Thursday, July 14, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

FFI we go!

1. I hold _____.

2. _____ is someone I like to travel with because _____.

3. That day, _____.

4. _____ this year.

5. Trust _____.

6. _____ in the dark.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Chat said...

Mine is up here.

Have a great day and weekend ahead!

Marie said...

Diana_CT said...

My answers are post here...

Have a great weekend! :)

EileenWithAnE said...

Anonymous said...

Mine's Up!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Mine is up again!

Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious said...

hi, mine is uphere.

General Essential @ Home said...

Im playing again. here...General Essential @ Home

Have a great weekend.

Beth said...

I'm back!!
My fill-ins are here!

Lulu said...

My entry is here or

Have a safe friday everyone!

Chie Wilks said...

mine is up:

peachkins said...

Mine's here

eMelectric said...

Happy Friday! I filled-in.

I only just managed to finish last week's too! Happy weekend to you all.

Kwizgiver said...

I love your graphic! And thank you for another fun week of Fill-ins!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Thanks for hosting and allowing me to be apart of a fun meme, Janet!

Check out my recent posts….
Amazon Music Freebies(Friday Fill-Ins)
M is for Mermaid(Alphabe-Thursday)

~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Marice said...

have a great weekend!here's mine

♪Chiquitita said...

Here are mine.

Marites said...

I love the Friday Fill-in photo. Mine is here.

dkuroiwa said...

i thought i'd give it a shot this's up.
thanks luv.

(okay...just does one leave a link in the comments?? please, oh great one, teach me, please.)

cheesecakepoi said...

Mine is posted here.

gengen said...

Mine is up...

Karen @ Menopause Diaries said...

Mine's up! :)


Karen said...

Oops for some reason the link didn't work. Let me try again. HTML isn't my first language....or even my second! hehe :)

Jodi said...


Cat. said...

My answers are up. Have a great weekend, everyone!

jared's mum said...

my post is up, happy weekends!

Andrea said...

Here are my Fill-ins

Kari said...

And my quite late ones are finally posted HERE!

Kwee Cats and Art said...

Hi! This is the first one of these I've done. It's fun! Mine is here:

Thank you! Have a COOL, good, weekend!

Chat Noir said...

Late again....... Here they are:

Electra said...

I like that we've gone back to the simpler way.
Mine is here
Have a great weekend all!

Chris Arlington said...

My opinions here.

eMelectric said...

@dkorowia - Welcome! Diana_CT has a really good explanation on her blog, which you can find here.

[Diana, I hope you don't mind me linking to your blog!]

Kasi said...

Posted my answers a little late...

Dez said...

better late than never here: :)

Ananya said...

Hi Janet, Its been so long!

mine is up here

Electra said...

Mine is done.
Have a great weekend everyone!