Thursday, April 24, 2008

Friday Fill-In #69

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT! I like to visit everyone who plays, so if I haven't been to see you, that's why. There’s one person…I think her name is Deb, who I’ve never been able to visit because her blog is private :-(

BTW, THANK YOU ALL for fulfilling my wish to get 100 comments! You guys ROCK!

1. When I fell in love _____!
2. _____ when the flowers bloom and it heats up outside!
3. Oh no! The internet connection is down, _____.
4. _____ is the craziest tv show ever.
5. Cheese and _____ make a great meal!
6. _____ a garden.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Julie said...

Done. May this be the first comment of THOUSANDS!!

Heather said...

1. When I fell in love __I think about the person too much ;)___!
2. __I love it___ when the flowers bloom and it heats up outside!
3. Oh no! The internet connection is down, __time to use the iphone___.
4. __Lost___ is the craziest tv show ever.
5. Cheese and ___wine__ make a great meal! (for you!)
6. __I love to work in___ a garden.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __hanging out friends___, tomorrow my plans include __free clinic___ and Sunday, I want to __take some pics___!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Yay! I guess having to stay late @ work has it's upsides. I'm not one of the last this week!

michelle said...

Mine are up and they are here

I hope the Fill Ins top 150 this week!

ShannonW said...

My responses are up!

YAY! It's Friday!

YellowRose said...

I'm up!! Have a wonderful Friday!!

ShannonW said...

Hi Again!

Summer sausage is the general term for any sausage that can be kept without the need of refrigeration. Summer sausage is usually a mixture of pork and other meat such as beef and venison. Summer sausage can be either dried or smoked, and curing ingredients can vary significantly, although some sort of curing salt is almost always used. Seasonings may include mustard seeds, black pepper, garlic salt, or sugar.

In spite of its name, summer sausage actually tends to be made in the autumn, during traditional hunting seasons in North America and Europe. Summer sausage, like all sausages, makes use of leftover scrap meat and organ meat that would otherwise be wasted.

A particular kind of summer sausage is popular in North Dakota, occasionally containing cheese in addition to meat. This type of summer sausage is smoked rather than dried and is generally best kept and eaten cold, though it can be cooked.

Ananya said...

mine are up!:)hoipe u r feeling better...have a gr8 week end!

Melli said...

Okie dokey! Mine is up!
Now... to see what y'all are up to!

Butchay said...

mine is up, TGIF!! :)

Tasha said...

I have posted mine!

Julia said...

I'm early this week!

Anonymous said...

This is my first Friday Fill-in :) Come visit... Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Happy Friday. My fill-ins are done.

Anonymous said...

Whoof!! My fill in is filled in... doggy style!!

Kelly Keating-Caraway said...

Yet another great week of Friday Fill-ins....
Until next time!!

sally906 said...

mine is up here :)

There's a link to my "games" page from my main blog too :)

MaR said...

Mine is up, happy Friday :)

Anonymous said...

Great List! I've posted mine.

Anonymous said...

Robin L said...

I played for the first time.

Anonymous said...

I'm Baaaaack! LOL

Here is my list

candyQ said...

Mine's up. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :o)

Ronnie said...

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

oooh chocolate party...yum and enjoy!

Mine are up this week :)

Julie Q said...

i heart friday fill-ins!!!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

Lynda said...

Mine's up - have a good weekend every one ;0)

Maria's Space said...

Mine are fun.

Strlady said...

This is my first Friday Fill-In!

I posted here:
Friday Fun

ami said...

All filled in :)

Tara @ Tales of a Book Addict said...

Mine are up - sorry I've been MIA the last few weeks, trying to get moved.

Anonymous said...

I've been filling these for the last few weeks, but I'm finally getting around to commenting! ^_^ Thank you for fun things to fill out.

(not set to private)

Anonymous said...

Great questions! Mine are up here:


Billy Rhythm said...

A rip-stavin' fill in has been posted over at

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.
Happy Anniversary to me!

Hope you can stop on by!

Christine Duff said...

Fun questions again this week!

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. When I fell in love _last time, I knew it before he did_!
2. _I mostly love it_ when the flowers bloom and it heats up outside! (I wish there were pollen-less flowers but then there wouldn't be flowers.)
3. Oh no! The internet connection is down, _I'm gonna read a book or go outside_.
4. _Any one of those reality shows_ is the craziest tv show ever.
5. Cheese and _crackers_ make a great meal!
6. _I love walking around in_ a garden.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _a little quiet time at home_, tomorrow my plans include _helping a friend pack up her house_ and Sunday, I want to _eat tasty food with my sweetheart_!

Happy weekend, Janet!

Unknown said...

Mine is up. Have a great week!

Deb R said...

I decided to play this week and my answers are here.

Kwizgiver said...

Thanks for the great fill ins! And kudos on 100 comments!!!!!

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Happy Friday!!!!!

Mine's up!

