Thursday, May 1, 2008

Friday Fill-In #70

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT! FFI had over 100 comments last week, and I think I got to visit each and every person! Please let me know if I missed you.

There was someone who had an amazing Friday Fill-In Header, and I wanted to add it to my sidebar...if you read this, could you email me at fondofsnapeATgmailDOTcom? Thanks!

1. Two of my favorite ingredients in a drink are _____!
2. _____ often amazes me.
3. You can keep doing that forever, the dog is _____.
4. _____, mix it all together and voila! You have _____!.
5. If I had a yard with a garden, I would love to grow _____.
6. _____ is best au naturel.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


michelle said...

Mine are up ...happy Friday everyone!

Julie said...

Done, done, done.

Anonymous said...

Mine is done and will be up at midnight for Friday.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up-

ShannonW said...

Posted! Happy Friday!

Heather said...

1. Two of my favorite ingredients in a drink are __vodka and something creamy___!
2. __The human spirit___ often amazes me.
3. You can keep doing that forever, the dog is __totally nutty___.
4. __Doggie + Rawhide___, mix it all together and voila! You have __an occupied pup___!.
5. If I had a yard with a garden, I would love to grow __everything!___.
6. __Lounging___ is best au naturel.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __not sure___, tomorrow my plans include __flying out for a conference___ and Sunday, I want to __see new orleans___!

Jack said...

I can't believe I'm finished the night before.
Come on over :)

YellowRose said...

Happy Friday!! Mine is up and ready!!

YellowRose's Friday Fill-In

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up at midnight PST. :D Have a great Friday!

Unknown said...

I'm on it this week- my Friday Fill-Ins are filled in Thursday night!
Fleur's Fill-Ins

Melli said...

Mine is scheduled to go up at midnight! I'll be around tomorrow!

Ananya said...

mine are up!have a gr8 week end!I was wondering y u never participated with ur own fill in! u can put it up in the end if u dont want us to read it at the beginning!!it would be fun 2 know what is happening with you too!:)

Julia said...

Posted! Happy Friday!

Juli said...

Done! Have a nice weekend. Here they are.

Anonymous said...


Kelly Keating-Caraway said...

Mine are posted- had fun as always

Ronnie said...

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday Fill-Ins everyone!!

Here are mine

Anonymous said...

Whoof!!! My post is up and waiting fur you all to come visit. Don't worry, I'm a friendly dog.

Anonymous said...

It's dated for Thursday, but I figured since the fill-in is already posted, it's cool to post my responses...

Happy May everyone!

Anonymous said...

Friday Fill-Ins are all filled in at my blog!! See you all soon.

candyQ said...

I'm up with with my FFI. TGIF! :o)

sally906 said...

Mine are up:

Butchay said...

hi to all...TGIF, you can view my friday fill ins on this link.

Christine Duff said...

Happy Friday! My answers are up!

Deb R said...

Here I am. :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday and TGIF! Hope you can check out my fill-ins here at:

Tina said...

Mine is up :)

Lynda said...

MIne are up.
Have a good weekend all ;0)

tanabata said...

Mine's up.

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday! Mine are up :)

Strlady said...

My Fill-in for this week is up!
Friday Fun

Maria's Space said...

Up and ready to read yours.

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

All done.

Happy Friday to all!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up here:! Have a great weekend!

Karen said...


Stylish Stitches said...

This was my first time participating - It was fun

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Mines up - My family and I all do this so that there is a guaranteed update once a week. Thanks for the material!!!

Cat. said...

My answers are up, and duly linked. Have a wonderfuloso weekend!!! :-)

Unknown said...

I am done . . .

Tasha said...

I am up! I emailed you the header I used last week. Using it again this week....

Florinda said...

Mine is up.

Have a great weekend, y'all!

OMH said...

Wow this weeks was hard on some of them....... Like would it have been wrong to put MY HUSBAND is best Au natural??????

Anonymous said...

Mine is in

have a nice week-end

Anonymous said...

it's my first time to play along. :) HERE are my answers. have a great weekend everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

I am a newbie - thought I would try it. Mine is up.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up - course can't read it if I don't leave my blog addy.

Barb said...

ok mine is up...there was a couple of tough ones this

Anonymous said...

