Thursday, July 30, 2009



Graphic courtesy of Tonya! we go!

1. It's time for _____.

2. _____; it's not a bad place for _____.

3. I must be _____

4. _____ is the best thing I have ever known.

5. My _____ is simply _____.

6. The last time I laughed really loudly was _____.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Autumn said...

Mine's up! :)

Autumn said...

Oops: bundle-o-contradictions

Julie said...

Mine's up

Vanniedosa said...

mine's UP! come check it out :)

happy weekend!

sara said...

Mine will be up at midnight!

Mariposa said...

I'm UP as well...

Going to be now, but will visit everyone in the morning! Happy Friday!

Mariposa's Friday Fill-Ins

Anonymous said...

I couldn't think tonight, but I managed to get them posted.

Have an awesome weekend everyone!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Happy Friday, everyone. My answers are up.

Anonymous said...

I just posted mine here.

Beth said...

Some tough ones to think of answers for this week, but here is my attempt.

Rhonda said...

Wow, this looks like a fun meme, especially since I'm kind of fond of words! Here's my first attempt at playing along.

Dez said...

Happy Friday Everyone!

mine's up here

♥SomethingPurple♥ said...

Mine is up HERE.


Liza said...

I played today! :p

Old Mason Jar said...

Mine's up at
Old Mason Jar

Phoenix said...

Wonderful questions this week. I hope you have a great weekend! :)

Mine is here!

Dawn said...

I love Friday Fill-Ins! Thank you so much for hosting!!

Mine is up
right here.
Drop on by if you get a chance. :-)

Forgetfulone said...

I'm back! My post is up.

Anna said...

my fill-ins 135: fun world

have a fun weekend!


Ryan said...

Here is mine

MommyWizdom said...

Have a great weekend - Happy August - Yikes. Mine's up here.

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine will be up at 8 in the morning - Pacific time. :)

Cecile said...

mine is up now :-)

Terri said...

Mine's here.

Katrina said...

Mine is up

planettreasures said...

happy friday, everyone!

Rims said...

Finally my FF is up...Drop by

Tricia (ProudMommy) said...

Mine is now up.... Happy weekend!

Dena said...

Mine is up. :)

Julie said...

Happy Friday to all! Here is mine!

A said...

Mine is here! Happy weekend everyone!! :D

Book Chick City said...

First timer - mine is up HERE

Wrighty said...

It's always fun here, thanks Janet! My answers are up. Happy weekend!

Jane said...

Mine is up!

admin said...

would love to join..
here's mine -rache

Sarah said...

Up! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

Mai said...

Happy Weekend everyone! Mine's up.

Amber said...

I'm up, glad to be int he top 50 this week :o)

Lori's Reading Corner said...

Here's mine

Jodi said...

Mine is here. Have a great Friday!

Billy Rhythm said...

Yo, I'm up!

Admin T.H said...


did I do it correctly?

Cat. said...

I'm up. Have a super weekend, all.

Unknown said...

And I have posted mine, it can be found here.

FRANCINE said...

im player too here

BurtonReview said...

The Burton Review has another Royal Riddle..
The Burton Review

Carielle said...

Mine is up! Happy Friday everyone!

Susan Westberg said...

Mine is up - hope everyone has a great day!

My Friday Fillin!

Lori L. Clark Art said...

Mine are up - not too exciting, but they are here.

~Kristina said...

What can I say...I'm addicted!

wisteria said...

mines up too

domesticated diva said...

happy friday

mine is up

Stacey said...

I'm up too

Becca said...

Mines up at

hopeful said...

Mine is up too! This is my first participation in Friday fill-ins.

MySharonAnne said...

Mine is up:

stephanie said...

Finally ready :D

Happy weekend, all (Thanks, Janet!)

Chie Wilks said...'s fill-ins is hard

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up!

Have a good weekend!

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine is up here!
Happy Friday!

Marie said...

hello. better late than never.. mine's up @ this URL:

Ceri said...

Mine's here :-D

Alison said...

This is my first Friday Fill-In--it was fun! I'm hooked.

Kwizgiver said...

Happy Friday!!

Kelly said...

My Friday Fill-Ins


Cori said...

I had fun playing again this week ;-)

Mine are posted at

Taylor said...

Thanks so much! Mine is up. Enjoy your weekend!

Aimie said...

OOps! I slept in today, but mine are up now!

Lulu said...

mine is up too!

Anonymous said...

Mine are here:

Stacey said...

Mine is up...late as usual...

Lana said...

I have never done this but have decided to give it a try....I enjoyed it!
Here's mine!

Ane said...

My first one! THIS IS A FUN MEME!


Maria's Space said...

Happy start of the weekend everyone

Unknown said...

Mine's here - happy Friday!

Cala Gray said...

Mine's up! =)

Holly said...

Mine's up...

Holly's Charmed Life

Crystal said...

And mine are up!

Andrea said...

This one was hard for me.

Here's my fill-in

Shelly B said...

I've got mine posted.

bindhiya said...

Mine' up..
i think it is second time playing.
love to you all

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

Mine's up now :

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted:

Megan, Life Revamped said...

better late than never!

mine's up here

happy weekend, everyone!

Lisa said...

Mine is up!

CJ said...

Mine is up here.

Linda Nguyen said...

Here's mine! =)

cheesecakepoi said...

My answers are up!

Happy weekend.

Emerald Yomi said...

As always late as can be...but I'm up. I found these to be the hardest I've done yet. Either that or any form of creativity has completely left me...LOL Em. xx

AKoSiJene :) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achosijene said...

Here's mine :)

Robynn's Ravings said...

What fun!! Sorry to be so late to the party and especially sorry to be so late saying THANK YOU for following. I don't come close to having your level of popularity but I am always SO grateful when someone follows and decides to hang out with me occasionally. It is a gift. :)

I would love to grab this and participate at a later date. My blog is a little clogged right now! lol I just joined a blog hop on encouragement on top of my daily post.

Cala Gray said...

Mine is up! I am late though, shesh! hehehe