Thursday, July 24, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #82

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT! Questions 4-6 this week are courtesy of Sherry! I like it when people give me questions on a wicked busy day :-) Thanks!

Here we go:

1. I believe whatever doesn't kill you ______.

2. If you're good at something, ____.

3. Why so _________.

4. Something is out there, it's ______.

5. If my life were a sitcom, it would be titled _______.

6. Sitting on my back porch [if you don't have one, use your imagination] I see ___________.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Julie said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Friday Fill-in!

Wordy said...

mine's up

Sheeshintx said...

I'm early. :-) Happy Friday everyone!!

Lori Watson said...

Mine will be up at midnight, and it's my first time joining the fill-in. I will be out of town but will visit anyone who leaves a comment when I get back. :-D


Madeleine said...

ok, six in line, better than usual.
I have been away for 2 month and am happy to be back :)

Unknown said...

Happy almost Friday and my Fill Ins are up.

gigi said...

my first one - this was fun!

YellowRose said...

I'm all filled in!! Glad I could help with the questions! ;)

Jack said...

Mine is here... have a good one all!

ShannonW said...

I am posted for this week...Here

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up around 8am tomorrow morning.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Just posted mine.
You can find it here. Have FF!

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up at midnight.

Hope you can stop on by!

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Mine's scheduled for tomorrow morning!

Jodi said...

Mine is almost up!

Stop on by!!!

Beacon of Hope blog

Deb R said...

Mine'll be up by 6 AM, US EDT here

Southpaw said...

I played! Have a great weekend, everyone!!!! =)
My answers are HERE

Marny said...

Here's mine:

Forgetfulone said...

My Friday Fill-ins

Karen said...

This is my first, come visit!

smariek said...

Here's my post

Have a wonderful weekend!

Stacy said...

Mine will be up at midnight!

Julie said...

Here is my Friday fill-in!!!

Happy Friday!!!

cmw said...

I'm up.

Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up at 12:01 a.m. PDT.

Happy Friday!

Julia said...

Thanks Janet! Have a good weekend.

califmom said...

Mine's Up!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see so many of you here. My Friday Fill-In is all filled in, so come on by.

I Was Born2Cree8

CH Mak said...


Happy Friday!

~ Mhay ~ said...

Mine is up! Happy Friday :)

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Morning. I missed last week, but I'm here today :)

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here.
This week questions #4 & 5 were tough this week.

Have a great weekend! :)

Michelle said...

My Friday Fill-In:

Happy Friday!

Jodi said...

Mine's up, you can find it here. Have a great Friday!

Christine Duff said...

Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

I have posted mine and even added pics.

Have a great weekend.

jlshall said...

Wow, Fill-Ins time again already! My offering is here. Have a great Friday, everyone!

Anonymous said...

mine's up!

Anonymous said...

Mine's posted! Happy Weekend!

Lynda said...

here's mine. happy weekend ;0)

Anonymous said...

OK, I posted mine. Last week I accidentally deleted it. I don't know how it's possible but I did. I'm so computer illiterate. Sad. ;-)

Stylish Stitches said...

mine are up - Have a great weekend

Life Scraps and Patches said...

I enjoyed these questions, thanks a lot, Janet. Happy Friday, everybody.

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend everyone!

Amy said...

Mine are up. Happy Friday to you all!

Jan said...

I'm new here. Have a great weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Posted mine a little late - the story of my life! Happy Friday.

Miz K said...

Thank you!

Ta da!

Melsy626 said...

Mine are up!! :)

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Happy Fill-Ins!!!!
Mine's up :)

Anonymous said...

This week's can be found at:

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend!

Dawn said...

Mine is here!

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! :-)

Unknown said...

here is mine:

OMH said...

Have a great Friday!

Anonymous said...

hi Janet, mine is just up now:

wish you a happy week-end!

Billy Rhythm said...

Check this out! My answers!

TopHat said...

I've posted at

Kelly said...

Mine's up!

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

Here's mine!

Erika J. said...

first time playing along...

Barb said...

I have mine up...have a great weekend

Pam said...

Here's mine

Susan said...

Good Friday Fill-ins! Enjoy the weekend!

Anonymous said...

Here is mine :

cre8tivkj said...

I got mine up!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to Friday Fill-Ins - fun! Mine's posted. :)

K said...

Mine's up! This is my first Friday Fill-In! Happy Friday everyone!!

Debbie~ said...

Late, but up, I apologize for my #4 ques...but please read it and comment! Am I alone on this??? Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!Debbie~ @

JCB said...

im posted :)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up :)

Kwizgiver said...

Happy Friday! Thanks for the fun questions, Sherry!

Unknown said...

Whoohoo! My first Friday Fill-In!

Maria's Space said...

78 comments already? Wow.

Karen said...

stop by and enter my 101 post giveaway. karen at Live the MOMENT!

Jen said...

I missed last week but my #2 try is up. :)

beastmomma said...

Mine are up:

Rob, Jen and three little monkeys said...

Mines up! I'm Jen and new to blogging. Check mine out! Thanks, Jen

stephanie said...

And finally I'm in again :D

Thanks, Janet & Sherry!

Anonymous said...

hello Janet, mine is up!!!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! You can read mine here!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday :)

Cat. said...

Holy cow: 90 comments?!

Mine are up. I took me awhile to get Diana's excellent answer to #1 out of my brain, but I managed!

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I got mine up finally!!

Shonda said...

Happy Friday!

Here's my post:

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. I believe whatever doesn't kill you _teaches you a lot about yourself_.

2. If you're good at something, _teach someone else how to do it_.

3. Why so _glum_?

4. Something is out there, it's _my cat and he's napping on the kitchen floor_.

5. If my life were a sitcom, it would be titled _Life doesn't end at 30_.

6. Sitting on my back porch [if you don't have one, use your imagination] I see _some scrub, lots of thistles, and the neighbor's house across the way_. (that's my back porch from the house in Colorado - the back porch in Malden overlooks a gas station and a place that's all ripped up while under construction)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _seeing Mamma Mia! with my co-worker (it was GREAT)_, tomorrow my plans include _BBQ with friends_ and Sunday, I want to _see Mamma Mia! again with my sweetie_!

Happy weekend, Miss Janet. Go see Mamma Mia! if you wanna leave with a big smile on your face and Abba songs stuck in your head. ;)

Anet said...

First time for Friday fill-ins.:)

Missy said...

A little late, but mine is up now. :-)

Mommy Mary said...

I'm late.. but it is still friday!

Buddhist, RN said...

Yay, I have mine up!

Kelly Keating-Caraway said...

Wow did we really have almost 100 responses this week? That is great!!

As always had a great time with these, until next week.........

Gayle said...

I'm late, but I'm here. :)

Anonymous said...

Just done mine - better late than never. Hope I've got the point and done it right as I'm a first time FF-er

Unknown said...

LOL I'm glad to see I'm not the only late if someone else will come along after me...please? LOL

Nyssaneala said...

Mine's up:

Eila said...

a bit late,but this is fun so I answered still....[]

John I said...

That which doesn't kill me can still hurt a LOT.

Mrs.Who said...

Finally got.

Moxy Jane said...

Guess who?! Friday was a blur, but I can't let a whole week slip by!

Mine are up!


Austin, TX

Jaden Paige said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaden Paige said...

I just found this meme, and the questions for this week aren't up yet, so I decided to use these ones.... That's not cheating, right? I haven't answered them yet, so I thought not :P Mine will be up at midnight.
Hope you get a chance to visit!