Thursday, March 24, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

FFI we go!

1. Why does it _____.

2. _____ is equal _____.

3. My favorite breakfast includes _____.

4. _____ was the last book I read _____.

5. I am SO glad _____.

6. _____ would make me feel better right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Marice said...

have a great week ahead!here's mine

Work at Home Mom Wannabe said...

Happy weekend! Here's my entry

ShannonW said...

HERE is my post. Happy Friday!

jennifer said...

Mine is here:

gengen said...

Nice ones.... mine is up...

~ Mhay ~ said...

My fill-ins are here.

Happy Friday!

Nofretiri said...

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It's another wonderful Friday morning and we proudly present you Nofretiris Friday Fill-Ins 2011-12!

We wish you all a good Friday & a happy weekend!

DEZ said...

TGIF! mine's up HERE

Carielle said...

Mine are up! Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Jack said...

I am up here!

Stop by for a visit this weekend :)

Tamara said...

Hi, I've been slack - but I've done mine this week.

Unknown said...

Happy Friday!

MIne is here.

Electra said...

Thanks for these fill ins!
Mine are done here

Race said...

happy weekend to all, mine's up at

Chie Wilks said...

mine is up TGIF!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

MommyLES said...

Happy weekend everyone, here is my Friday Fill Ins

Andie said...

Yay! Fridays :D
Here are mine

jared's mum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jared's mum said...

tgif! my post is up too!
jared's little corner

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here...

Have a great weekend everyone!

Sandra Collins said...

Here's my entry!! Happy Weekend!

A said...

Happy Weekend Everyone! :) Mine is here! :)

Barbara said...

Happy Friday!  My fill ins are up here.


Gal Friday said...

I'm playing along this week:

Happy Friday!

♥ MomieQueen ♥ said...

here's my entry

Dawn said...

is my post. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!! :-)

Billy Rhythm said...

I'm up, and happy. I got to post about breakfast, the best meal of the day! :-)

Deb said...

Good morning all!

My first time ... be gentle with me:
i'm walking on sunshine

Pain SUX said...

Hi there.
Here is my post.

I guess I really need to figure out how all you put a link within this box.
In fact someone tried to tell me once, but that was before my son ran away....


Cinnamon said...

I just found you and intend to follow every week. Thanks for something to do on Friday !! LOL

Shelly B said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Great meme, I like this!
My entry is at

Happy weekend everyone :)

peachkins said...

done with mine!

Jessica said...

Friday Fill-ins #12

Tasha said...

My fill-in is here...Happy Friday!!

Lapdog Creations said...

Happy Friday!

Mine is up here!

smg said...

My first one:

Kari said...

HERE are mine. Everyone have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

My fill in are complete, a wonderful weekend to all.

Jana said...

Here's mine:

Lulu said...

happy weekend everyone... mine is here:

Michele James-Parham said...

Kwizgiver said...

What a great spring photo!

Thanks for another fun Fill-in! Have a great weekend.

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

here is mine

sara said...

Bellezza said...

Happy Spring, everyone! Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

here ya go....

Andrea said...

Here is my Fill-In

Thoughts and Beyond said...

My FF is up! Enjoy the weekend!