Thursday, May 8, 2008

Friday Fill In #71

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT!

Questions courtesy of Julie this week; if you'd like to leave some for future use, I'd love it!

1. The _____ had an extra secret ingredient; it was _____!
2. _____ through my window.
3. Right now, I need _____.
4. _____ is where I went Thursday night; it was _____.
5. Why does _____ hurt so much?
6. All I can think of is the _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Anonymous said...

Mine will be up momentarily! :)

Julie said...

I played. Thanks for the mention. I didn't think I was going to be much help :)

Melli said...

Mine is up! I'll be around!

YellowRose said...

I am filled-in!! :) Have a great Friday everyone!

ShannonW said...

Mine are up

Jodi said...

Mine will be up in the morning.


Ronnie said...

Thanks, Janet and Julie!

Mine will be up at 6 a.m. PDT.

Anonymous said...

you can see mine here:

Anonymous said...

Mine is up (direct link).
Have a great weekend!
Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Did mine early - now I can go watch Lost and pass out. :)

Anonymous said...


Lendal said...

It's here

Butchay said...

mine is up here @
happy friday to everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!!
Happy Friday :)

sally906 said...

Mine is up :)

Karkuzhali said...

My FF is up.

Shadow said...

my 1st one today...

Anonymous said...

Good day!! Mine is up and read for you.

Anonymous said...

Whoof!!! Mine holes are all filled in too. I'm a good dog.

Christine Duff said...

Great questions Julie. Here's my answers:

Tina said...

im up

interesting one this week :)

Unknown said...

Filled in! Great questions Julie. :)

Lisa said...

ami said...

All done :)

Billy Rhythm said...

My answers are up!

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted... here.

Have a great weekend

cre8tivkj said...

Got mine up early today. Have a great weekend!

Sally Swappa said...

Got mine up - first time playing along...

Anonymous said...

Joe said...

Another week come and gone!

VoilĂ !

Anonymous said...

Mine is up here:! Have a great weekend!

Stylish Stitches said...

I'm all filled in. Have a great weekend.

Florinda said...

Happy Friday, all! My Fill-ins are here.

Jason Marz said...

I'm in

Anonymous said...

Tis up. Thanks for letting me play. Thanks Julie.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up. Mom's have a great Mother's Day!

Jack said...

Happy Mother's Day all!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

Also I have a suggestion, if you'd like to try it:

1. There is absolutely NO way you can get me to ______!
2. _______ reminds me that summer is almost here!
3. I cannot live without my ______.
4. _______ and ______ are two things I'd like to try.
5. When life hands you lemons, _________.
6. ____________ is my favorite childhood memory.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _______, tomorrow my plans include ________ and Sunday, I want to ___

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend everyone. Friday Fill-Ins Rock!!!!

cmw said...

I am also Filled In.

Barb said...

mine is up... have a great weekend

non compos mentis said...

Its right up there...great fill-ins this week..thanks Janet...

chikku :)

Miss Positive said...

Hey there!

Here's mine.

LarryG said...

see it there :)

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm up an running

tanabata said...

I'm filled in.

Juli said...

Hi everyone! Mine is here . Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I am playing :). Thank you.

Purling Sprite Blog

Anonymous said...

And we're off and running!

delilah said...

I am all filled in. Stop by and see me.

Heather said...

My first time! Here is mine:

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

I'm up!
Y'all have a good one :)

Kelly Keating-Caraway said...

As always had a great time doing these. Nice job Julie

OMH said...

All filled in!!!!

Jennifer said...

First time I've played along but mine is up!!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up- late today- I slept in.

Jasra/Lisa said...

I did mine on my own blog today. Shocking!

Happy weekend, chica!

Amarie said...

My first time! Here we go!

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Come one Come all my answers are up!

Sleepypete said...

Managed to get one in this week :-)

(hope the hyperlink works !)

michelle said...

Mine are up! Please come read...

Anonymous said...

Mine are up...

ratmammy said...

I just posted to my blog!

Tasha said...

I have filled-in!

Kelly said...

Mine are up here:

Suzanne said...

I got my Fill-In on today... Woo-Hoo Friday!

Meghan said...

Mine are up!

TopHat said...

Here's my fill in! This is fun!

Lynda said...

Here's mine:
Happy weekend ;0)

Kwizgiver said...

Great questions, Julie! Happy weekend to all!

Tiffany Aller said...

I'm a first-timer - and I'm up!

Anonymous said...

I've started playing and I love it!

Kathy N said...

I'm late....but since it's still Friday, I'm in!

Have a great weekend!

Literary Feline said...

I played along this week! You can find my responses here.

CJ said...

Mine are up!


Sudeaux Lux said...

I have mine up!

Julia said...

Done, D U double N (big brother anyone?)

Anonymous said...

i've posted mine. Can't wait for next friday!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up on my blog. Check it out at Thanks again for the fun friday fill ins!

Buddhist, RN said...


Medbie said...

My first. =)

Pooch said...

Moxy Jane said...

Kudos to Julie! How fun to have a guest Fill-er-In-er!

Mine are indeed UP!

MoxyJane in Austin

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hooo...two weeks in a row.

Here is mine

beastmomma said...

Mine are up:

Anonymous said...

Better late than never but I played! Happy Weekend :)

Ananya said...

Missed out on the fill in last week.... was travelling to Chennai for attending an exam! But still filling it up!