakfast.

5. The hobby I enjoy most is _____

6. _____ oh my!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Chris said...

glad to be back!

Chris Chronicles

Jasra/Lisa said...

It's not Friday yet. ;)

1. My favorite month is _April/May_ because _everything is in bloom_, but I also love autumn when all the leaves are turning.

2. _Open windows can catch_ a fresh breeze.

3. I love to sniff _coffee beans_.

4. _Bagels, lox and cream cheese_ is what I like to have as a treat for breakfast.

5. The hobby I enjoy most is _playing World of Warcraft with my friends_.

6. _Lions, tigers and bears,_ oh my!

7. And as for the weekend, Friday I'm looking forward to _something, but I don't know what the plans are yet_, Saturday my plans include _a massage_ and Sunday, I want to _go to Roger and Emily's wedding and have a great time_!

I miss seeing you and Wolf in the mornings! *hugs* Hope you're all well.

kt moxie said...

You're back! So glad. Hope you are feeling better. Here's mine.

Kim, USA said...

I am back!
My Friday Fill-ins

Stacey said...

Mine will be up at midnight.
Happy Fall!

shaylyn said...

I enjoyed the topic again and I already posted my entry. God bless my friend! :) have a nice day :)

niko said...


my entry is here

Lidian said...

Hi, I just wrote a post using the Friday Fill-Ins and I'll have it up tomorrow morning over here:

(I'll be out for a good part of the day tomorrow, otherwise I'd come back and post the link then)

Cheers, Lidian

I'll come back later tomorrow and catch up with everyone else's posts :)

gemini said...

Oh! am here again....have a happy weekend!

Vanniedosa said...

i missed f/ins!

here's my entry:

Junneth said...

Hi! this will be my first? I enjoyed filling up! This is a great meme!

Junneth said...

Hi I glad to have joined here this is my first Fill-Ins. Pls do visit!

Myndie said...

Back from my hiatus! And I forgot how to add the link. Perhaps someone can post it? Or better yet, put it on the main website of Friday Fill-Ins!!

vaneni said...

Read my entry here:

Marice said...

happy weekend!here's mine

kidsturf said...

I am new here...visit me

Electra said...

Welcome back,Janet, I've missed you!

Dee said...

My post is here. Have a great weekend! :)

Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...

My fill-in is here.

bambie said...

happy friday everyone! my post is up here.☺

Lulu said...

have a great friday!

My Friday Fill-ins

Judy said...

Been a long time since I've played, but I'm up at Welcome to My World of Dreams

Diana_CT said...

My answers are here

Have a great weekend :-)

Annie said...

Mine are up! Happy weekend!

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...
here is mine.

Billy Rhythm said...

Fall favorites apples, maple, pumpkin, and wood smoke all factor into my answers here. Come visit and comment!

jlshall said...

Friday again already! Have a great weekend, everyone.

My Fill-Ins are here.

Anonymous said...

Glad that the FFI's are back!!! Here is my link:

Megan, Life Revamped said...

Yay, the FFi is back!

mine's here:>


Thoughts and Beyond said...

mine's up!!! happy Friday and enjoy the weekend ahead!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

Happy Friday!

♥ MomieQueen ♥ said...

happy weekend!

mine's up.. here

Noelle said...

Marites said...

My fill-ins are here.

Esther said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Esther said...

Mine are up! The Mommy Diaries

Liz said...

My fill-ins are here!

Kari said...

Click for my Friday Fill-ins...and have a great weekend!

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted:

Manders said...

Kwizgiver said...

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

Willow Rose said...

Enjoy your weekend! Check mine out!

Literary Feline said...

My post is up. I hope you are having a smooth recovery after the surgery!

Unknown said...

hi, im your newest follower!

hope you can stop by at and follow back as well =)

no linky????

Unknown said...

first post ever is up!

A said...

Happy Weekend everyone! Mine is here! :)

Rachael said...

Here's mine.

Lori Watson said...

Joined in this week!


Teacher/Learner said...

Thanks for hosting this great meme, Janet :o)

Here are my responses. Cheers!

Andrea said...

Here is my Fill-In

Ms. Journ said...

hi here is mine.

Laura O in AK said...

Glad to find this meme...short and fun. Here's my post:

Mom's Place said...

Here is mine...i posted it last night but i was not able to link it for i had a very slow internet connection.

Sherry said...


Chalie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chalie said...

my fair share for this week!
Ayie's Inner Thoughts

glad to be back again!

queenygirltara said...

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

here's mine

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

So excited to participate in this!

Chat Noir said...

Heavens, where did the day get to?? Here are mine... late again.

Dez said...

Kinda late butFriday Fillins' up here!

Laane said...

Sorry, a bit late. But my answers are ::here::

have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

Mine's late and it's here.

jared's mum said...

love friday fill-ins, i'll make an entry even if it's already wednesday..cheers:)

Yvonne said...

I haven't been here in awhile. I forgot how much fun this can be. My answers are here