Thursday, December 11, 2008


Seems like I'm forever apologizing! Sorry I didn't get around to see everyone again last week; my Dad's still in the hospital, and it's 25 miles away...and I work full get the picture. I'm still very grateful for all your kind comments and positive thoughts, thank you so much! we go!


1. Friends _____.

2. _____ health; it's _____.

3. I'm ready for _____.

4. _____ is one of my favorite perfumes or aftershaves or smells.

5. The oldest ornament I have is _____.

6. Take some _____, mix it all together and you have _____.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Dawn @ simply transparent said...

Hope it all gets better soon!

Lisa said...

Mine is ready and scheduled for the AM. Hang in there. I hope everything is better for you soon

Danielle said...

lots of good positive and happy thoughts coming your and your dad's way. Hang in there!!
Mine will be up at 12:01 AM Arizona time. I can't believe I'm in the top 5!!

Cathy said...

Here's mine!

cheatymoon said...

Thanks Janet - I hope he is feeling better soon. Don't forget to take care of yourself too!

Diana_CT said...

My thoughts and prayer are with you.

My answers are posted here.

Anonymous said...

Positive thinking. Things will improve very soon. ;)
Mine's up.

~Swankymama said...


I'm up!!

Happy Friday!

Debz said...

I am a newbie - over from Jujuboo's. Mine is all scheduled for the morning!
Hope your dad gets better soon.

Melody said...

Sending positive vibes your way!

Here's mine.

K Dubs said...

I love being early for something! Hope things look better soon, thanks for thinking of us :)
Mine's up!

Ozzy's Mom said...

hope your dad gets well soon. TC
mine's up:

enjoy the weekend!

Tintin.Tetay said...

Your dad's good health will be Santa's gift to you this Christmas. :)

Mine's up at

Unknown said...

Stop apologizing! Glad dad is doing a a little better. :)

My Fill-Ins are filled in!

Ronnie said...

Mine will be up about 6:30 a.m. Pacific Time. Why 6:30? I have no idea.


Nise' said...

Mine is here.

Anonymous said...

Hope all's well for you. Here's mine, dear.

ShannonW said...

Positive thoughts for your father and you!

I played Here

Anonymous said...

Here is mine!

Anonymous said...

I hope he feels better soon! No need to apologize. I played here:

Shana said...

I'm up a day early since I missed last week. Sending good vibes for your dad. Dealing with my own dad issues as well, but from 2000 miles away.

Piggy said...

Mine are up! You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

Anonymous said...

hugs hope everything will be okay! hang in there :)

Anonymous said...

here's mine:

Phoenix said...

I really hope that things are getting better for your dad! My husband has been in the hospital since Tuesday and it has been so hard! My prayers go out to you and your family! ((((HUGS))))

CJ said...

I can't believe I haven't done one of these since October!

Mine's up here

stephanie said...

Thanks, Janet [continued prayers to you guys]

I'm up at midnight (not me but my list...)

Clarence said...

Happy Friday Everyone!

MaR said...

Wishing your dad and you all the best.
My FFI is posted.

Anonymous said...

Here is mine!

TopHat said...

Mine's here!

Anonymous said...

Mine is UP!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up as well.

Happy weekend!

Kris said...

Arrrr there be a post on my blog. :]
Hope things get better soon!

Anonymous said...

posted my fill-ins here

Sherrie said...

Hope your dad is doing better. My Fill-In's are posted. You can see them here:


jillconyers said...

My FFI...

♥SomethingPurple♥ said...


Anonymous said...

Family comes first!

sally906 said...

Hope your Dad get's better soon - friends understand your priorities :)

Lynda said...

Hope your dad is better soon.

Mine's here:

Unknown said...

So many things to do and yet you come up with yet another great Fill-in.

Thanks a bunch.

I hope your dad will be better soon.

My friday fill-in is ::here::

jeannie said...

Mine is up.....

Jodi said...

Mine can be found here.

ADMIN said...

TGIF everyone! Mine is up HERE.

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Janet, I hope your dad starts to feel better soon and that you can get some rest.

My answers are up.

planettreasures said...

finished mine at last!
sorry but I just didnt get the ornament thing!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up

Jack said...

Janet, hope your taking care of yourself too! Mine is here

Michelle said...

got mine up

Unknown said...

I'm a newbie, found your site through Midnite Scrapper. Mine's up!

Dot said...

Hope you don't mind me joining in, here's mine:

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Unknown said...

Mine is here

Take it easy and take care of yourself!!

Melli said...

Goodness... I am praying for you Dad. I hope he comes home soon.

Mine are up.

Amber said...

