Thursday, May 13, 2010


fridayfillin.gif we go!

1. I just had _____________.
2. _________ is.
3. The third sentence on the 7th page of the book I'm reading: __________.
4. _____________ tickles my fancy.
5. I was walking ______________.
6. ________ makes me laugh!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Dez @ My Life in this Wonderful World said...

Happy Friday everyone!
mine's up here!

Taylor said...

Thanks! Mine is up early. I thought I set it for tomorrow but didn't. :)

marites1034 said...

Mine's up here. have a nice weekend!!

Diana_CT said...

My answers are poated here.

Have a great weekend. :-)

Marie said...

mine is up here:

CHAT said...

Mine is up here. Happy weekend!

Random WAHM Thoughts said...

Mine's already posted HERE!

Marice said...

here's mine! have a happy weekend!

Chie Wilks said...

mine is up

kt moxie said...

Happy Friday. Here's mine.

stephanie said...

I am up at midnight PST. Happy Friday :D

And thanks, Janet.

toni said...

here's my entry:

happy weekend everyone!

Electra said...

Mine is done here
I hope everyone has a funny weekend!

gengen said...

Wow it is my first time joining...

Mine is here

Rims said...

Mine's up

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

HEY here is MIne..

Unknown said...

Happy Friday guys! Mine is

Race said...

happy friday!

mine's up at

Beth said...

My thoughts can be found at this location.

Lulu said...

My Friday Fill-ins are up now! Have a great weekend everyone

Bitz 'n Pieces
Mouth's Delight
Musings of Life

Admin T.H said...


Mariposa said...

Happy Friday to all!

Mariposa's Friday Fill-ins

Tammy said...

Mine are up here.

Ozzy's Mom said...

even though we have slow internet connection i managed to participate :)

mine is up ..

have a great weekend!

Annie said...

Mine are up! Happy Weekend!

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Mine is here

Beth P. said...

Happy Friday!

My answers are here

Unknown said...

Here's mine!!

Anonymous said...

*ding* Mine are done! =)

Billy Rhythm said...

I'll be around later to read and comment. In the meantime, why don't you check out my answers?

Stephanie said...

Here are mine! Have a wonderful weekend :)

CMash said...

TGIF every one!! My fill-ins are posted here

**** April **** said...

I'm linked up today HERE

Beth Zimmerman said...

Mine is up here.

Thoughts and Beyond said...

Happy FF everyone!

Jenny said...

I love this!!!!

A Peek Into My Life said...

I'm a newbie poster. ;)

Kari said...

These were fun! Mine are up, too:

Prettymom said...

mine's up.. click my name for the link.. c yah..

Dee said...

Hello everyone! Hope you're having a great Friday! Here's mine.

burn said...

Mine is also up!

Angi said...

Mine is up.

Angi from Tim and Angi's Family Blog

Jack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jack said...

Try this again! Happy Friday :)


Ms. Journ said...

Finally mine is up. My FFI Entry.

Kim, USA said...

Mine is up.

Friday Fill-In

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine is up. Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

You will find my take here -
Enjoy your weekend!

P.S. I would love a tutorial (for Dummies)on how to do a direct link to post... please? Anyone?
Thanks in advance

Jen said...

I'm joining this week too. Here's my entry for this week.

Lapdog Creations said...

TGIF - Go B's!

Mine is up here!

CeCe said...

Happy Friday! Mine is up.

Anonymous said...

I am in late.

Laane said...

Mine are up ::here::

Have a great weekend!

Emily said...

It's a little late, but here's mine:

Kwizgiver said...

Have a great weekend!

Sel said...

hi mine is up here! that was fun, thanks, happy weekends ya'll.

cheesecakepoi said...

I am late again but it's posted here now.

Have a great weekend.

maritz said...


☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Happy Friday, my FFI is up now

Forgetfulone said...

Forgot to leave my link this morning!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm new and I live here:

Wishing all a great weekend!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Just finished the Friday Fill-Ins on Saturday morning. Happy weekend, everyone.

beastmomma said...

Mine are late, but I still think they are fairly great:

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Janet

Thanks for commenting on my blog! Your Friday Fill-Ins looks like fun..I'll have to join in someday soon.