Joe said...


OMH said...

Done....My Daughter-in-Law hooked me up with your Friday Fill-ins last week and I LOVE THEM......but sometimes they really make you think hehehe!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! 2nd edition :)

Karen said...

I'm joining in on the the fun!

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Hey Janet, I think that "Deb" was me! I just realized that my Blogger profile had not been updated in, like, 5 years lol! I updated it this morning and now it links back to my WordPress blog. Thanks for the heads up. I was totally clueless until today that there was a problem. Duh!

Moonstruck Girl said...

Hi Janet,

Mine is up :)


Florinda said...

Happy Friday - here are mine!

Anonymous said...

I'm in again!

non compos mentis said...

mine's up....great fill-ins this week..thanx janet...

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Hey all mines up this morning!!!

Terry said...

It is so fun to do these. Terry

Quilt-nut blog

Anonymous said...

Mine is up

Anonymous said...

I'm up & running now.

LA Nickers said...

Thanks. I enjoyed doing this.

Here's mine:

JUST FOR FUN, A FRIDAY FILL-IN on Practically at Home

Blessings all around,
Practically at Home - on blogspot

Kristen said...

i'm adding mine right after i leave my comment :)

stephanie said...

I made it! Gasp.

Kathy N said...

Wow. 63 posts already! Well, I've posted mine too.

Anonymous said...

I've got mine up.

Keep this is so much fun!


Barb said...

Ok I have mine up... hope everyone has a great weekend!

tanabata said...

Mine's up.

Jason Marz said...

I'm in and have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

I'm late- slugging away on west coast time AND sleeping in! ;-)

Pooch said...

sarah. said...

Just posted mine.

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Mine are finally up this week! Yay!

amypfan said...

I'm a fan!

Kim said...

Mine's up.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up up up :)

Jack said...

Yay! You got your 100 last week :)
Here is mine. Took me a while to do this one!

April said...

Just put mine up! :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Liza said...

I played!!

cre8tivkj said...

I am up here finally. Busy day today. Thanks for letting me play!

Tina said...

Sorry it's so late put up! Been hectic today!

This is mt first one too :)

Love this meme.

Retro Girl said...

Done! Better late than never LOL.

Come visit me :-)

Have a great weekend!

Nyssaneala said...

Mine's up!

jlshall said...

My first attempt at Fill-Ins. And it's here:

beastmomma said...

Here are mine:

GirlyWithATwist said...

I just got mine up.

Anonymous said...

I've been neglecting most of my internet world lately, but I'm back again.

Here's my first fill-in in over a month.

Jodi said...

I did mine this morning and I forgot to leave a comment!

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet,

My first week's is up! Fun questions!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Janet! Mine is up. :-)

JCB said...

mine are up :)

Anonymous said...

I'm finally up. Whew!

tommie said...

got this done! happy Friday, y'all

Anonymous said...

I'm in again this week.

: )

Anonymous said...

Ok, mine are up. have a great weekend everyone

Anonymous said...

My first Friday Fill-in. I like it!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Okie dokie! This looks like fun! Mine is at

3rdEyeMuse said...

almost 100 ... :) Feel free to check out my responses at:

ciao! ~M~

Deanne said...

I actually got my FF up on Friday!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Finally up!

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

How coooool to see 100+ here!! Wonderful!

Just posted mine:


alisonwonderland said...

over 100 comments again! way to go!

mine is here.

califmom said...

better late than's up

Anonymous said...

Here are mine and it's only Saturday. I am sooooo improving!

Anonymous said...

What fun! I found you today so am doing my first entry two days late! You can find my fill-ins at

Pooch said...


Thank you so much for stopping by with comments. That must take a monumental amount of time! I'm thinking some sort psychological project happening here???? Anyway, I love it!!


Moxy Jane said...

And here I am...right on time! Someone has to bring up the rear, right?! Thanks as always, Janet!

MoxyJane in Austin

Anonymous said...

My answers are finally up. Here's the link:

Have a great week, everyone!


ratmammy said...

i had to post late! we were in japan starting thursday and your FRIDAY FILL IN wasn't posted yet!!!! we are back now....

ratmammy said...

oops.. here's my blog link!

cmw said...

Last in line -- didn't forget -- was gone for a while.

Up at last, almost in time for next week's -- here.

Missed everyone.

Lendal said...

Hi Janet,
a tad late in the week, but life is like that!!

Haven't done this for a while....

1. When I fell in love she sat on my lap...!

2. Can't wait for.... when the flowers bloom and it heats up outside!

3. Oh no! The Internet connection is down, I'll have to read a book, something.

4. Q (Spike Milligan) is the craziest TV show ever.

5. Cheese and piccalilli in fresh baked white bread make a great meal!

6. The cat's have been ***** in (our) a garden.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

I;ll skip this one and wait till Friday - but tonight I'm looking forward to the gym and then Chelsea v Liverpool on TV