Thursday, June 19, 2008

Friday Fill In #77

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT!

As always, if you'd like to have your questions featured on the Friday Fill-Ins you can either leave them in the comments or email me at fondofsnapeATgmailDOTcom. Thanks!

1. A smile is __________.
2. __________ is my favorite board or card game.
3. I would love to have more __________ in my life and less __________.
4. When I think of the Summer Solstice, I think of __________.
5. I just remembered I need to __________.
6. One of my favorite song lyrics goes like this: __________.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Anonymous said...

Posted mine already! Happy FF-ins!:)

michelle said...

Happy Friday and don't forget to wish Miss. Janet FondofSnape a HAPPY BIRTHDAY - she is turning another year younger on Sunday!

Julie said...

I'm up.

Maisie said...

I answered the questions, too.

Heather said...

Mine's up too:

Melody said...

Here's mine.

Happy Friday! :)

Maria's Space said...

I love Friday Fill Ins. Mine is up

~Swankymama said...

Happy Friiiiddddaaaayyyy!!

YellowRose said...

I'm all Filled In!!
Here's mine Fill-In.

Jack said...

Hope you all enjoy celebrating Summer Solstice :)

Anonymous said...

My Fill-ins are up!

Happy Friday and happy birthday Janet! :)

Anonymous said...

my firs time to participate.

you can see mine here!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up...what a fun thing to do.

.jimaie.marie. said...

mine's up!

Renee said...

Here's mine...

Butchay said...

i am all filled up. Check it out.

Shadow said...


sally906 said...

Mine is up now:

~ Mhay ~ said...

Happy FF-ins everyone!

Mine is up

Sandy M said...

I'm up! Happy Friday!

Anna M said...

I'm up!

Have a good weekend!

Clarence said...

I hope anyone can join in - I did one too! :)

Anonymous said...

mine is up at

The Liebers said...

Here's mine!!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

I'm up. Happy Friday, everyone. Connie

Jodi said...

Mine is up! You can find it here.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! Have a good weekend!

Lynda said...

Mine's up. Have a great MidSummer weekend ;0)

Amy said...

Mine are up! Happy Birthday Janet - a few days early!

Mindful Mimi said...

Mine are up here

Billy Rhythm said...

Please, please, somebody read mine, and leave comments too! Please?

Ivanhoe said...

My first is about to be posted. Have a great weekend!

jlshall said...

Happy Friday!
Here's my Fill-in.

ami said...

Answered :)

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. A smile is _easy to share and brightens everyone's day_.
2. _Gin Rummy_ is my favorite board or card game.
3. I would love to have more _time with James_ in my life and less _stress_. I would also love to have a job I love again
4. When I think of the Summer Solstice, I think of _putting the window a/cs in_.
5. I just remembered I need to _buy lunch today_.
6. One of my favorite song lyrics goes like this: _(they're from a song from Wicked but I can't find it right now)_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _getting my nails done (acrylics, haven't been done in 3 weeks)_, tomorrow my plans include _seeing my niece in her ballet recital_ and Sunday, I want to _see James but he'll be in Colorado_!

Happy birthday, chica!

Anonymous said...

have fun

here is mine

Jason Marz said...

I'm in there

Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday Janet.

cre8tivkj said...

I played! Happy Friday!

cre8tivkj said...

I just saw it was your birthday on Sunday, so, Happy Birthday!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Mine will be up in just a few.
All of you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Mien is up!

I have some fill-ins to suggest if you'd like to use them sometime! :)

1. Birthdays are ______.

2. ____ is my favorite season because ______.

3. I feel my best when _________.

4. ______ is my favorite food!

5. First impressions are _______.

6. The best piece of advice I ever received was ___________ .

7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

LarryG said...

Every share a smile and enjoy your weekend ... summer has begun in the northern hemi at least... sorry about all y'all down below the line :)

Dawn said...

That is the direct link to mine. Happy Friday all!! :-)

Joe said...

