Friday, January 18, 2008


1. The last compliment I got was from _____; he/she said _____.
2. I'm reading _____.
3. I woke up today and thought _____
4. Why does _____.
5. The last thing I ate was _____.
6. January... _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Anonymous said...

1. The last compliment I got was from Donna she said I smelled good.
2. I'm reading Hot Blood.
3. I woke up today and thought *I want to call in sick*
4. Why does an onion make me cry?
5. The last thing I ate/drank was a Mich Ultra.
6. January... .
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to painting, tomorrow my plans include shopping and taking down Christmas Decorations and Sunday, I want to _watch the Giants Game!

Julie said...

I played :)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up.

Anonymous said...

I'm in

tanabata said...

Mine's up.

Lori's Light Extemporanea said...

Also up!

Amy said...


Happy Friday everyone!

Sandy M said...

Mine is up!

stephanie said...

I soooo love Fridays. This exercise makes them even better (I've done it). Thanks, Janet! :)

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

hey janet, just wanted to say that I had answered your question. head on over to my place to see it.

Unknown said...

TGIF! My fill-ins are filled in.

CJ said...

Mine's up!

Direct link:

Lori's Light Extemporanea said...

Janet, I'd take snow over wet, cold, and grey! Thanks for the visit!

Faith said...

Anonymous said...

These are so fun! Click here to see my responses.

Deanne said...

Mine are up. :)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up

~**Dawn**~ said...

Hooray! I remembered to play while it was still actually Friday!

Anonymous said...

Mine are posted! Thanks for doing this!

Kimberly said...

My very 1st one is up. Over at
Happy Friday!

ami said...

All done!

Kwizgiver said...

Happy Friday everyone!!

Ronnie said...

Mine is up.

JCB said...

Mine are up.

Cat. said...

My answers are up here.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up too!!!

Kitty said...

Mine are up:

tommie said...

Better late than never.....happy Friday, y'all

Buddhist, RN said...


nap girl said...

mine are up now~have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

I'm late but I'm up!

Anonymous said...

ha! it's still technically Friday here, so I'm not completely late! LOL

Jennifer said...

Mine's up. Better late than never, I say!

Happy Weekend!

Jennifer :-)

Literary Feline said...

I got mine up yesterday, but forgot to post it here. Here it is!

sally906 said...

Mine is finally up here

Anonymous said...

Technically, it's Monday. But it's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Or ... erm ... A Friday?
I'm postin' it!

Angelique said...

My first one of these and hopefully more to come. Thanks for the inspiration. :)