Thursday, March 4, 2010


FFI we go!

1. Why are you making _____________?
2. I want you to take _________.
3. __________ then it will be on my terms.
4. _____________ and see what happens.
5. I could use a ______________.
6. ________ and then ________.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Miss. Clippy said...

Yay first! :o) Mine are up!

Happy Friday to everyone!

Stacey said...

Miss. Clippy gets the gold, but I'll settle for Silver!
Look Here :0)

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

bronze medal right here..LOL

Dez said...

Happy Friday! Mine's up

libby said...

Thanks so much for getting this up earlier. Means I can do it on Friday (in Australia) rather than Saturday :-).


Unknown said...

Mine's Here

Have a happy weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

I am up!

Megan, Life Revamped said...

mine's up!

have a great weekend everyone!

xoxo, fickle

my FFI

Anonymous said...

A Time To... visit mine HERE.

Have a great weekend!

achildoftheking said...

Mine will be up in the morning at
A Child of the King.

Sally said...

I've enjoyed stopping by everyone so far's blogs!!! <3

Here's mine :

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! (:

Marice said...

wanna have some of this? have a happy weekend!
taste this?

Admin T.H said...

did here

~ Mhay ~ said...

Mine is up here.

Have a great weekend!

Proud Mommy said...

Happy Weekend everyone!

Mine is up here

Wrighty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wrighty said...

I missed a few weeks but I'm back now! I can't stay away from the fun too long! Mine are HERE.

Happy weekend!

Rims said...

This one was fun I enjoyed doing it

Hope you like it

Cacai M. said...

Hello, everyone.. quiet early today or is it just me who is late.. :-) Here's My Friday Fill-Ins

Thanks God It's Friday!

Anonymous said...

Mine is over here.

Have a good weekend!

Vanniedosa said...

I've joined!

have a fun weekend everyone :)

Sassy Brit @ said...

Great fun! Here is mine: Kidnap and Murder anyone? .


Beth said...

I'm back!
Here are my fill-ins for this week.

CHAT said...

mine is here.
have a great weekend everyone!

Annie said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday!

Dawn said...

Happy Friday everyone! My answers can be found
I do hope you will stop by. :-)

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Mine are here

Juanita said...

Having fun reading everyone's fill-ins. My first time at

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Happy Friday, everyone. My answers are up.

Little Mama said...

Check out my answers here!

The Edgeof17-Edgeof17 Blogspot said...

Happy Friday to everyone

Marie said...

here's mine:

Cara {My Blog} said...

Mine's Up! Happy Weekend!

Electra said...

Here's mine!

~Bry~ said...

Mine are up....

CMash said...

Happy Friday! My answers are here

Shoeaholic said...

Joining here..

Emily said...

Here are my tired responses:

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. Why are you making _such a ruckus_?
2. I want you to take _the trash out and please empty the waste paper baskets_.
3. _We'll try it your way and if that doesn't work_ then it will be on my terms.
4. _Let's talk more_ and see what happens.
5. I could use a _drink and I keep forgetting that by the time I get home_.
6. _Sweaty things_ and then _a shower_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _seeing Alice in Wonderland_, tomorrow my plans include _a baby shower (gotta get a present in the morning)_ and Sunday, I want to _have a quiet day but that's not to be_!

Happy weekend, Miss J.

Diana_CT said...

You threw me off by having the same picture as last week. When I saw the picture, I thought, "Oh she didn't post the new questions yet!" Oh well...

My answers are posted here

cheesecakepoi said...

My answers are posted now.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Life On Our Own said...

Mine's up here:

Happy Friday to everyone!

Dawn said...

Mine is up too :)

Dawn @ <a href=">Coming to a Nursery Near You</a>.

Ariadne said...

Mine is here:

grace said...

Mine is up! Its all about the Lenten Season... a truth we must all believe.Try to visit it!

Yankecwgrl said...

here are mine!

Marites said...

Mine is up here

anne said...

Happy Friday Fill Ins mine is up and its here thanks

Carielle said...

Mine are up :) Happy Friday!

_el@i_ said...

first time to play here

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Happy Friday! I haven't joined this fun exercise for a while, but I thought it would be fun to do so again. And I've been enjoying the postings from other Friday Filler-in bloggers.

Here's my link for today:

Happy Friday!

Life With The Boys! said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday!

**** April **** said...

I'm up!!!

Lulu said...

My Friday Fill-ins for this week!

Shelly B said...

Here's mine!

Tracy said...

This is my first time participating...Fun!

Jack said...

Whoopie! it's Friday :)

Here are mine.

Becca said...

Mine are up!

Bekah said...

They were challenging this week.
Here are Mine

Lapdog Creations said...

Happy Friday everyone!

Mine is up here!

Race said...

mine's up at

Jane said...

Thanks so much - I love these!!

Kwizgiver said...

Happy Friday!s

Gal Friday said...

TGIF! My "Fill-in" is up...

Cat. said...

My answers are up.

Chapter Two said...

I am playing this week again.

Laane said...

And here are mine.

Have a wonderful weekend!

CJ said...

Yay! I did one! You can see it here!


Andrea said...

Here is my Fill-In

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted:

Lisa said...

I'm late.

Here's Mine.

Mariposa said...

Glad I made it...better late than never so they say!

Happy Friday to all!

Mariposa's Friday Fill-ins