Thursday, April 2, 2009


ffi we go!

1. Angel or not, I will _____.

2. _____ any way you want me.

3. As my mother used to say, you're full of _____.

4. _____ after I'm done working out or doing something strenuous.

5. Even in the most crowded of rooms _____.

6. _____ is a day fraught with peril.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Jodi said...

Oh I'm FIRST!!!!

I am all filled in in five!!!

Jodi said...

Okay maybe 10! These are tough!

Julie said...


Anonymous said...

Mine are up, these were fun & it was so nice to write something other than working for Saturday & Sunday as to what I'm doing!

A said...

Mine's up early in the morning!!


Life Scraps and Patches said...

May answers are posted. These were really fun, Janet.

sally906 said...

Mine are up:

Irish said...

Mine will post here tomorrow morning

Ronnie said...

Mine will be up at midnight PDT.

lupusurvivor said...

posted mine here!

have a great weekend everyone!

Bellezza said...

You can find mine here. Blessings on your weekend!

Clarence said...

I posted this week! :) Have a great weekend everyone.

Dez said...

Mine's up HERE


~ Mhay ~ said...

Mine is posted here. Happy Friday!

Liz said...

Mine are up too...these were fun! Have a good weekend everyone!

Jack said...

Filled in early... here it is!

Marites said...

Mine's up!! cya there.:)

Barb said...

WOOHOOOO...I am not usually this with it.... I have mine all ready to go at midnight....

Anonymous said...

i'm up <"here">

#2's a bit hard to answer, but it was fun!

Happy Friday, all!

planettreasures said...

Another great bunch of fills.
thanks, Janet.
Mine are here

zam said...

am in today!

♥SomethingPurple♥ said...

Early this time :)
Mine is Up!

Keely said...

Mine's up now, because I hit publish instead of schedule.

Happy Thur - er, Friday!

Phoenix said...

TGIF!!! :)

Here is mine:

Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FRANCINE said...

mine's up

Anonymous said...

Haven't done a FFI for a little while and this one was a thought provoking one for me!
Have great weekends all xxx

Ozzy's Mom said...

done my fill-ins!

its here

enjoy the weekend!

Caspette said...

My post is here Happy Friday

Annie said...

Mine are up!

Coffee Slut said...

Happy Friday everyone!

Sami said...

Mines here!

Happy Friday! :)

Arlene said...

Mine is now up! Not really very late. :)

Happy week-end to all!

THE simple mom said...

Mine's up!

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Wrighty said...

Mine's done! It's HERE. Happy weekend everyone!

~Andie~ said...

Mine are up :)

cheatymoon said...

Thansk, Janet. Mine are up.

i'm babie said...

done here

Anonymous said...

Dang... I get on here at six in the morning and there's already 40 comments! Lol... guess that's what I get for going to sleep ;-)

Here's mine: Don't Fart at the Pearly Gates and Expect to Get In!

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Here are mine :)

Yvonne said...

Mine is up

Billy Rhythm said...

I'm up, and one of my answers was rather spicy!

~ Erica ~ said...

Mine will be up shortly! Thanks for the fun!

Madeleine said...

Hi Janet :D

Mine is in
Have a wonderful week-end

Amber said...

I'm Up. Have a fabulous Friday everyone!

Minding Spot said...

Mine are up!


Literary Feline said...

Mine is up.

L~ said...

Friday Fillins! Done!

A said...

mine is up

Stacey said...

I'm up too! For you skimmers, it's at the bottom of my post.

Bookworm said...

I'm early with mine this week! Yay!! :)

Yay for Fridays!!!!

jkluginbill said...

Wow! This one was hard for me, but I did it...for the first time in weeks!

Karen said...

I'm up!!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up already.

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine is Up!

Happy friday everyone!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up

Unknown said...

And I have posted mine here.

KyleeJ said...

I posted mine almost 3 hours ago... forgot to post my link here. Oops!

My post.

GreenJello said...

Friday Fill-Ins

I participated this week! :)

YellowRose said...

Fun questions!! I'm up, late, but up!

Mines Here!

Toni Lee said...

Mine is up

Sherrie said...

Mine is posted. I'll be back later this evening to visit! Have a great day!!


Sassy said...

My first time at Friday Fill-ins. This was a lot of fun.

Here's mine

Andrea said...

Here is my fill-in

Jana said...

These are good ones.
I had a bit too much fun with them.

Kristin said...

First time for me! You can see it here

Amy said...

Mine are finally up :)

Cindy O (upcountrysmiles) said...

Aloha from Maui!
Mines is up:)

Terri said...

I filled up here.

~ej said...

at least i'm up on the friday!! :)

Anonymous said...

Dammit Jodi! (and everyone else behind her) I wanna be first!!!

Paula said...

I am posted....Have a great weekend

Taylor said...

doing mine, now.

Autumn said...

Late again!

eMelectric said...

These were tough, but I filled-in as best I could.

Happy weekend to all. :o)

beastmomma said...

Mine have been posted:

jlshall said...

Well, I'm a little late, but mine are here, and it's still Friday!

Stacy said...

All done. I had to stretch my mind for this one :)

Shelly B said...

I agree w/Jodi, these were hard!

Here's mine!

Kwizgiver said...

Happy weekend! Great questions, they were a fun challenge.

Maddie MoZelle said...

Just found your game and tried it for the first time. What a great idea!

Maria's Space said...

Weeee....I am on time.

JCB said...

so far I am last!

Gwendolyn B. said...

I'm a newbie at this, but here are mine:

Carol said...

Mine are posted here.

Happy Friday

Kasi said...

Posted mine just now!! Thanks

Lexi said...

Here are mine:

Anonymous said...

Done, long after every one else.

annies home said...

done and posted

lollipoplamia said...

mine's up

~Kristina said...

I played :)
Tough ones for me this week.
Thank you, Janet, for offering these thought provoking statements week after week.

Kerslyn said...

whoa! I am the 100th postie. Mine's up, BTW. Happy weekend!

Cat. said...

Hot damn! I'm #101!

tommie said...

posted....just in time

Shawna said...

Mine is better late than never.

Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

Posted mine already Thank you!

Dawn said...

Mine is finally up. This was a tough one but fun.

Anonymous said...

Finally got mine done. HERE.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

*sighs* The last two of these have sucked royally...I love this thing, but now I'm having to go back in the archives and find ones that aren't totally ridiculous and moronic...

♥ mommy author ♥ said...

mine is up!