Thursday, August 25, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

FFI we go!

1. How in the world did I _____.

2. _____ in front of me.

3. Life's _____.

4. _____ picnic lunch.

5. That was where we _____.

6. _____ I think of as "our place".

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Dorothy said...

Have a great weekend! Here's my entry

Chat said...

Here's mine.

Have a great weekend!

Jhari said...

Mine's up as well here. TGIF everyone!

Mafe said...

I post it as a note on FB. I'm sharing the idea with my friends... of course you get all the credit.

Have a nice and hurricane-less weekend!!

Shahz said...

Have a wonderful Friday everyone.. mine here: don't hesitate to visit..thankx

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday!

Chat Noir said...

It's Friday at last........ here are mine:

Happy weekend everyone.

Millie said...

Thank God Its Friday. Here are my fill-ins

Beth said...

My fill-ins can be found here.

reyapot said...


this is my first time to join here.. looking forward to meeting you guys.. i hope you can check out my friday fill-ins post -

FRANCINE said...

HERE's mine

Cacai M. said...

Thanks for this meme. Mine is up now: Cacai M.'s Place Another FFI. Come-by anytime..

Have a great day! Happy FFI everyone!

eMelectric said...

I am ridiculously happy it's Friday, partly because us kids in the UK get an extra weekend day on Monday!

Hope you all have a good one.

My answers are here.

bonz said...

happy friday, everyone!
and have a great weekend ahead of you. :)

my Friday Fill-Ins

Mamma Kerr said...

Mine are now up! Have a good weekend!...


Electra said...

Mine is here.
Have a great weekend!

genny said...

joining this week.:-)
my entry is here;

happy weekend everyone!:-)

Marice said...

have a great weekend!mine is here

Jack said...

Batten down the hatches. Hope you all have a great weekend :)


Lulu said...

Here is mine:

Have a happy weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! Mine is up today.

I didn't get a chance to read everyone's from last week, so now I have 2 weekends worth to read!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine's done!

Anonymous said...

My first Friday fill in in about a year is Here:

Barbara said...

Happy Friday!  I hope everyone on the East Coast is ready for Irene!  Stay safe.  Here are my fill ins.


Kwizgiver said...

Thanks for the fun fill-ins, Janet! Hope everyone is safe during Irene.

Cat. said...

I'm up finally. :-)

Thoughts and Beyond said...

Happy weekend everyone! Mine's up!

Anonymous said...

Amen to the sign in your photo! :-)