Thursday, July 9, 2009



Graphic courtesy of Tonya! we go!

1. The last thing I ate was _____ and _____.

2. _____ is something I recently bought.

3. When it rains, it _____

4. _____ was the first person I talked to today.

5. Hugs are _____.

6. _____ extra comfort.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Anonymous said...

Mine's up.

Happy Friday and hope everyone has a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!
Have a fun sunny weekend!

Julie said...

Happy Friday to all!
Here is mine!

Brenda said...

Finished. TGIF!

A said...

Yay I'm early this week! Here's mine! Happy Weekend everyone! :)

Kimberly Wright said...

Mine is scheduled to post at 7 am in the morning!

Dez said...


Mine's up here!

Anonymous said...

I just posted mine.


Anonymous said...

My html got messed up. Sorry about that.

Hereis the link.

Rims said...

Mine's up!

Read it from HERE

Happy weekend to all!

Stacy said...

a bit earlier than usual but mine are up.

planettreasures said...

Here's mine.
Have a great weekend everyone!

sally906 said...

mine are up here:

Have a great weekend everyone

Osbasso said...

I'm up!

Terri said...

I'm up! And so is my post!

~Kristina said...

oh yes and more yes!
Mine are up :)
Thanks for hosting. Have a stellar weekend!

cherry said...

Happy weekend everyone!

Here's mine

stephanie said...

Thanks, ladies. Happy happy weekend :D

Tricia (Proud Mommy) said...

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Mine Is Here

Anonymous said...

Mine are up- good ones this week!

Amber said...

I'm up
Have a great weekend everyone :oD

Chat Noir said...

Here are mine this week:

Happy weekend everyone.

Ozzy's Mom said...

its friday again!? time flies too fast nowadays :)

mine's UP

hope u all can drop by. Happy weekend.

callie said...

Up! early this time! lol

frizzyeatworld said...

Mine's here.


Mys said...
Mine's up there.

FRANCINE said...

mine's up here

have a great friday and a great weekend my friends

Carleen said...

My answers are up.

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend!

CHIKAI ♥ said...


Caspette said...

My fill ins are up here.

Rob Hood said...

Here's mine.

Sassy Brit @ said...

Mine is up! Have a great weekend!

Find it HERE.

I will visit anyone who comments on my post - so be warned! LOL


Life Scraps and Patches said...

Happy Friday, everyone. Good questions, Janet.

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Mine are up ;)

Gal Friday said...

I have just filled in the blanks--this was a nice and easy breezy summer one this time for me. Thanks, Janet!

wisteria said...

Mine are posted:

Yvonne said...

Mine is up here

NorahS said...

I posted, early for me! Read it here.

jlshall said...

My Fill-Ins are posted right here. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Lori L. Clark Art said...

TGIF! Mine are here.

Florinda said...

Filling in on Friday, and hoping everyone has a great weekend!

Jenny said...

Playing for the first time...

Missy B. said...

Here's mine:

BurtonReview said...

I'm later than everyone again, but it is up at The Burton Review
Happy Friday!

Jasra/Lisa said...

I played in my own sandbox:

Have a good weekend, chica.

Shelly B said...

Just posted mine. Happy Friday!!

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

Unknown said...

Happy Friday! I haven't played in awhile but did today.

Sherry said...

Mine is up! This one was fun and easy!

Barb said...

Happy Happy Friday...
I haven't played in a couple weeks... hope everyone is having a great summer

~Bry~ said...

Happy Friday

Chie Wilks said...

Mine is up. Happy filling everyone

Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

Happy Friday! Here's Mine!!!

A Girl Named Me said...

Mine is up!

Berleen said...

Hey! I played this week... I usually don't blog on Fridays, but I decided to shake up my life a little :)

Ananya said...

mine r up...hope u have a gr8 week end:)

Bri Schaaf said...

My Fill ins are posted!
Happy Friday All!

Marites said...

have a nice Friday! My fill-ins are here

Marites said...

have a nice Friday! My fill-ins are here

Kwizgiver said...

Cute graphic.

Happy weekend!

annies home said...

posted mine here

Tracee said...

My first time completing one of these. Thanks!


Becca said...

I just put mine up at

LA Nickers said...

Here's mine:


Taylor said...

It's a go!

Autumn said...

Better late than never!

Saffy said...

Mine's up:

darly said...

late again

Andrea said...

Here is my fill-in

Anonymous said...

Happy reading...

soleil said...

i played today. happy friday!

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Well nothing like bringing up the rear. But mines finally up. You can find it HERE. Happy Friday everyone

Liz said...

Whew! I almost didn't make it! But they are posted!

Happy weekend!

Stacey said...

Late as usual!

Kathleen said...

Happy Friday...mine are at:

Tracey@Aloha Monkeys said...

Happy Aloha Friday, Everyone!

Here's Mine.

Coffee Slut said...

Happy Friday!!!

Lady Sinistral said...

Mine are up! Have a great weekend!

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

I missed last week, but I'm here this time around!

Here's mine :

Joe said...


Linda Nguyen said...

Here's mine. =)

Maria's Space said...

I am up! Happy Friday everyone.

Jenny said...

joining this week

Mariposa said...

Doing my fill-ins at the airport while waiting for my flight...LOL

Will visit you all guys once I get back home.

netablogs said...

All done!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Billy Rhythm said...

I'm really late, but I'm filled in!

threesidesofcrazy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine is finally ready at

ms-teacher said...

Happy Friday Fill-In everyone :)

jezebelsk said...

1st time participant!

♥SomethingPurple♥ said...

Mine is up HERE.

Happy weekend everyone!

Sarah said...

Happy friday fill ins! Mine are up! :D

caryl said...

my answers are here.

happy weekend!

Digitally Different said...

Here is mine!

Race said...

Mine's up at

Butchay said...

happy friday!!

mines here

Isolated Existence. said...

I'm one day or two late! Happy weekend!

Lexi said...

Only a day late this week:

Cheryl B. said...

" When I write or share something about one of my friends in a posting, I always make sure I send them a copy of it, so they know what was said about them. Today I included information about you and your blog site in my posting, so I thought I should let you know about it as well."

The above paragraph is the first paragraph in an email I sent out today, to all of the owners of blogs whom host "theme days", that I could find email addresses for. {But I could not find an email address on your blog.} I have decided that from now on the only ones I will do such for, are any new "theme day(s)" hosts I find, whom I can not find an email address for. Contacting so-o many of you this way just takes w-a-y to much time!!! If you wish to again be notified that I am including you in a list, then PLEASE send me your email address via - pinkbunnies (at) sbcglobal (dot) com. I hereby promise I will NOT be giving it out. Also, please put something about "theme days" in the subject line. Thanks!!

The rest of the email is what I posted today on our blog. Go to: to read it for yourself.

Hopefully, it will then clarify of all of this for you ;-}

Cheryl B.

Anna said...

i guess i'm too early for fill-in 133, haha! here's my no. 132

have fun!


Shelly B said...

Mine is up after a long day at school!