Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and happy holidays to all! Questions this week are courtesy of Heather from It's All About The Hat! Thanks, Heather :-)

Also, some good news about Dad. While he's still in the hospital, he is feeling better and has regained his ability to swallow...and he's talking up a storm, although it's still very hard to understand him! Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts :-) we go!


1. I must _____ before I die.

2. You can't stop _____.

3. I wish I never had to buy _____ again.

4. _____ has helped me change my life.

5. I know the song _____ by heart.

6. If I weren't so afraid, I would _____.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


K Dubs said...

Fantastic about your Dad, glad to hear he's still improving :)

Mine will be up after midnight!

Merry Christmas! :)


Anonymous said...

That's a great news! Hope he continues to recover

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

Great news!

Always love these questions..and so do my commentors!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine are ready Merry Christmas

NoBS said...

Hi! I'm up and playing along! Congratulations on you dad! Merry Christmas!

ShannonW said...

I have posted...HERE!

Great news about your dad! Positive thoughts still coming his way!

Buddhist, RN said...

Love the questions. Mine are up!

jlshall said...

I'm so happy to hear the news about your dad, Janet. Hope he continues to get well fast!

My Fill-Ins are here.

Anonymous said...

Mine are ready as well! :)

Butchay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Butchay said...

mine is here:

Terri said...

Glad to hear the good news about your dad!

My fill-ins are here.

Sherrie said...

Good to hear your dad is doing better!! My Friday Fill-In is posted. Something for your listening pleasure! You can see it here:


Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas or a Joyous Hanukkah.

See you all next year :)

Billy Rhythm said...

What, everyone got the day off today? Come visit me once you get going! (More prayers for your Dad from me...)

Yvonne said...

Mine is up

Anonymous said...

Glad to read that your Dad is improving. My answers are up. Happy New Year!

cheatymoon said...

Janet, I'm glad your dad is talking so much. What a cool Christmas gift!

Have a great weekend!

Kimber said...

My answers are up. :)

Florinda said...

Filling in on Friday.

Glad to hear your dad is feeling better, Janet!

teabird said...

I'm so glad to hear about your Dad!

My answers are up at Tea Leaves.

sara said...

Mine is up! Great news about your dad!!!

262mom said...

Hope everyone had a good Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas I am UP!

Lisa said...

CJ said...

That is great news about your dad!

My answers are here:


Amber said...

posted mine, what a relief to get back to normalcy :o)

YellowRose said...

Good news and looking forward to more!!!!

Another Suburban Mom said...

I am giving this one a try! Thanks!

eMelectric said...

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I'm so pleased to hear about your Dad, Janet. I hope he will go from strength to strength! I have filled in here.

Shana said...

Happy Holidays to you!

Got my fill ins posted. Can't believe it's Friday. I'm in some kind of post-calendar holiday shock.

Kwizgiver said...

Thanks for the questions, Heather!

And yippee for Dad! I hope there is continued improvement.

Phoenix said...

I am so glad that he is doing well and I am still praying he continues to get better!! ((((HUGS))))

Happy Friday Everyone! :)

Jodi said...

That is fantastic news about your Dad. I hope he keeps getting better & better each day!!

Mine are posted.
Happy New Year!!

MySharonAnne said...

here is mine:

Gal Friday said...

Wonderful coming here and reading about the good news about your Dad! :-)
After a few weeks where I didn't participate, my Friday Fill-in's are up :

Anonymous said...

I'm up!!
I'm so very glad to hear about your dad's improvement.
Happy Holidays!

Paula said...

Mine are up!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

gwenlyn said...

Mine are here!

Jodi said...

I am all filled in again!

Anonymous said...

Great news about your dad! Great questions! Happy New Year!

Dena said...

Great news!

I have mine up now:

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone had a great Christmas- I'm very late today

Allison said...

Paired it with Food 4 Thought yet again.


Anonymous said...

Mine is up! I hope everyone has a great Christmas :)


Anonymous said...

mine is ready, Happy New Year

♥SomethingPurple♥ said...

Happy TGIF!

Mine is up HERE
Glad to know your Dad is getting OK :)

Amarie said...

So glad to hear Dad is doing better!

Staci said...

So glad to hear that your dad's health is improving...YEAH!!!

Here's mine:

beastmomma said...

I, too, am glad that your dad is improving. Here are mine:

Susan said...

I'm new. Here is mine.

that girl said...

just found this site and linked to it.


Barbara said...

So glad to here that your dad is doing better. Hope that you had a happy holiday.

planettreasures said...

Hope everyone had a good christmas.
I'm confused as to what day of the week it is, so I'm a bit late.

Julie said...

Good news about your Dad :)
I played - better late than never.

Lee said...

So wonderful the news about your dad.

I have been posting my FFI in my blog but forget to let you know. So, I'm letting you know. 'Til next week.

Have a good one :)

Deanne said...

Glad to hear your Dad is making progress!

Mine FF are up here:

Jack said...

Almost forgot to play! Here is mine :)

Rach said...

better late than never...mine's now up :-)

FeeBeeKay said...

Hope you don't mind me linking to this idea - it is a wonderful idea and I couldn't resist posting it on my Blog.

Seasons Greetings and A Happy New Year from Northern Ireland


smariek said...

Always late...

I've added mine here

Cat. said...

I'm up but you'll have to scroll down a ways.

Happy in-between-time! ;-)

mandaroo63 said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
My Friday fill in

In My Opinion said...

I'm playing this week.

Tintin.Tetay said...

So good to hear that your dad is getting better.

I'm here:

Pat said...

Thanks for visiting my blog (and finding me through Sara's blog). I"m glad to hear your Dad is better. It is very stressful when parents are ill.

Anonymous said...

It's way uber late, but it's up:
