Friday, February 1, 2008


1. Once I was _____.
2. _____ being sick.
3. Today at work I _____.
4. What's _____ all about?
5. If I make a mistake I _____.
6. When I woke up this morning, I thought _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Julie said...

I played. First, yay me :)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Or down maybe, rough week on my job & it reflects in my answers.

Anonymous said...

I'm done too!

stephanie said...

All aboard. Great questions, always a pleasure to play along :)

Ronnie said...


sally906 said...

I'm up - on a Friday too LOL

Anonymous said...

Haven't played this for a while, but mine's up :)

Heather said...

I'm up :)

MommaBoo said...

I'm up

Thanx and happy weekend, all!

Go Giants!

Jason Marz said...

I'm in.....have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Here's mine:

Cat. said...

My answers are posted here. Hav a great weekend!!

Adrienne said...

I'm playing along too!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! Thank you!

Retro Girl said...

Hi there! I joined in, as well.
Come visit me at

Happy Friday to you all. Especially those who are not snowed in!

Sandy M said...

I'm up finally.

Deanne said...

I missed last week, but I'm up for today. Yay!

Janet said...

I just joined in!

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Mine's up..happy Friday!

Unknown said...

I'm filled in!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Done! Earliest I've ever been done! Wow....

Zenmomma said...

I did mine! I really enjoyed this week. The answers came so easily.

Anonymous said...

YEY!!! I remembered to hit publish this time :D My answers are UP!!!

non compos mentis said...

I tried it for the first time today... good ones...

Anonymous said...

Oh this is my first entry try to visit me. Its a little hard but i tried.Happy weekend.

The Land of Rozz said...

Mine have been posted!

Anonymous said...

I'm up! :)

The Land of Rozz said...

Janet, I'm going to see 27 Dresses and possibly Juno this weekend.

Janet said...

Rozz, they were both SO good! Enjoy :-)

Kwizgiver said...

Wow, so many players this week!!! Happy Friday!

Trysha said...

I'm skipping my Flashback Friday again this week to play along...

CJ said...

Mine's up -

J.C. Montgomery said...

I just discovered this, so here is my first.

tommie said...

I just got mine posted. Happy Friday!

soleil said...

i finally played again.

Anonymous said...

I guess I am a little late at this today if I am coming in at #42. I had a blog snafu with my url accidently getting discovered by some folks that I would rather not know about it so I had to move yet again. Let me know what you think about the new look. I have to come up with a cool header image...all in time.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Ha! Got mine in before midnight! LOL

Anonymous said...

It's still Friday... I played.


Kandy said...

Mine are up. Thanks.

ami said...

Just finished - I forgot yesterday was Friday :P

Adrienne said...

Hi Janet, thanks for stopping by yesterday! I put up the recipe for New Orleans Chicken in today's blog post!

Jennifer said...

I played along this week! Check it out here:

Have a great week!

Jennifer :-)

Jasra/Lisa said...

I played too: