Thursday, January 24, 2013


Lots of thanks and much love to my cousin for filling in for me last week (pun!) we go!

1. Wow, this _____.
2. _____ trivia.
3. Finally, I'm _____.
4. _____ all right with me.
5. Sweet or savory: _____.
6. _____ are new.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

It's come to my attention that the Friday Fill-Ins is apparently attracting spammers who are trying to lure participants to their blog. To counteract this, if your Friday Fill-In post isn't at the top of your blog on Friday, your link will be deleted. I will be checking this each Friday. Also, the link-up on Mr. Linky will close on Saturday from now on. Thanks for your understanding (this will stay at the top for awhile).


The Wifey's Journal said...

Mine's up. I definitely missed this!

Unknown said...

This is my second entry for this meme. I love it so far...Visiting you here

Chat Noir said...

Its Friday again!! It just might be my favourite day.

crazycatlady said...

Mine are up!

Roben-Marie said...

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Have a good weekend folks x

Chapter Two said...

I haven't played for a whirl again. a bit rusty

Kelly said...

I forgot to link up! EEK!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!