Thursday, May 28, 2009


ffi we go!

1. It's cold and _____.

2. _____ tomatoes.

3. My favorite health and beauty product is _____.

4. _____ a nice long ride.

5. Well, first of all _____.

6. _____; those were the cast of characters in a recent dream and it was _____.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Madeleine said...

My answers will be in friday morning :D

have a wonderful week-end Janet :))

Beth said...

Ok here is mine!

Happy weekend everyone!

~ Mhay ~ said...

Here's mine. Happy Friday and happy weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

As usual... I had a blast with this one, and found a fun video with an addictive song to add to it :-)

Gummi Lice Make Me Crazy!

Marites said...

Mine will be up here

Dez said...

Early bird for today! TGIF and Happy Weekend everyone!


Osbasso said...

Mine are up!

Clara said...

My answers will be up at 12:01 EDT.

Sami said...

Woo Hoo! Mine is up! and 5 minutes early ;)

Old Mason Jar said...

Mine is posted at Old Mason Jar

Taylor said...

It's go time!

Amy said...

Mine are Already up! That is really early for me!

Anonymous said...

You can find mine hereBlessings on your weekend!

Shemah said...

I've done mine~~ Check out my friday fill-in here!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!! :)

Wrighty said...

These are always fun to do and to read what everyone else has to say. THIS is what I'm saying this week. Thanks Janet! Happy weekend!

nikKi said...

Here's mine. I'm early, for once. Ü

Mariposa said...

Mine is finally up!

Happy Friday...

Phoenix said...

TGIF!! Wonderful questions this week and I hope you have an awesome weekend! :)

Mine is here!

caryl said...

happy weekend!
My answers are here:

Anonymous said...

Mine are up & so am I! (for now)

Anonymous said...

I'm joining in this week. This is fun :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry didn't know to link it here you go:

sally906 said...

Mine is up here:

Ozzy's Mom said...

happy weekend!

my answers are here:


Anonymous said...

I'm up I'm up!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Can't wait to see what you're all up to!

Isolated Existence. said...

Mine's up! Enjoy your weekend ;-)

Caspette said...

Mine is now up here

Chat Noir said...

Evening everyone... here are mine:

Have a great weekend, wherever you are

Americanising Desi said...

happy FRIDAY to all!

i just did my fill in and it has been laid out at

check it out :D

A said...

Mine is up here

CHIKAI ♥ said...

mines up HERE! happy weekend everyone!

The Liebers said...

Mine are here! Happy Friday everyone!

FRANCINE said...

just posted my answers here

have a great weekend everyone

Thoughts from Home said...

My answers are up. Happy weekend!

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Mine are here

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Mine are up. Happy Friday, everyone.

Carleen said...

My first try is here.

i'm babie said...

happy weekend! mine's up here

M said...

I'm up!

I'm really enjoying playing :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday!

Cat. said...

OK, then: I'm up. Made it before the comments hit 50! :-)

Florinda said...

Filling in on Friday - have a great weekend, everyone!

~Kristina said...

I got mine this week :)

BurtonReview said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cheesecakepoi said...

I'm done with mine and it's here.

BurtonReview said...

Sorry had wrong link up last time:
My Friday Fill In Is up At The Burton Review!! With a cute pic!
Check it out!Happy Friday!!

May 29, 2009

Dawn said...

Mine is up. Here is the link. Have a great weekend everyone! :-)

Lori L. Clark Art said...

Mine are up! YAY!

Coffee Slut said...

Happy Friday!

Literary Feline said...

I'm up for today. You can find my post here.

Anonymous said...

I'm playing for the first time, how fun, hi everyone!

TopHat said...

Mine's up here!

Diana_CT said...

Yikes! I forgot to leave a comment, that's what happens when you post at 11:00pm and after a long day.

Here is a link to my post.

Minding Spot said...


Valorie said...

I have mine up here.

Buddhist, RN said...


Lisa said...

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine is up for today!

Danielle said...

My Friday Fill-in answers are here.

Kimberly Wright said...

Mine is up!!! I found this one to be tough!

CJ said...

Mine's up here.Have a good weekend everyone!


soleil said...

i posted. happy friday!

Kath said...

I'm back! happy blogging everyone! Mine's here!

Barb said...

Mine is up and I am ready for the weekend...
hope you have a wonderful weekend

kyooty said...

Mine is now up, I'm still working on my linking skills.
hope this works.

Liz said...


Mine are up!

Terri said...

Here's my fill-in.

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up!.

McMrs said...

mine! check it out & enter my gieveaway

Maria's Space said...

Mine are up

Paula said...

I am up and going

Lynda said...

I'm up

Rims said...

Mine is up too :)

Check them from hereWonderful weekend everyone!

YellowRose said...

I'm up, better late than never!

Mines Here

Stacey said...

Finally got mine up...

A Girl Named Me said...

Mine is up!

Jaden Paige said...

Happy Friday everyone! Mine is up! :)

Laura said...

Mine is up! My very first one. Yay!

Ceri said...

Mine are at the bottom of my post for today :-)

Happy weekend everyone :-D

Stacy said...

Happy Friday to all!

Kasi said...

mine are up :)
#6 kind of threw me...

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted. Some of these were extra challenging for me this week:

Jersey Girl said...

Better late than never, I hope!

tommie said...

happy weekend, mine are posted

Kelly said...

This is my first time playing along

Kwizgiver said...

Great prompts this week! Have a fantastic weekend!

Erin said...

This is my first time playing along! I hope I did this right.

Amber said...

Can you believe I almost forgot it was Friday??!
I'm Up!

cheatymoon said...

Mine are up!

annies home said...

here is mine if you want to check it out

Andrea said...

Here is my fill-in

Lady Sinistral said...

Mine are up! Have a great weekend!

♥SomethingPurple♥ said...

Mine is up HERE.

Sarah said...

So now it's up :) Have a great weekend everyone!

Brandt! said...

Mine is up .. a little late!

Joe said...


Shana said...

Just put mine up on Saturday morning. Better late than never, right?

262mom said...

Yumm! Happy weekend!

Lexi said...

Mine are up, finally!

Deanne said...

Mine are up here:

Marriage and Beyond said...

Friday Fill-ins#9better late than never :-)