Thursday, September 17, 2009



Graphic courtesy of Tonya! we go!

1. My car _____.

2. ___________ is coming up next.

3. Lately, things seem ___________.

4. ___________ is one of my favorite 'hiding' places.

5. What happened ___________.

6. ___________ is not impossible!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Dez said...

TGIF! its a long weekend for us!
mine's up here!

Administrator said...

Mine is up HERE.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, this one's perfect. Maybe tomorrow, when I'm not so sleepy. Goodnight

amanda said...

here's mine...

Anonymous said...

My answers are here

Beth said...

And there you are!

sara said...

mine will be up at midnight!

Ryzmomplus2 said...

I just posted mine here

Hubman said...

I'm playing this week!

Dawn said...

My answers are posted here.

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

sally906 said...

As it is Friday lunchtime here in Australia - mine are up here:

Anna said...

for the love of..
my fill-ins are here!


Marites said...

My fill-ins are here. Happy weekend, everyone!

Carielle said...

My answers are up - Happy Friday everyone!

Anonymous said...

I am up at!

~ Mhay ~ said...

Happy Friday!..for us here it's going to be a long weekend :)

And here's my fill-ins! :)

stephanie said...

I'm up at midnight PST. Thanks, Janet!

Happy weekend, all :D

rjs mama said...

mine is here. happy weekend

Gloria P. said...

Friday already, wow! I am done.

y u l z said...

mine is here

Tricia (Proud Mommy) said...

Happy Weekend everyone!

Mine is up!

MaR said...

Mine is posted.
here, happy weekend!

Arlene said...

I joined today!

Happy FF everyone! May you enjoy your weekend!

We will be having a long weekend over this part of the globe. :)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

Kerslyn said...

Mine's up. Happy weekend everybody!

y u l z said...

sorry for my first comment, the correct link is here :

Joanne said...

Here's my share for this week ->

First time to join this meme too :)

Happy weekend everyone!

Ronnie said...

fun to do!

Lisa said...

Jodi said...

Min are here. Have a great Friday!

Tigers said...

Mine is here

Admin T.H said...

done mine

abrowncow said...

i'm too lazy to post this on my site...

1. My car _is ugly but mine_.

2. _a hot shower_ is coming up next.

3. Lately, things seem _to leave me cranky and angsty_.

4. _my back deck_ is one of my favorite 'hiding' places.

5. What happened _to kids these days_.

6. _being happy_ is not impossible!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _beer and a movie_, tomorrow my plans include _a trip up north_ and Sunday, I want to _chop some wood and read my book_!

Gal Friday said...

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
Mine is up here

Madeleine said...

Hi Janet :D

I filled mine in

I need to come and visit your blog this week-end

have a wonderful week-end

Unknown said...

I have answered today's fill ins and you can find them here.

Aimie said...

Mine are up!

Have an awesome weekend everyone!!

Carleen said...

Woot -- it's Friday! My post is up here.

Dawn said...

Mine is up
right here
. Have a great weekend! :-)

kyooty said...

My post is up, Kyooty center

Kiki said...

Mine is up here!

Absurd Book Nerd said...

here are my answers:

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! I included my entry with pictures. Please check it out here . Happee Weekend! =D

Miranda said...

Great Fill ins. Thanks
Mine are up too!

Can someone please, please, please tell me how to highlight a link in a comment?

JLS Hall (Joysweb) said...

Haven't done one of these for a while. My answers are here.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

h said...

I'm UP for the first time. Will visit all who visit me on Troll Island.

Sherry Goodloe said...

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend ahead!! Here's my Friday Fill-Ins:

Adie said...

Have a wonderful weekend!

my answers are here ...

Lynda said...

My answers are posted here.

Rhonda said...

Great questions this week! I really enjoy Friday Fill Ins.

Arty said...

Mine in up too. Please visit.

Stayathomemommy said...

This is my first Friday Fill Ins. I have posted mine here!
Have a wonderful Friday!!

Unknown said...

Mine are up!

Terri said...

I'm filled in here.

Billy Rhythm said...

I'm late today, but I'm up!

Stephanie said...

Mine is up,

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine is up here!

TGIF... goodbye summer, hello fall!

Unknown said...

My answers are posted at:


Have a wonderful and blessed weekend everyone.

Jennybean said...

I am up for the first time...

Heather said...

Here are mine:

Jeanine said...

this is my first time participating!

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. My car _needs to be washed and get an oil change_. The oil change is tomorrow.

2. _Tasty dinner_ is coming up next.

3. Lately, things seem _just lovely_.

4. _Getting lost in a book_ is one of my favorite 'hiding' places.

5. What happened _to Baby Jane_.

6. _Happiness_ is not impossible!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _what I'm making for dinner_, tomorrow my plans include _2 BBQs_ and Sunday, I want to _sleep in and relax_!

Happy weekend, Miss Janet!

domesticated diva said...

Have a great weekend.

mine is here

Marie said...

Mine is up Here

Returning after a long hiatus from blogging due to major illness -- it's nice to be back!

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted:

Amber said...

I played this week...feels like it's been a while.
Happy friday everyone :o)

Ronnie said...

Mine's up!

Lulu said...

My Friday Fill-in entry

La Coccinelle said...

I always look forward to filling these out!

Mine are here.

Photo Cache said...

My sheet is all filled in.

Have a good weekend.

My entry is over at

Zenmomma said...

I posted mine.

Danielle said...

I played this week! Thanks.

Marice said...

mine is up too

Kwizgiver said...

Have a great weekend! These were awesome questions.

Cecile said...

mine is up now...happy weekend.

Kasi said...

Posted mine! :) Enjoyed

A said...

Happy Weekend Everybody! My FFI's are here! :D

Lexi said...

Mine are up:

jenny said...

finally get to do this's mine -> Jenny's friday fill-ins

Race said...

mine's up here

Angels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angels said...

Just go to my blog and my answers are there.

Manda said...


nikKi said...

Here's mine. bit late, but why not, ayt?

Lezlei Ann Young said...

better late than never. You can find my ramblings here

Have a great weekend!!!

Dubster said...

You meme is so fun and interesting to fill answers every friday. Thanks for this meme janet. my answer are posted

kathy said...

First time here... I love it!