Thursday, August 11, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

FFI we go!

1. The only question is _____.

2. _____ in one day.

3. Three things on my desk: _____.

4. _____ is the one thing I HAVE to do today!

5. I love playing with _____.

6. _____ overwhelms the senses.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Marice said...

have a great weekend! here's mine

Chat said...

Mine is up here.

Have a great weekend everyone.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Thank you for the fill ins post.

Posted my answers at Worth's World

Trisha said...

This is my first time! My link is here. What a great meme.

Jack said...

I played this week. Happy weekend!


Mom's Place said...

Mine is up now.

Mom's Place

Chat Noir said...

Made it on Friday at last!! Here are mine:

jared's mum said...
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jared's mum said...

i miss doing this! my post is also up after a very loooong absence...
happy weekend!

Rocks said...

Mine is here :)

Have a happy weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Mine is up at my normal time this week!

Vanniedosa said...

happy weekend guys! =)

Michelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle said...

First time to join and here's mine:

♪Chiquitita said...

Happy Friday! Here are my Friday Fill Ins.

gengen said...

Mine is up too...

Mine is here

Kwizgiver said...

Thanks for the fun, Janet! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

jlshall said...

My Fill-Ins are right here.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Chapter Two said...

I played this week again:

Remember my Thursday post is NSFW

Logtar said...

MEMED! Twice! now

Anonymous said...

Mine's up now:

Shoppamomma said...

joining today!

My Friday Fill-in

eMelectric said...

Happy Friday, kids! I have filled-in.

Wishing you all a restful weekend.

Cathy Kennedy said...

Thanks for hosting Janet! I hope you have a good weekend, and be sure to check it out… Friday Fill-In Fun answers and if time permits you may want to read WHAT’S HAPPENING TO MY TEETH

Your friend,
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Electra said...

Have a great weekend! Mine are here

C. J. Smith said...

I'm new here but this looks like fun! Mine are here:

Kari said...

HERE are mine! Everyone have a great weekend!

ham1299 said...

My turn:

FRANCINE said...

mines here

Lulu said...

please check my entry here:

Cat. said...

My blanks are filled in.

Hope everyone's weekend goes well and has moments of joy.

Kasi said...

Posted mine :)

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful weekend, here is

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up!

Dez said...

Mine's up here:

Shahz said...

mine is late again and been missing plenty of Friday fill.ins.. .. visit. visit!

Cacai M. said...

How's everybody? I hope you have a great day! Am playing and here's
My Friday Fill-Ins!

Come-by anytime! I'll wait. :-)

Marites said...

Am late but my entry is here.

Mommy Dharlz said...

late entry: