Friday, March 1, 2013


I'm doing lyrics this week...but feel free to fill in WHATEVER you'd like. That's the way I roll. we go!

1. Bert Kaempfert's _____.
2. _____ naturally.
3. So I'm packing my bags for _____.
4. _____ blues.
5. Put the _____.
6. _____ dips her donut in my tea.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

It's come to my attention that the Friday Fill-Ins is apparently attracting spammers who are trying to lure participants to their blog. To counteract this, if your Friday Fill-In post isn't at the top of your blog on Friday, your link will be deleted. I will be checking this each Friday. Also, the link-up on Mr. Linky will close on Saturday from now on. Thanks for your understanding.


  1. Newbie here. Now to remember to do it every Friday...that'll be the test.

  2. Hi lovlies: It is 1:00 am here in Toronto, but I figure it is before 1:00 somewhere! Sorry so late, just finished my own post. Have a great weekend. I put a link to your site - I hope that is OK. Cuddle buddle, samara. xox p.s. does anyone ever get these scramble words on the first try - I am a total dud lol lol

  3. I'm new here; discovered this from another blogger. LOVE. IT!! Reminds me of a school assignment. Can't wait till next Friday and thanks for letting me participate :-)
