Thursday, April 7, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill-Ins we go!

1. In the near darkness _____.

2. _____ til further notice.

3. But this _____.

4. _____ in the stream.

5. It's always nice _____.

6. _____ and pleasant company.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Marice said...

have a nice weekend!here's mine

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here...

Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Electra said...

Yay, I' done fairly soon!
It's here!

Kerslyn said...

My entry is up. It feels great to be back on track (after so long)!

Have a great weekend everybody!

Andie said...

Happy Friday!
Here we go :)

Vanniedosa said...

...i posted!

here's mine ;)

Sandra Collins said...

Here's mine

Gal Friday said...

My fill-in's are up! :-)

Chie Wilks said...

posted mine

gengen said...

Mine is up..Thanks for hosting...

genny said...

have a nice weekend everyone. mine is up here:

Dawn said...

Right here
is my post. I hope you have time to stop by. Have a great weekend! :-0

~ Mhay ~ said...

My entry for this week's FF is here.

Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

My post:

Reading Homeschooler said...

Yes, thanks that I still made it! Here's mine...

sunshine said...

my first entry..have a great weekend

Nofretiri said...

Have a dediCATed look on Nofretiris Friday-Fill-In: 2011-14

Karin & her 8 paws wish you a Happy Weekend! =^..^=

kat said...

Im playing...have a great weekend everyone.

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. In the near darkness _we will find someone to comfort us_.

2. _Spring time dammit!_ til further notice.

3. But this _a long day, I'm ready to go home_.

4. _There's a nice breeze_ in the stream.

5. It's always nice _to curl up with a book in a sunny spot_.

6. _Good food_ and pleasant company.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _hanging out with friends while we clean and prep for a party_, tomorrow my plans include _our Spring party_ and Sunday, I want to _show James the house where I grew up_!

Happy weekend, Janet. I'm glad we have dinner last night! <3 you.

ThinkMeStrange said...

Mine is here:

4streegrrl said...

Just posted mine after a long hiatus.

Barbara said...

Happy Friday everyone!  Mine are up here.


ham1299 said...

My turn:

Kwizgiver said...

Thanks for the great fill-ins! Hope it's a wonderful weekend.

ShannonW said...

Happy Friday to All! My post is HERE

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said... autolink isn't working so here it the URL

Amy said...

I did it, and now bring on the pizza and beer!

jared's mum said...

great weekend everyone! here's my entry

Unknown said...

Here is mine. :)

Thanks for hosting.

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

Mine's up! Check it HERE.

Tamara said...

Hi again, I've done mine (a little late) - enjoy!

michele james-parham said...