I got mine up for this Friday, have a fantastic weekend!

Florinda said...

Filling in on Friday.

Hang in there, Janet. And even if you don't get around to visiting everyone's answers, I'm glad you're still making the time to put up the questions :-)!

LarryG said...

Poetic Fillins
See my Fill-in

gwenlyn said...

Thanks for the fun; hope you're having some too!

Moi said...

Mine is up! This is my second time to play along. great fillins!

Cat. said...

I'm up.

Hope your dad continues to improve, even if it's slowly. Take care of yourself too. Hugs.

262mom said...


Barb said...

I have mine all done and posted.
Hope your dad continues to do good and can come home soon.... take care

Saffy said...

Missed last week but I'm back!

jlshall said...

Janet, I really hope your dad starts getting better very soon.

Here's my Fill-Ins for this week.

Megan said...

Mine is up! :) Hope your Dad gets better!

Jasra/Lisa said...

Poor Janet-dad! :(: *fingers crossed*

1. Friends _are your chosen family_.

2. _My_ health; it's _improving finally (bronchitis is on the run)_.

3. I'm ready for _a nap_.

4. _James' soap_ is one of my favorite perfumes or aftershaves or smells.

5. The oldest ornament I have is _not very old (my ex got rid of them when we split a long time ago)_. :(

6. Take some _friends_, mix it all together and you have _a good time_.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _some snuggling_, tomorrow my plans include _a party!_ and Sunday, I want to _relax_!

Happy weekend, Janet. I hope you hear some good news about your dad.

Terri said...

I'm all filled in.

Janet, hope your dad is better soon and you can get some rest.

Anonymous said...

Mine is ready!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up very late again- something about Thursday nights just doesn't set me in front of the computer.

Jerralea said...

Sorry to hear you and your father are still going through this ordeal. Praying it gets better soon!

Here's my fill ins:

Barbara said...

Hang in there.

Peculiar Blogs said...

Still praying!!

Here is mine

Anonymous said...

I hope everything is ok.

Mine is up.

soleil said...

i am up. hope you hear good news soon. hugs!

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up!

click here

L said...


I am sorry to hear about your dad, especially so close to the holidays. I wish you both all the best. I am up this week. Hugs...

Debbie~ said...

It's been a long while since I've done FF, I've missed reading everyones entries and having Y'all visiting my blog...Please come by! Wishing Each and Everyone of 'YOU' a Blessed Holiday!!! Peace~

You'll also find me blogging at:

Unknown said...

Mine's up:

I'm still keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

M Ayers said...

No apologies necessary - hope your dad gets better fast!

Did my fill - ins!

Anonymous said...

Hope your dad will get better soon ! Here are my answers :

Pooch said...

Hope your Dad is doing well and that you can get some rest, Janet.

My Fill-in post is at

Julia said...

Posted here:
Thanks for letting me play along!
Best Wishes for your dad.

Amarie said...

Mine's here:

Have a good weekend!

Jenette said...

Mine is up! Thanks so much! I love these every week! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!!!! Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

mine's up!

Jodi said...

Almost forgot to say I played!!!!

STROLL ON BY........

Maria's Space said...

Happy Friday to all

Allison said...

Joined in again.


Kwizgiver said...

Hope your dad is recovering soon! Don't forget to make some time for yourself--take care of you!

beastmomma said...

Thank you for another great set of questions. I hope that your dad feels better soon. Mine are posted:

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

I finally got mine up this evening. Better late than never!

Janet, I do hope your father continues to improve and maybe he can be home for Christmas. I'll keep you and him in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

First time playing - very fun! Thanks.

Rob, Jen and three little monkeys said...

Mine is up!

Lisa said...

Praying for your dad!

tommie said...

thinking of you.....happy Friday! Got these posted

Anonymous said...

My FF is up...just in time, before it's Saturday! Scroll down, you'll find it at the bottom.

Janet, I'm thinking of you and wishing your Dad better. Sending lots of good wishes your way.

Barbara said...

Sending positive energy for a quick recovery for your Dad. I've done the hospital with my Dad too. Its hard. Remember to be kind to yourself.

My fill-in is up!


Buddhist, RN said...


Staci said...

here's mine:

Lexi said...

This is actually my second week participating, but I think I forgot to leave a link last week:

Jess said...

Mine is up! Hang in there!

Here it is.

Sudeaux Lux said...

I'm so behind on everything! Thanks, Janet!

eMelectric said...

Keep your head up, Janet. Thinking of you. I'm a little late with my fill-in this week...

mandaroo63 said...

A little late...better than never! :)
friday fill in on a sunday