After missing last week's due to having our baby (yay!), mine are up for this week! :D

TopHat said...

Mine's up at both my blogs.

Tasha said...

I'm all filled in. Happy Birthday Janet!!!

Christine Duff said...

Happy Friday! Here are my answers this week:

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.

Friday Fill Ins 6/20

Happy Weekend!

Kelly said...

Here's mine

Anonymous said...

Melsy626 said...

Mine are posted, as usual great fill ins this week!!! :)

Janet said...

Here is the link to my list.

Kelley said...

Happy Friday! Glad to stumble on to it!

Bellezza said...

I'm participating for the first time this week; how fun!

Anonymous said...

Gosh...made sure to play first thing this a.m. and then forgot to comment! LOL

Kelly said...

I played! You can find my post here.

Lori's Reading Corner said...

iI posted :)

Susan said...

Happy first day of summer! My fill-ins are up.

Pam said...

mine are up

Cathy said...

Word up!

stephanie said...

Me too! Thanks, Janet :))

jo_annie said...

Barb said...

mine is up... have a very happy friday and an awesome weekend... we are supposed to have lots of sun andheat this weekend.

threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine is up & I'm a newbie!

Anonymous said...

Mines up! I'm not quite a newbie but first time I've left it here! #5...HappyFriday!

Anonymous said...

I'm in - you can find mine at:

and happy birthday!

ShannonW said...

Happy Friday! I played along today!

Happy *early* Birthday Janet!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Friday! My Fill-Ins are filled in.

Sara said...

mine are up!!!!

Kwizgiver said...

Great fill-ins! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday to you all :) My answers are here :

Anonymous said...

Mine is up. Have a great weekend. :)

Moxy Jane said...

A very happy birthday to you, Janet! Thanks for all your contributions to the bloggy world!

Mine are up.

Spiral Bound: Farrell Friday


Anonymous said...

I've added mine.

califmom said...

Happy TGIF! I forget to comment that it's up. Come on by

JCB said...

mine are up. Thanks Janet :)

OMH said...

I'm posted........

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Mines up

Jennifer said...

Mine are up (

Have a great weekend everyone!

Unknown said...

I missed last week but have mine up this week!

Anonymous said...

Just posted mine...this is fun!
It is the bottom of the post..:)

Happy Friday!

April said...

Mine are up - have a great weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Mine our up :) Yey

Robin said...

Hi, I found you all for the first time. It was alot of fun.

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine is finally up!

Kitty said...

here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Mine are posted and it's still Friday! :) I won't be home next Friday as I'm going to New Zealand tomorrow for 2 weeks but I will try to do the Friday Fill-In next week none the less.

P.S. - Happy Birthday Janet! :)

Sleepypete said...

Just got mine in :-)

Happy birthday Janet !

Stylish Stitches said...

Mine are up -

Anonymous said...

mine's up! see you on my blog! :)

Jodi said...

Wow, I am WAY late.

Mine is up! And Happy Birthday, Janet! My birthday is July 1!


Leeduck said...

Mine are up

Anonymous said...

Late again!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up- better late than never I suppose!

CJ said...

Mine's up at:


Anonymous said...

Posted mine...a day late *blush*

Kelly Keating-Caraway said...

Better late than never, I finally got my answers posted.

Shadow said...

hiya. and surely you may, here's the recipe...

Diana_CT said...

I just posted my answers here

Me said...

I have never played before but Kelly (missingjtsnow) did and I think it looks fun! is the blog I'm putting them on. :)

Julia said...

Posted! Happy Birthday Janet!

Ananya said...

Mine are up janet...Happy Birthday! God bless u in all ur endeavors!

Anonymous said...

Mine is late, but posted!

Anonymous said...

I'm a couple days late, but I did it. I like the variety of answers I ended up with this time... ;)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mine is up too.

beastmomma said...

Happy Belated birthday!
I just got back in the country and posted mine today: