Thursday, April 15, 2010


Friday Fill-Ins we go!

1. I'd like _____________.
2. One of my most favorite romantic memories is _________.
3. Last night, I had __________ for dinner.
4. Sorry for the _____________.
5. Can we ______________ now?
6. One of my worst temptations is ________; ________ hard to resist!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Liz said...

Wow! I am first?? Mine will be up at midnight!

Bing Yap said...

Mine's up HERE

happy weekend!!!

Diana_CT said...

my answers are posted here.

Have a great weekend! :-)

Megan, Life Revamped said...

Happy weekend everyone!

Mine's here HERE


Admin T.H said...

mine is here

anne said...

Hi Mine is up already thanks

Ozzy's Mom said...

mine is up!

enjoy the weekend :)

Brandt! said...

i'll be up at 7:00 am EST .. Happy weekend!

Marice said...

happy weekend everyone

Proud Mommy said...

Mine is up!

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

here is mine

Loverboy said...

Mine is up!

Cari said...

Mine is here!

Unknown said...

Just finished mine!

Have a super weekend, everyone!

achildoftheking said...

Mine's up here.

toni said...

here's mine.
happy weekend!

Beth said...

You will find mine here.

Jodi said...

Mine is here. Happy Friday everyone!!

Anonymous said...

I am late! Here is my fill-in!

Thoughts and Beyond said...

Happy FF everyone and enjoy the weekend!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Mine are up here: www.lifescrapsandpatches.blogspot.coom
Happy Friday, everyone.

Ryzmomplus2 said...

mine is HERE

Electra said...

I did mine first thing this morning! It's here
Have a great weekend, everyone!

**** April **** said...

I'm up HERE Happy Friday everyone!

Anonymous said...

I thought the weekend would never come! But, it's Spring! And, it's Friday! Find mine here. Blessings on your day!

Chapter Two said...

I posted - woohoo

Marie said...

My link is up here:

Happy Friday!:)

Billy Rhythm said...

I'm up. I'll be around to visit others later.

Stephanie said...

Here are mine!

Yay for Friday's!

Quest said...

Mine's up :)

Chris said...

Hi everyone! My post is up!

Beth P. said...

I joined in the fun today! Check out my post here!

Life With The Boys! said...

Mines up!

Lynda said...

Mine is up here:

Yankecwgrl said...

Mine is here.....a bit late, but you know!!!

Leslie @ Lay It On Me Designs said...

Mines up HERE

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

Completed my Friday Fill-Ins... thanks for the fun!

Taylor said...

Thanks. I've got mine up.

krystal said...

Mines up!

Beth Zimmerman said...

Mine is up at

~Bry~ said...

Mine is up!

Dez @ My Life in This Wonderful World said...

Have a great weekend everyone! Mine's uphere

Kasi said...

Just posted mine!

Lulu said...

Here is My Friday Fill-ins.... Have fun everyone!

Kwizgiver said...

Have a GREAT weekend!

Stacey said...

Come visit me HERE.

Andrea said...

Here's my Fill-in

Amooretto said...

Remembered to do them this week! Here is mine

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted:

Anonymous said...

Here is mine:

Have a great weekend!

Jodi said...

I played.
WOw, it's been a while!

Jen said...

joining in the fun again this week. here's my entry happy weekend everyone!

Lori said...

I'm in, barely, HERE

cheesecakepoi said...

My answers are posted here.

Happy weekend.

Gal Friday said...

It's been too long that I have filled in one of these and I'm glad I did it this week--this was a fun one, Janet--thanks!

Deana said...

My first Friday Fill-In is up. =) Have a great weekend everyone- I'll be trying to visit you all on Sunday.

Natalie A. said...

Have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!!

Shawna said...

I finally got mine done.

Race said...

mine's up at

eva said...

here is mine.


Jhari said...

I'm late. But here's mine.

Cacai M. said...

Hello! Happy weekend filling-ins.. :-) Here's My Friday Fill-Ins (4/17/10)

Have a great day! ;-)

Cara {My Blog} said...

Mine's Up! Even if it's late. =}