Thursday, March 19, 2009


ffi we go!

1. Why do we have to_____?

2. _____ are now habits.

3. I have _____.

4. I had never heard the phrase "_____" and it _____.

5. _____ the way I always do.

6. How was I to know _____.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Eva said...

First timer here :) Answers are here:

sara said...

mine is up!

Anonymous said...

#4 threw me for a bit, but I figured out an answer. :)

Hope you're doin' okay, Janet.

A Girl Named Me said...

And here's mine!


Anonymous said...

Oh, oops! Forgot my link: bundle-o-contradictions

cheatymoon said...

Up at midnight. Thanks Janet - happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Here is mine!

Heather said...

Hello! What fu mine is up!

~ Mhay ~ said...

Happy Friday everyone! Here's my entry for this week.

{S.T.U.F.F.} said...

I'll be up after midnight!

Beth said...

Here I am again, hoping the link works.


Maria said...

Mine will be up after midnight! Thanks, this was fun.

Anonymous said...

the blanks are hard to fill in today. lol.

mine is posted

Life Scraps and Patches said...

My answers are posted. Happy Friday everyone, have a good weekend.

Ozzy's Mom said...

tough one this week :)
mine's here!

have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Hope everyone has as great a weekend as they can.

Beth said...

This is my first time to join! I enjoyed doing this, I look forward to doing the fill ins next week and for the weeks to come! :)

I love #4 too!

Keely said...

Mine will be up at midnight at the Un Mom. Happy Friday!

Bellezza said...

Blessings on your weekend!

My answers here.

p.s. Sara! You got here early! ;)

Beth said...

my first Friday Fill In!

Becca said...

My post will be up at 9 p.m. Pacific!

Sami said...

Here's mine!

Interesting choices this week!

Happy Weekend Everyone!!


Anonymous said...

my first time!! mines here:

Jodi said...

I am finally FILLED IN!♥

Shana said...

Mine are up!

Happy weekend everyone : )

Melissa said...

Happy Friday! Happy Spring!

I'm up :)

Terri B. said...

This is my first Friday Fill-In! My post is here.

m said...

My first time!

Taylor said...

I'm still stuck on #4!

frizzyeatworld said...

Mine's up!

Imperfection @ Its Finest

Phoenix said...

TGIF! :)

Here is mine:

Anonymous said...

My filled in post is here:

Thoughts & Beyond

planettreasures said...

#4 was a tricky one!
enjoy the weekend everyone.

Laura said...

my first time! :)

CJ said...

Mine's up here.


stephanie said...

I am up at midnight PST. Not me literally, but my Fill-Ins. You get it.

Thanks, Janet :D

TopHat said...

It is just now midnight here and mine is up! Happy Friday!

Mariposa said...

Hi, got here through Dolce Belleza...and my first time to join Friday Fill-Ins!

I am so excited...will visit everyone in the evening!

Happy Friday!

~♥~ Mariposa's Friday Fill-Ins ~♥~

yyam said...

Here's mine...

Anonymous said...

yehey! mine's up

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

mine's up here

Wrighty said...

Yep, this was a hard one. I had to think this week! Mine is HERE. Have a great weekend!

Caspette said...

Mine is now up herek

Julie said...

Late again, but they're up.

Julie said...

Happy Friday to all:):):)

Anonymous said...

mine's up at

Happy Friday :-)

Billy Rhythm said...

Was #6 a typo, or do I just not understand it? Check my answer to help me; maybe I'm just thick!

Jodi said...

Mine is here. Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

I have posted mine here.

Gal Friday said...

My Fill-in is filled in...(and my verification code word is "wingsing"-kind of appropriate for the first day of spring in a way)

Yvonne said...

Mine is up

Kasi said...

Posted mine and it's actually on a Friday! Thanks! :)

Sherrie said...

Mine is posted here: Have a great day!!


Lori's Reading Corner said...

Here are mine

Steph said...


Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here.

Have a great weekend :)

Florinda said...

Filling in on Friday - have a good weekend, y'all!

Anonymous said...

U just posted mine here -

Wishing everyone a happy week-end!

Minding Spot said...

TGIF! Here's Mine:

Amber said...

I'm up!
Happy Friday :o)

Berleen said...

I played!

Literary Feline said...

My response is up.

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

BurtonReview said...

My first ever blog meme
it is up at

Have a great day everyone!

eMelectric said...

The time difference ensures that I will never make it to #1 on this list. :o) Happy Friday, everyone! Hope your weekend is a good one. I filled in here.

MA said...

I actually got mine up on Friday! I think it's all the sunny Spring weather! Have a great weekend!

Madeleine said...

Hi Janet,

I have mine up

Wishing you a great week-end

Paula said...

I have posted

Karen said...

My answers are up!

Barb said...

I have mine up.... have had a really tough week...found out my nephew died last friday and have been with family all my answers are a bit down this week...

~Kristina said...

I just had to play along.

Lapdog Creations said...

I'm up!
Happy Spring!

Shelley K. said...

My answers are here
I,too, am a First timer at Friday Fillin but have always enjoyed reading answers on Fridays so wanted to join in on the fun....

A said...

Check mine out at

Jacquie said...

Mine's Up!!

Anonymous said...

Mine just posted.

Terri said...

I'm filled in here.

Terri said...

P.S. So many first-timers this week! Welcome everyone, hope to get a chance to visit more this week.

Anonymous said...

This weeks was a little tough! Mine is up here:

Anonymous said...

first time doing this and it was so much fun!

Lissa said...

been a while since I've done one of these, forgot how much I liked them. =D

Anonymous said...

Mine are done...

Anonymous said...

Wow..line #4 I had to really do some thinking! but got it:)
My answers are up over at

-.- said...

Here's mine I'll try to get to others when I come back.

~ Popin

Anonymous said...

Mine is finally up for today...Have a fun week-end with family..

Zenmomma said...

I played this week.

NorahS said...

I played right here. Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine are filled in.

Have a great weekend!

Jaden Paige said...

Mine is up! Happy weekend everyone... OH and HAPPY SPRING!

Pixel said...

Mine is up! :-) Happy Friday!

Andrea said...

Here is my fill-in

Kwizgiver said...

Happy weekend! Hope it's great for everyone!

sally906 said...

Mine are up - I am sure it is still Friday somewhere in the world :)

Anonymous said...

Some of these were a little harder than usual, but I still had fun with it ;-)

Here's mine: Inka-Do Winka Sesame Tweeds

4streegrrl said...

Mine will be posted in, like, two minutes.

ShannonW said...

I played

Hepburn Hilton said...

Yup! I played :O)

Daisy @ Our Growing Family said...

mine are up late - but they're up! #4 WAS tough, but i came up with a good one! ;) thanks!!

Anonymous said...


JCB said...

im posted

Unknown said...

Barely made it in!

Here's mine!

Toni Lee said...

I'm finally up!

Bookworm said...

I'm up!

Thanks! :)

Brandt! said...

A little late .. but I am up! Happy weekend ... GREAT questions!

Anonymous said...

Late as usual, but it's up!

Anonymous said...

Here's mine...Friday's on Saturday...due to a weather delay...

Lexi said...

Better late than never?

jlshall said...

Guess I'm doing Saturday Fill-Ins today. Whatever, at least they're here.

Lisa said...

I'm way late. My apologies.


A said...

A little late sharing but here it is