Friday, November 9, 2007

Friday Fill-In #45

1. Plans and schedules _______ .

2. I'm happy when things _______ .

3. The last thing I drank was _______ .

4. One of the most valuable things in my life is _______ .

5. I like _______ on my pizza.

6. Dear November, _______ .

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Julie said...

I played. My responses are a bit one-track this week. :)

MeL said...

It's my first time to join this weekly meme. Check out mine! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh this looks like fun! Think I'll play!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

Have an awesome weekend!

Anonymous said...

Done :)

Lendal said...

Hi, here's my go this week:

Friday Fill-In #45
1. Plans and schedules having been informed I have a class assembly next Friday, guess that's what i'll be planning!1 .
2. I'm happy when things are smooth .
3. The last thing I drank was a rather sharp Cypriot dry white .
4. One of the most valuable things in my life is - financially my car, otherwise Suzie!!.
5. I like anything spicy on my pizza.
6. Dear November,bring on the winds and chill evenings.7.
And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with a book, tomorrow my plans include collecting wedding invites, football (Watford are playing Colchester) and Sunday, I want to go for a walk along the river and eat at the greatly named 'Eel and Fish' pub!

It's amazing, but there are some Americans who follow Watford FC !!! Friday Fill-In #45
1. Plans and schedules having been informed I have a class assembly next Friday, guess that's what i'll be planning!1 .
2. I'm happy when things are smooth .
3. The last thing I drank was a rather sharp Cypriot dry white .
4. One of the most valuable things in my life is - financially my car, otherwise Suzie!!.
5. I like anything spicy on my pizza.
6. Dear November,bring on the winds and chill evenings.7.
And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with a book, tomorrow my plans include collecting wedding invites, football (Watford are playing Colchester) and Sunday, I want to go for a walk along the river and eat at the greatly named 'Eel and Fish' pub!

It's amazing, but there are some Americans who follow Watford FC !!!


Andi said...

I played, too. I think my responses were a little biased by the fact that I am not enjoying the flu.

Serena said...

Mine is up. :D


Anonymous said...

I played! and my first time:)
Friday Fill-ins
Happy Weekend!

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

I played today!

Amy said...

Here's mine. Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

I played. My answers made me weekend sound really boring!

Amat Libris said...

My browser finally let me leave a comment here! My answers are here.

Cat. said...

I'm up here. Great questions this week!!

Anonymous said...

I'm up, nice and early. Yay!! Come visit me and I'll come say hi to you! :D

Nyssaneala said...

Here's mine!

~**Dawn**~ said...

Yay! I played this week!

Unknown said...

My answers are here.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up- late this week- everything is a little off schedule for me this week

Anonymous said...

Mine are up :)

Zenmomma said...

I did mine!

Anonymous said...

Here it is!

Renee said...

Mine are up!

Lynda said...

Mines up too;-)

Ronnie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ronnie said...


tommie said...

I did mine...better late than never. Happy Friday!

Knittymuggins said...

Thanks for another fun Fill-In! Mine's done :) Have a great weekend!


Irishcoda said...

Mine are up, these are fun! Have a great weekend!

Kwizgiver said...

Wow, I really am running behind this week--happy weekend to all!

alisonwonderland said...

i'm late too - but it's here.

Anonymous said...

My first time - and a day late!

Anonymous said...

A day late but did mine :)

annie said...

Mine are up...I like the list!

Anonymous said...

Oh, can I play? It looks like fun!!! Here's mine......

Anonymous said...

Finally caught up after the long weekend!