Friday, November 2, 2007

Friday Fill-In #44

1. _______ is my favorite form of therapy.

2. If you get my voice mail you'll hear _______ .

3. My favorite product EVER is _______ .

4. I see something _______ .

5. When I'm grumpy _______ .

6. _______ is my strangest habit.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Julie said...

Done :)

Anonymous said...

Done. Direct link.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up

Anonymous said...

Up here.

Anonymous said...

I'm up :)

Wil said...

Mine are up. Have a great weekend.

Jasra/Lisa said...

I blogged 'em on my own blog this time!

Renee said...

All up!
Thanks so much.

Janet said...

eppy: "6. Wearing socks to sleep is my strangest habit." LOL I was thinking when I woke up this morning and my feet were freezing that I WISHED I'd worn socks to bed last night! Thanks for playing :)

Unknown said...

Happy Friday! I'm up.

Faith said...

Literary Feline said...

MIne is up. :-)

Anonymous said...

1. Taking a long walk with Ron is my favorite form of therapy.

2. If you get my voice mail you'll hear my voice, nothing else exciting.

3. My favorite product EVER is Neutrogena sun screen.

4. I see something orange, this is like I spy.

5. When I'm grumpy I am quiet.

6. Picking my cuticles is my strangest habit.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to babysitting the boys, tomorrow my plans include going to Alli's soccer game and Sunday, I want to relax!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me play!

Anonymous said...

My FF is up.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up :)

Anonymous said...

Hello -- I am new at this but it is really a great idea!

Amanda said...

First-time participator here!

Anonymous said...

I'm up finally. I am behind today (blame it on NaNoWriMo).
Come say hi and I'll visit you!

1morechapter said...

First time participant!

Anonymous said...

First time participant! :)

Kwizgiver said...

Thanks for another great week!


Amy said...

Mine is up!

Irishcoda said...

Mine are up! Have a great weekend!

tommie said...

happy this done.

Knittymuggins said...

Hey the new site's cool!! I know it's been a while, but I played along this week :) Thanks for another fun Fill-In! Hope you're having a great weekend so far!


Anonymous said...

Did mine :)

Zenmomma said...

Mine's up! Thanks for the fun.

alisonwonderland said...

mine's finally up! happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

My first time...found it a bit late...but it was fun! :)

Lynda said...

mine's up - if a little late ;-)