Thursday, November 12, 2009

#150 we go!


1. The last band I saw live was _____________.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is _________. (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is __________.
4. Thoughts of _____________ fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear ______________.
6. Bagpipes ________.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Have a great weekend!

yulz said...

mine is up =)

Dez said...

Happy Friday!
mine's up here!

caryl said...

mine is up. have a safe weekend!

Anonymous said...

I am up

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up tomorrow morning :)

Loralee and the gang... said...

mine are up later tonight at

Come on by!

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here.

Have a fun weekend

YellowRose said...

I'm all Filled In!

Carielle said...

Mine will be up at midnight...Happy Friday the 13th everyone! :)

Mommy Cara said...

I'm done! Happy Weekend!

kyooty said...

Kyooty center: Friday Fill-ins, Memories of Turkey...

YAY! it's Friday, hi all Mine are up!

Dawn said...

Mine is up
right here!
You all have a wonderful weekend! :-)

Forgetfulone said...

Mine will be up in a few minutes. Thanks!

Chapter Two said...

Mine is up, along with a bit about hunting.

Lulu said...

My FTF entry is up!

Jodi said...

I'm all filled in!

Taylor said...

another great one!

Peach said...

Mine are up here.

Tammy said...

Here they are!! Have a great weekend. Thanks Janet.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday!

Melissa said...

My answers are up!

Happy Friday (the 13th!)

Tricia (ProudMommy) said...

Mines's up! Happy friday everyone!

Chie Wilks said...

mine's up

here's my fill-ins

Wrighty said...

Hi everyone! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! My fill-ins are HERE.

Nita said...

Happy Friday everyone! Mine is up here!


Cheenkeei said...

mine is up! have a great weekend everyone :)

darly said...

Happy Friday, mine is up too.

Pls vote for my daughter ALTHEA INGRID S. BARON for the November Pinoy Smile of the Month. Click here to cast your vote. Thanks

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Mine are here

Yvonne said...

Mine is here

Sally from Oz said...

Mine is now up here:

Marice said...

mine up now

u may view mine if u have time

Shelly B said...

Mine are up!

Cacai M. said...

hi, mine is up here: My Friday Fill-ins

Have a happy weekend!

Aimie said...

Mine are up!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

Pepper said...

I played this week.
A Biscuit of Many Parts

~ Mhay ~ said...

My fill-ins are here :)

Have a great week end!

JLS Hall (Joysweb) said...

Haven't played for a few weeks, but my Fill-Ins are here today!

Lori L. Clark Art said...

Enjoy your weekend everyone! Mine are here.

Marites said...

Happy weekend, everyone. Mine is up here.

Heather @ MotivatedWAHM said...

What a fun meme. Mine is up. :D

Izzybella said...

I haven't played in a while. Here is mine

Life With The Boys! said...

Mines Up - Have a good weekend!!

Patience Ann said...


Osbasso said...

I'm late, but I'm up! And back after a few week's absence.

Donna said...

I'm up.... and on Friday even. I ain't tardy for this party! :)

beastmomma said...

In the top fifty, not too bad. Mine are posted here:

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Mine is up My Entry
Happy Weekend!

~Kristina said...

Oh Yes and Yes! Great fill-in's this week. Congrats on #150!

Celticlady's Reviews said...

Mine is here!!!

Terri said...

I filled mine in here.

Sherrie said...

Mine is posted at my place, Just Books. Have a great weekend!

Just Books

Dawn said...

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! My answers are here.

Walk with Me said...

Mine is Up!

Hope to see u around.

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday!!!
Here's Mine

Anonymous said...

Hello All! I'm new here! Hoping to find some new friends!!!

My answers are posted here.

~Andie~ said...

Mine are up. Have a great weekend everyone :)

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. The last band I saw live was _ummm... Dead Can Dance (I think)_.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is _the tasty food and the good company_. (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is _not even started and not gonna be much of anything (out of work for 6 months = no money)_.
4. Thoughts of _snuggling with my sweetie_ fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear _clothes a couple sizes smaller_.
6. Bagpipes _are hauntingly neat to listen to_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _dinner with my sweetie and his son_, tomorrow my plans include _going to the storage unit to try to find my winter coat_ and Sunday, I want to _have a lazy day around the house_!

Happy weekend and happy healing!

Suzanne said...

Done too!

Stan said...

Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, mind, and being!

God is not #1 HE is ALL

He will give you the desires of your heart and your #1 will appreciate all of you...

La Coccinelle said...

Happy Friday! Here are mine.

M said...

I've finally gotten mine up today!

Cacai M. said...

Oops mine is here: My Friday Fill-ins

see yah.. have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! HERE.

Have a great weekend.

Zenmomma said...

Mine's up. Late as usual.

Justine said...

Yay for Friday! :D
Mine is here

Andrea said...

Here is my Fill-in

Gal Friday said...

After skipping a few weeks, I just filled in the blanks.

*Hope you are feeling good, Janet.*

Phoenix said...

TGIF!! :)

Mine is here!

Irishcoda said...

Mine are up here

Barbara said...


Vannie said...

hi! mine's HERE

happy weekend!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

My answers are up. Happy Friday, everyone.

cheeesecakepoi said...

My answers are posted here.

Have a nice weekend.

Barbara said...

Happy Friday
Mine are up here.

Isolated Existence. said...

Haven't done a Meme in a long time but I'm back!

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine is finally up. Happy weekend. :)

Laane said...

Mine are up here.

Congrats with number 150!!!

Have a great weekend!

matt0701 said...

Mine is here:

Hubman said...

For the first time in a few weeks, I'm playing!

My answers are up

Kwizgiver said...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for the fun fill-ins!

Cat. said...

And my answers are finally posted.

Dallas Meow said...

just a tad bit late :D

michelle said...

I'm a little late but mine are posted!

Redge said...

Mine is up..

La Chinita said...

I posted mine.

Jeanie said...

Mine are posted at

Brandt! said...

mine are late but up!

Liz said...

I'm late!


Stacey said...

I'm later! LOL!

Violet said...

It's Saturday, but I filled-in!

Elizabeth said...

I'm late but here they are ...

Ozzy's Mom said...

super late!