Up and done

Have a nice weekend.

Joe said...


peppylady (Dora) said...

In less then speed or light. I'll be posting mine

cre8tivkj said...

I am up! Got get off the computer, it is lightening out!

Trisha said...

Great meme! This is my first time joining :) Here's mine!

Literary Feline said...

My response is up!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up and on time this week! Yeah me!!!

mandaroo63 said...

First timer! Found you over at Zen Momma's Garden. Here's my first:

Mandaroo's Friday Fill In

Jodi said...

Mine are up!
Have a great weekend!

Kelly said...

Mine are up!

Click here!

Happy Friday
p.s. This is my first week trying to make a direct link - hope it worked!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us play

ratmammy said...

I posted!!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up. Have a great weekend

delilah said...

Here is mine...I don't know how to link....

ratmammy said...

Janet, Japan was such a whirlwind trip this time around! we actually only had 2 days there, with two days travel. The wedding was very interesting.. they chose to do a christian wedding (it was catholic!) but they do things different in Japan. an hour before the wedding ceremony, the immediate families (cousins and all that too) sat opposite each other and we were all individually introduced. this took an hour. bride and groom sat in the middle front of the room dressed in their wedding outfits.

after the wedding, we had the reception and the bride and groom were expected to do several clothings changes! they only did one, changed into outfits that looked very much like American South (confederate suit on my cousin it looked like!). It was a very posh reception, seemed very well scripted like a japanese variety show! I hadn't planned on posting any of the photos on my blogs, but I may post one or two photos at some point...

LA Nickers said...

Nice prompts!

Just for Fun – Friday Fill-in 70, on Practically at Home

Blessings, Linda

Check out the brand-new weekly poetry prompt on SIMPLY SNICKERS - on blogspot. ;-)

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. Two of my favorite ingredients in a drink are _fruit juice and rum_!
2. _My niece_ often amazes me.
3. You can keep doing that forever, the dog is _still not coming back in the house_.
4. _Vanilla ice cream and Kahlua_, mix it all together and voila! You have _a Mudslide_!
5. If I had a yard with a garden, I would love to grow _tupics_.
6. _Curly hair_ is best au naturel.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _celebrating a friend's birthday_, tomorrow my plans include _taking Jenn to the airport_ and Sunday, I want to _do something fun with James_!

Happy weekend, Janet!

Anonymous said...

mine's up! Happy weekend everyone!

califmom said...

Tis Up!

Kimberly said...

I took a couple weeks off, but I'm back! It should be up now!

Lendal said...

up now--enjoy the weekend - a long one here in the UK

Kwizgiver said...

Really fun questions this week! Thanks!

Ragtop Day said...

Here's mine:

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here.

Have a great weekend :)

3rdEyeMuse said...

amazing ... already 76 comments ... add me to the list:

cheers! ~M~

Anonymous said...

I love the new img link!

I just added my Friday Fill Ins!

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine is up.

Anonymous said...

Mine are Filled-In! Happy Friday, everyone!

SlyGly said...

Thanks Janet!

Zenmomma said...

Mine's up. Happy Friday.

Anonymous said...

April said...

Mine are up!

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

Got mine posted:


Moxy Jane said...

Hey, I am, and it's not even Saturday yet! Mine are up (I feel compelled to say that).

I just love reading what people come up (not to mention what Janet manages to come up with each week!).

Austin, TX

tommie said...

happy friday, y'all....mine are up

beastmomma said...

Mine is up in a different place for just this week:

Biddy said...

these are rather addicting...

Miz K said...

Love this - thanks!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

This is my first time trying Friday Fill-Ins and I really enjoyed it. Thanks.

Kristen said...

a day late, but i'm there!

CJ said...

Well, dang.

I did it again.

I posted late last night and forgot to come back here to make that official.

Anyway, you can find mine here:

Rachael said...

Hello everyone. This is my first time doing this so although I had them on my blog yesterday, I'm a little late at getting my link posted here. Anyway, they are up.

Anonymous said...

I hope late is better than never! I just found this today..

Karkuzhali said...

Though it's not yet Friday, I tried out the meme for last week. This is my first attempt doing memes altogether.