Thursday, November 15, 2012


It's come to my attention that the Friday Fill-Ins is apparently attracting spammers who are trying to lure participants to their blog. Starting immediately, if your Friday Fill-In post isn't at the top of your blog on Friday, your link will be deleted. I will be checking this each Friday. Also, the link-up on Mr. Linky will close at midnight on Friday nights from now on. Thanks for your understanding.

The 17th is my cousin's birthday...stop by and wish her a happy one, eh? we go!

1. If you _____.
2. _____ singing la la la
3. I have to ask you _____.
4. _____ vices; _____ habits.
5. I didn't have time _____.
6. _____ is something I love beyond all reason.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've had some time away. Forgotten how much fun these are :)

  3. I worked hard at getting it up this week - blogger app is down

  4. Happy Friday! Mine's Up and Filled In.

  5. thank you for your inspiration- i love finishing the thoughts! and thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment- i appreciate it!

  6. Hi Janet, sadly I missed the deadline this week, but it means I'll have to be more vigilant NEXT week. I do like to play along so I'm going to do them anyway, just for me. See you next week.......
